Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 352: Jia's Sky Is Falling

The two went to the workshop.

The moods are different, but the purpose is the same.

Both of them were secretly greedy for Qin Huairu, and Jia Dongxu was the biggest stumbling block in front of them.

Once Jia Dongxu dies, even if someone in the Jia family can take over, he must start as an apprentice.

Life is definitely more difficult than it is now.

In this way, they have the opportunity to contact Qin Huairu openly.

Outside the third workshop, the security department has sealed off.

Except for the workers in the third workshop, no one was allowed to go in to watch the excitement.

Yi Zhonghai talked about it, his eyes were red, and he said that he was Jia Dongxu's master, and only the security department let him in.

He Yuzhu said that he was Jia Dongxu's neighbor, the house was next to the house, and he was a buddy who grew up together, so he was also released.

The workers who had been surrounded before had dispersed and returned to their respective jobs to stand by.

Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu easily arrived at Jia Dongxu's work station.

"Yang... Factory Manager Yang, why is he so nice, and if he says he's gone, he'll be gone?"

Yi Zhonghai stepped forward, held Director Yang's hand, and asked with a sob on his face full of sadness.

Director Feng explained: "Old Yi is Jia Dongxu's master, and he also works in the same courtyard."

Factory Manager Yang sighed softly when he heard the words, patted his hands, and said in relief: "My condolences will change."

"The cause of the accident is still under investigation, and the factory has also sent someone to notify the family."

"Hey! When such a thing happened, the leadership of the factory is also extremely sad."

"But we must turn grief into strength, cheer up, and turn the pain in our hearts into the driving force for progress..."

"After the accident is determined, you, as Jia Dongxu's master, are also an old comrade in the factory."

"We need to help persuade the family members not to let them cause trouble, and assist the factory in dealing with the aftermath."

Yi Zhonghai had tears in his eyes, sucked his nose, nodded and said:

"The factory manager can rest assured, I will definitely take good care of Dongxu's family members, and do the aftermath work carefully and practically."

Director Yang said with satisfaction: "After all, he is an old comrade. He is conscious, knows how to measure, and cares about the overall situation."



"Huairu, my eyelids kept twitching this morning, and my heart was not at ease. What do you mean by that?"

Jia Zhang took the cloth shoes, put them down, picked them up again, and then put them down again, always unable to calm down.

Qin Huairu was sitting in front of the sewing machine, mending Xiao Dang's clothes, and turned around in surprise and said:

"Is this how you feel? My eyelids keep twitching today."

After thinking about it, she said worriedly: "Don't let Dongxu cause trouble again?"

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Crow's mouth, why can't you point at him better?" Jia Zhang said repeatedly.

After a pause, she pondered and said: "Dong Xu has a lot of opinions on me recently, and he has resentment in his heart."

"I originally wanted to bring him the cloth shoes to the factory and exchange some food and money tickets with the workers."

"Later, I was afraid that he would miss my money. You know that he is too loose to save money."

"So after careful consideration, I thought that I would have to pay for the food soon, so I didn't ask him to help with this matter."

"When I went to work this morning, he kept staring at me and didn't say anything."

"But I knew he was angry, so I almost relented and gave him the cloth shoes. Fortunately, he walked quickly..."

Before the words were finished, a factory ran to the door of Jia's house out of breath, and said loudly:

"Qin Huairu, Aunt Jia, Jia Dongxu had an accident at the factory, you should hurry over and have a look."

Qin Huairu asked anxiously, "What happened to Dongxu?"

"Dead, brought into the machine, crushed to death!" The worker hesitated, but still told the truth.

Jia Zhang stood up abruptly, swayed, almost fainted, and wailed, "Impossible..."

"Impossible, our family, Dongxuji, is a man of heaven, how could something happen?"

The worker sighed, knowing that this kind of thing would not benefit the family members, so he said softly:

"It's really dead, go over and have a last look!"

Seeing that he was so sure, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi panicked immediately, and wept loudly, with tears streaming down their faces.

Jia Zhang ran out, Qin Huairu went to hug Xiao Dang while crying, and then chased after him.

The women who gathered in the yard to brag and chat, all came to care.

Jiazhang seemed to have lost his soul, ignoring anyone, just stumbling and running outside.

Qin Huairu came to the yard, stuffed the pawn into Zheng Gang's wife's hand, and cried:

"Third Mom, something happened to Dongxu, please take care of Xiaodang for me, I'm in a hurry to check the situation."

Zheng Gang's daughter-in-law took Xiaodang and sighed: "Go, leave Xiaodang to me, don't worry."

Qin Huairu bit her lip, whimpered twice, wiped away her tears, turned and ran outside.

"Hey, what's the matter!" Zheng Gang's wife sighed.

"Jia Dongxu is the pillar of the Jia family. If he dies, the life of the Jia family will be even more difficult."

Someone answered, "Jia Dongxu looks very strange these days, his face is turning blue."

"I knew it was not a good omen when I saw it, but I didn't expect something to happen."

Zheng Gang's daughter-in-law nodded, frowned and said, "It was originally expected to hold a meeting of the whole court at night to criticize the Yan family."

"Once this happens, I'm afraid it won't be possible."


Red Star Hospital, in the corridor.

"Okay, you came to the hospital and didn't look for us!" Li Xinmei said, pretending to be dissatisfied.

Ding Qiunan gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Could it be that you haven't come to say hello to us since we didn't see you?"

"Where is it? Am I afraid of disturbing your work?" Jiang Pingan shook his head and smiled.

Li Xinmei said: "Bah, I don't even know how to make excuses, so tell me, what's the matter in coming to the hospital?"

"Oh, a neighbor in the courtyard has a baby, come and have a look." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

Li Xinmei waved her hand and said, "Then go, it's important."

Jiang Pingan said goodbye and left, and came to Lou Xiaoe to live in the ward.

Tan Yali went back during the day, and Lou Tan came to take care of Lou Xiao'e.

As for the two big men, Lou Guangcheng and Xu Ning'an, it's a bit inconvenient to be here, and they don't want to keep guarding them all the time.

So after visiting yesterday, I will not come here from now on.

"Ping An is here, sit down quickly." Lou Tan said with a smile.

"Auntie." Jiang Ping'an smiled, lifted the jar in the net bag in his hand and said:

"I brought a catty of raisins here, it's for blood."

Lou Xiaoe stretched out her hand to beckon, and said with a smile: "Give me a taste, I just don't have a taste in my mouth."

Lou Tan took the jar, opened it, grabbed some, and gave it to Lou Xiao'e.

Xu Damao leaned in front of Jiang Ping'an, winked and muttered in a low voice:

"The two girls just now are weird..."

"You bastard, you're obsessed with sex again, aren't you?" Jiang Ping'an scolded softly.

Xu Damao raised his eyebrows and said, "Where do you want to go?"

"I just want to say that you can have sex with them. I think these two girls are pretty good."

"Oh, by the way, one of them seems to be Dr. Ding, right? Tsk tsk, so greedy!"

"How? Do you have any ideas? Shall I teach you a few tricks?"

Jiang Pingan gave him a sideways look and said, "Get out, your tricks can only target widows..."

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