Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 351: Jia Dongxu's Unfortunate Death

on the way.

"You go there first, I'll go back to the yard and bring a catty of raisins to Sister Xiao'e." Jiang Ping'an said to Xu Damao.

Raisins are blood-enriching and warm fruits, so it would be better for Lou Xiaoe to eat some.

Xu Damao replied: "Then I'll go back to the courtyard with you and get a pack of cigarettes. I don't have any cigarettes on me."

The two turned around and returned to the courtyard in a short while.

"Haha, the second uncle's two hens are still dead!"

In the yard, I saw the second aunt scalding chicken feathers with boiling water, and Xu Damao gloated and laughed.

The second aunt raised her head and said angrily: "Xu Damao, my chicken died, isn't it funny?"

"Haha, I don't know if it's funny or not." Xu Damao laughed.

"But if you pluck the hair in the yard, you are not afraid of bringing the plague and infecting the chickens in other people's homes?"

The second aunt snorted coldly and said, "Our chicken didn't die from plague, but from malnutrition."

In fact, she was uneasy and well-intentioned. If her own chicken died, she also wanted other people's chickens to die.

That's why she secretly took the chicken back to the yard to pluck the feathers, hoping to bring back the disease.

Unexpectedly, Xu Damao, a bastard, would yell loudly as soon as he entered the yard, which made the second aunt a little scared.

After all, she is a lesbian. Although she was angry and did something bad, she was afraid that others would find out.

However, now that someone has discovered it, they began to defend themselves, not daring to admit it.

Xu Damao didn't bother to argue with her, but his yelling just now was already heard.

The left-behind women in the yard heard the sound and all rushed to watch the excitement.

But when she saw the second aunt's chicken died, she was not calm.

"Second aunt! Why are you so bad-hearted? You must die!"

"You are so vicious, your own chicken is dead, and you want to make other chickens die too!"

"Take out the chicken quickly, and then bring lime to disinfect it, it should be able to be rescued!"


There was a sudden chaos in the courtyard, people who cursed people cursed people, and those who were looking for lime looked for lime.

Xu Damao laughed heartily as he watched from the sidelines, he just liked to see the people in the yard jumping around.

Jiang Pingan was speechless: "Xu Damao, if you don't want to be beaten, you should shut up quickly."

"Don't you look at what's going on right now, is it time to laugh?"

Xu Damao choked, his laughter stopped abruptly, and he didn't dare to laugh any more.

He was really a little afraid that these women in the yard were pissed.

The second aunt held a plucked chicken in her hand, while the other was thrown into the pot to be scalded.

Several aunts stepped forward and dragged the second aunt out of the courtyard, and someone followed with a pot.

"Let go of me, let me go, I'm plucking chicken feathers at my door, why do you push me out?"

The second aunt was being escorted, and she bared her teeth and claws, very angry.

"No matter how stubborn you are, no matter how stubborn you are, I won't recognize you as the second aunt, and I will kill you as a black-hearted maggot."

A woman who was escorting the second aunt yelled viciously.

And raised her palm to signal that if the second aunt dared to come and go again and refused to listen to the greeting, she would dare to beat someone.

The second aunt did not dare to resist at once, and was pulled across the road by several aunts.

There are also a few aunts in the yard, some who sprinkle lime, and those who sweep chicken feathers.

After a short while, a few people mixed lime and chicken feathers and swept it away, and then sprinkled lime on the ground again.

"It's so wicked. She just doesn't want to see us well. She wants to implicate us after her own chicken dies."

Zheng Gang, who is now the third mother, cursed angrily.

"Yes! This murderer has such a bad heart! If something goes wrong with my chicken, it won't make her feel better!"

"A vicious and smoky shrew, the whole family is digging and searching, but now she dares to harm everyone."

"This matter can't be left alone. When everyone comes back from get off work, there will be a meeting of the whole hospital to discuss this matter!"

"Yes, it is to teach the second uncle's family a lesson. It is simply too bad, and the whole family is bad!"


The more people talked, the angrier they became, and they all agreed to teach the Yan family a lesson after the others got off work.

Jiang Ping'an went back to the house, took a jar and filled it with a catty of raisins. When he came out, he saw them still cursing.

But he didn't say much, he has a detached position in the courtyard, he won't show up indiscriminately, and offend people for nothing.

Don't look at these people scolding so badly, but as long as they live in this yard, no one is a good person.

Of course, he, Jiang Ping'an, is not a good person either.

"Let's go, don't look at it, watch it again and watch out for them to vent their anger on you."

Seeing that Xu Damao still wanted to watch the fun, Jiang Pingan pushed his bicycle away with a reminder.

Xu Damao was taken aback and hurriedly followed.


Rolling mill, third workshop.

After going to work in the afternoon, Jia Dongxu was always restless and his expression was in a daze.

"My mother still doesn't want to give me the shoes in exchange for food, she can't trust me." Jia Dongxu thought to himself.

"After the salary is closed, I have to find Chen Xueying to be comfortable for whatever I say. This woman is too greedy."

Ever since Qin Huairu became pregnant, he hadn't let him touch her again, and there was a suffocating panic in his heart.

"It's such a cheap fool, to be able to marry such a coquettish woman!"

Just as I was thinking about something, I didn't know where I bumped into the machine. I only heard a "bang", and the machine suddenly stuck.

Jia Dongxu's heart tightened, he came back to his senses, and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

Suddenly, the machine started to move violently again!

Jia Dongxu was caught off guard, and his whole body was brought to the machine, and after being crushed for a while, he was thrown out.


Jia Dongxu screamed and died on the spot, lying in a pool of blood.

The flesh and blood of the lower body was crushed into scum, and the dumped workshop was all over the floor.

"Not good! Come quickly! Something happened to Jia Dongxu!"

The worker next to him turned pale with fright and shouted loudly.

Everyone in the workshop ran over, and the timid ones were so frightened that they vomited.

It just so happened that Director Feng was also in the workshop. After taking a look, he sighed and said:

"I can't be saved, I died instantly, you stay here and watch, I will notify the factory leader."

Although the factory has been talking about safety.

But these days, due to various reasons such as uneven equipment, accidents happen every year in the rolling mill.

Of course, not only rolling mills, but also other units.

If you really want to pursue peace and security, then don't do anything.

Soon, factory manager Yang and other factory leaders, as well as people from the security department came, and they were all silent.

Several engineers came forward to check the equipment and determine the nature of the accident.

"Check carefully to find out what caused this safety accident!" Director Yang said seriously.

The entire No. 3 workshop stopped production, and the machines were turned off for standby.

The workers are surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. They are afraid, doubtful, and worried.

After a short while, the news of the death in the third workshop spread throughout the factory.

Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu were chatting under the big tree next to the toilet.

I also got the news from the workers who came to use the toilet.

The two reacted differently.

Yi Zhonghai's face was indifferent, and he was relieved.

He Yuzhu couldn't hide his expression, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he quickly restrained his emotions.

"Let's go, let's go and see what's going on!"

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