Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 355 Everyone has their own schemes, Qin Huairu's guard


Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu came to Jia's house.

Qin Huairu frowned slightly. Ever since she became alert, she saw that every move of the two of them harbored malicious intentions.

This is even more true of Jia Zhang.

She understands Yi Zhonghai's virtues better than Qin Huairu, this bastard is a hypocrite.

On the surface, he is sanctimonious and serious, but behind his back, he is so bad.

As for Sha Zhu, Jia Zhang didn't worry too much.

Although she knew that Sha Zhu had bad intentions, she only had evil intentions and no courage.

Therefore, she was more wary of Yi Zhonghai than she was.

Especially at the critical moment when Jia Dongxu had just passed away, I was afraid that Yi Zhonghai would play tricks.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know what the two of them were thinking. After entering the house, he said with a gentle expression:

"Jia Zhang, Huai Ru, and Dong Xu's arrangement is not a problem, there must be a charter."

Mrs. Jia Zhang nodded slightly, and replied, "Of course it won't be like this."

"I discussed with Huairu, and I will send Dongxu back to his hometown for burial tomorrow."

Yi Zhonghai was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion, "In such a hurry? Aren't you holding a memorial service in the courtyard?"

"It is very likely that the factory leaders will come to condolences to the family members at night, and they are not prepared?"

Jia Zhang said expressionlessly: "What are you ready for?"

"If they come here, Dongxu will be able to come back from the dead?"

"Besides, life is not easy these days. Of course, everything has been kept simple."

The people in the yard are poor ghosts.

Now food is expensive, if you really want to buy banquets, you will only lose money, not make money.

If it was a good year and food was cheap, she would have made a fuss, so why would Yi Zhonghai remind her?

Yi Zhonghai pondered: "If you are worried about having no money for the banquet."

"I can discuss it with the three uncles and Pingan, and call on everyone to donate money and goods."

"There are so many residents in our courtyard, you can get one yuan, and I can still make up a lot of money!"

He Yuzhu answered: "Uncle Yi is right, I will donate more money then."

Jia Zhang's eyes lit up, and she was about to say yes when she heard Qin Huairu say:

"Thank you for your kindness. Donations are unnecessary. Director Yang gave us the funeral expenses."

As he spoke, he secretly pulled Rajazhang and winked.

Jia Zhang opened her mouth, not knowing why Qin Huairu refused such a good deed.

But she also knew that Qin Huairu was not a random person, so she kept silent.

Yi Zhonghai frowned and said, "Why is it unnecessary? Dongxu is gone now, so he doesn't have much savings?"

"You and your family, how do you live on the funeral expenses?"

"There is also the issue of pensions. You should hurry up and apply for it. The longer it takes, the more difficult it will be."

Qin Huairu nodded and said, "For the pension, we ask you to be safe."

"He and I belong to the same commune, so he is still willing to help with this."

"As for living expenses, when the pension comes down, I can barely live on."

Yi Zhonghai was not worried, he co-authored me to take the initiative to help you a little, what do you mean by pushing around?

He could also tell that Qin Huairu seemed to be wary of him.

He couldn't figure out what he didn't do well, which caused Qin Huairu to misunderstand.

But this matter is not urgent, it is not business that catches up.

When Jia's life is difficult in the future, there will always be times when he asks for it.

Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu bid farewell and left without talking speculatively.

"Huairu, just now Uncle Yi proposed to let people in the courtyard donate, why did you refuse?" Jia Zhang asked puzzled.

Qin Huairu sighed and said, "Mom, how is our reputation in the yard?"

"Uh, it's okay... Well, I had conflicts with many people." Jia Zhang faltered.

Although she is aggressive, she is not stupid, of course she knows that the Jia family has offended almost everyone in the yard.

That's why she was in a hurry to ask Qin Huairu to strengthen the relationship with Jiang Ping'an.

After all, the two belonged to the same commune, and there was no conflict between Qin Huairu and Jiang Ping'an, so they could talk to each other.

In addition, Jiang Ping'an's reputation is good enough, so it is impossible for him to marry a widow like Qin Huairu, which is reassuring.

Even if the two of them were secretly unclear, Jia Zhang would turn a blind eye.

Widows, don’t they all come here like this? She is an old widow with experience in this area.

The most important thing is that Jiang Pingan's officials are getting bigger and bigger, which is enough to frighten Xiaoxiao in the courtyard.

If the Jia family didn't hurry to hug his thigh, it would be too late to hug his thigh when others bullied him.

Qin Huairu said: "Uncle Yi has no good intentions, he used the name of our Jia family to appeal for donations."

"But what's the situation this New Year's Eve? Everyone's life is sad, how can there be any surplus food to donate?"

"Although Uncle Yi has stepped down, he is old in the courtyard and his prestige is still there."

"So even though he was responsible for the donation, others will not blame him, but the Jia family's insatiable greed."

"What about him? Others will only say that he is kind, kind, and considerate of his neighbors. He is a good person, but we have to bear the blame."

Jiazhang gritted his teeth and said, "If you can get some real money, you can recite your infamy!"

"How can there be anything perfect in the world? We are orphans and widows. If we don't get some money to cover ourselves, I don't feel at ease."

Jia Zhang's shallow eyelids immediately manifested.

As long as there is money to be made, it doesn't matter whether her reputation is good or bad, and she dares to do even bad things.

Qin Huairu shook her head and said, "How much does it cost to cover you to feel at ease?"

"I think the top priority is to improve the relationship with the neighbors."

She also learned this from Jiang Ping'an and Yi Zhonghai.

Both of them are bad, but they both have a good reputation in the courtyard.

So no matter what they do, there will always be a group of people raising their flags and shouting to fuel their momentum.

After a pause, Qin Huairu hesitated, then said:

"Also, the refusal to donate was reminded by Ping An."

"He said that the factory leader would come over at night, and if anyone was dissatisfied, he would rush out."

"If the factory finds out, there is a high possibility that something will happen to our application for pension."

The factory paid the funeral expenses, and many people knew that.

If people in the courtyard were asked to donate again, some people would definitely be dissatisfied and play tricks.

The Jia family has offended too many people, and many people are willing to do things that make people worse.

When Jia Zhang heard that Jiang Ping'an had reminded her, she suddenly trembled and said quickly:

"He was right in reminding us that we don't want that money anymore, it's better to be more stable."

Jiang Ping'an is a very good person, and the Jia Zhang family has suffered a lot from him.

Since he thinks that donation is not a good thing, it must not be a good thing.

Qin Huairu breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "There is also the matter of Dongxu's position, Mom, what do you think about it?"

"How can we think about it? There are only two adults in the Jia family." Jia Zhang glanced at her and said.

"I can't move this old bone, so you can only go to the post."

"Let's talk about it first, the pension money that Dongxu promised me before his death is five yuan a month, and you have to give it to me on time."

Qin Huairu's complexion changed, she shook her head and said, "No, I'll give you three yuan at most."

"I'm going to start as an apprentice. The salary is definitely not high. I'll give you five yuan. What will our family eat?"

She also wanted to save some money and use it to buy food for Jiang Ping'an, but she couldn't let this dead old woman waste it.

Although Jiang Ping'an hasn't agreed to help her yet.

But if he was really going hungry, he wouldn't just refuse to save him, would he?

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