Jiang Ping'an's house.

In the bedroom, as soon as he entered the room, Qin Huairu threw himself into Jiang Ping'an's arms and said aggrievedly:

"Ping An, Dong Xu is dead, I will be the only man in the future, woo woo..."

Jiang Ping'an wiped away her tears and comforted her, "Don't cry, your eyes are swollen from crying."

"Besides, if Jia Dongxu is dead, you can fill his position. I don't believe you didn't expect this."

Qin Huairu nodded and said, "I think so."

"But if I take Dongxu's post, I'm afraid I'll be trapped in Jia's house in the future."

Jia Dongxu's position can only be passed on to immediate family members.

If Qin Huairu remarries, even if she becomes a regular worker, she will still be dismissed from her job.

The iron rice bowl these days is not a joke, it is real iron.

There are people who cheat on marriages, but they never cheat on jobs.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "What's wrong, you want to remarry just after Jia Dongxu died?"

"Uh... Aren't I thinking about the funeral?" Qin Huairu felt a little embarrassed when he was told about the central matter.

Jiang Ping'an leaned close to her ear and said with a smirk:

"Today is a good day, while Jia Dongxu is still next door, let's..."

Qin Huairu blushed, gritted her teeth and said, "You are too bad, aren't you?"


Qin Huairu lay in Jiang Ping'an's arms and asked in a low voice:

"So you're proposing that we receive a pension on a monthly basis?"

Jiang Ping'an nodded and said, "That's right, the rules are like this..."

In the event of the death of a worker or employee, the labor insurance fund will pay the pension to the immediate relatives of the dependents on a monthly basis.

For those who support one immediate family member, 25% of the wages of the deceased shall be paid.

For two persons, 40% of the wages of the deceased.

For three or more persons, 50% of the wages of the deceased himself shall be paid.

Jia Dongxu's salary is 38.6 yuan, plus subsidies, about 40 yuan.

"The child in your womb is only a few months away, so it can be counted as one," Jiang Ping'an said.

"Of course, it doesn't matter. It depends on whether the relationship is strong or not, and whether the management is in place. There are many things to say about this."

"Let's count it as three children, and you can receive 20 yuan a month as a pension, which is equivalent to the wages of an apprentice."

"You have to get the job earlier. Apprentices earn 20 yuan in the first year, and women get 3.5 yuan as a subsidy."

In Qin Huairu's case, the wages of ordinary apprentices are higher than that of ordinary apprentices, because of Jia Dongxu's working years.

Her salary as an apprentice was twenty yuan in the first year, twenty-two in the second year, and twenty-four in the third year.

Women also receive a subsidy of 3.5 yuan per month.

Therefore, Jia Dongxu's death is a good thing for the Jia family, not only the income is increased, but the food ration is also increased.

The Jia family is so rich!

There is a sewing machine at home, and Jia Zhang has a gold ring.

In the original play, because of the help of the silly pillar, they made their mouths tricky, and they didn't eat coarse grains, but fine grains.

But the ration is so small, if a family needs to eat white noodles and meat, how can there be enough?

So Qin Huairu had to go for alms, and she ate the miscellaneous grains by herself.

She herself tried to think of ways to exchange white noodles for the third child and mother-in-law.

Therefore, in the play, all the members of Jia's family are fat and fat, and they have never been hungry.

And when people are still struggling on the line of food and clothing, the members of the Jia family are pursuing food, clothing and clothing.

Qin Huairu heaved a sigh of relief after listening to his analysis, and said happily:

"Hearing what you said, our family will have a better life in the future?"

"That's what it means!" Jiang Ping'an nodded.

"But I suggest you don't tell your mother-in-law about this."

"Jia Dongxu is dead now, she will definitely guard against you, afraid that you will remarry."

Qin Huairu frowned and said, "Then what should I tell her? She's not easy to deal with!"

Jiang Pingan pointed to her stomach, and pondered:

"You can confuse this with Xiaodang's pension and keep it as private money."

"Just say that the pension of the stick is received on a monthly basis, and the two children receive it in one lump sum."

"I will lend you one hundred at that time, and you can use it to deal with your mother-in-law. I believe she will not doubt it."

"But let's talk about it first, as long as the two youngest pensions come down, you must pay me back on a monthly basis."

Qin Huairu thought for a while and said, "You are right in reminding me, she guards against me, and I also guard against her."

"I don't worry about money now. I'm afraid that there won't be enough food in the future. I'm a woman..."

Jiang Pingan glanced at her sideways, and said angrily, "Don't push yourself too hard, there is no way to eat my food."

"Can I buy it with money? You have a way, buy some for us every month." Qin Huairu said coquettishly.

Jiang Pingan sneered and said, "Food is so expensive now, how much can you buy with your salary?"

"Right now, grain costs five yuan a catty on the black market, and there is no market for it. You are clearly trying to take advantage of me."

"Oh, we are not outsiders, so you can't help me?" Qin Huairu said depressedly.

"Now that my man is dead, I can only rely on you, please be safe, I beg you!"

Jiang Pingan waved his hand and said, "Don't mention this matter, you should hurry up and bury Jia Dongxu in the soil!"



When Jia Zhang saw Qin Huairu coming back trembling, she was puzzled.

"Why have you been here for so long? Just now, the stick was crying from hunger. I heated up the steamed bread and ate it with him first."

Qin Huairu leaned on the frame of the station, and said sadly:

"I'm not full, and I'm pregnant with a child, so I lack nutrition, so I feel a little flustered, and I can't walk steadily."

Jia Zhang's heart tightened, and she said hastily: "Then sit down for a while, and I'll heat some corn buns for you to eat."

"Dongxu just had an accident, don't worry about it, how will the rest of me and the children live!"

When Jia Dongxu was alive, she didn't think Qin Huairu was so important.

But now that Jia Dongxu is dead, Qin Huairu immediately becomes the pillar of the family, and there must be no accidents.

Jiazhang is old and cunning, so he can see the situation clearly.

Qin Huairu nodded, walked into the room slowly, leaned on the chair and sat down, suddenly her body froze.

Looking up, he suddenly saw Jia Dongxu's head.

Inexplicably, Qin Huairu had a different feeling in his heart.

"Die, it's okay to die, die early and reincarnate early, and the next life will become a good person." Qin Huairu thought to himself.

"I have been married to you for so many years, and I have never had a good life. If I want to eat some white noodles, I have to steal people."

"I gave you three children, and I am worthy of your Jia family."

"Don't blame me for messing around with Ping An, he can give me delicious food, and also make me happy and at ease, much better than you."

Qin Huairu looked at Jia Dongxu's black and white photo, thinking about something silently.

Not only was there no guilt in my heart, but I saw the sun behind the clouds and became brighter.

At this moment, Mrs. Jia and Zhang were heard asking: "Huairu, what happened when you went to Jiang Ping'an's place?"

Qin Huairu came back to his senses and replied, "He said he would help."

"The top priority is that Dongxu's position must be replaced by someone as soon as possible."

"The second is the pension. He suggested that the sticky ones should receive it on a monthly basis."

"Sophia japonica and what's in my stomach, you can get it at once."

"I don't know exactly how many there are, but he said he will try his best to get them."

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