Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 365 Officially performing duties, He Yuzhu was trained

rolling mill.

The signboard at the entrance of Jiang Ping'an's office was changed.

The original office of the chief of the three departments was replaced by the office of the deputy director of logistics.

Next door is the office of the logistics director, which is just right and complements each other.

After becoming the deputy director, Jiang Ping'an became more relaxed and separated from specific affairs.

Rolling mills are big factories.

Including Jiang Ping'an, there are four deputy directors of logistics, each in charge of one.

The middle-level cadres who belong to the factory can be assigned to subordinate units, and can also be the deputy factory director or factory director.

Jiang Ping'an was in charge of the motorcade, security, canteen, sanitation, warehouse, and purchasing.

In particular, the procurement of the three subjects involves the issue of food for all workers in the factory.

Director Yang and Deputy Director Li assigned this department to Jiang Ping'an by name.

Leave it to others to take care of them and don't worry about it.

after work.

The chiefs and supervisors of various departments and many other cadres came to report to Jiang Ping'an one after another.

In addition to purchasing three subjects and canteens.

When people from other departments came over, Jiang Ping'an just listened and didn't express much opinion.

In his position, there is no need to think about Fang's changes to prove himself.

Stability is the main priority in everything, and stability overrides everything else.

Furthermore, the teams, security, sanitation, warehouses and other departments have established work regulations.

There is no need for Jiang Ping'an to point fingers, as long as people are managed well and things are done according to the rules.

Jiang Ping'an spent the whole morning listening to work reports, and gained a lot.

There is a saying that every row is like a mountain.

Many things, without a deep understanding, look at the flowers in the fog, and don't know the twists and turns.

After understanding it, I found that many things have a lot in common.

In the final analysis, cadre management is the management of people and things.

Management is the goal, and management is the means.

The two complement each other, both division of labor and collaboration.

Stewardship means that managers have clear goals.

Know what to do, how to do it, and how much to do it.

Then choose the right person to execute.

The core of managing people is selecting, employing and retaining people.

Through supervision and assessment and other means, encourage employees to perform their duties conscientiously and act responsibly.

And improve the professional ability and work responsibility of employees.

Junior managers focus on managing affairs, supplemented by managing people.

The higher the level, the greater the proportion of management.

At the top, most of the time I only manage people, and only a small amount of time does things.

When Jiang Ping'an was the section chief, he was mainly in charge of affairs.

Now that he is the director, he will gradually transition to the stage of managing people, and the later he will become, the more he will be able to manage people.

Therefore, he is slowly adjusting his mentality now.

Learn to select, educate, employ, retain and respect people, and learn to have a dialogue with employees.

"Leader, He Yuzhu said he wanted to see you."

It was almost noon when dinner was ready, and just as Jiang Ping'an relaxed, Jiang Yihu came in to ask for instructions.

"Is there anything that can't be said in the courtyard?" Jiang Ping'an wondered.

After pondering for a moment, he ordered: "Let him in!"

Soon, He Yuzhu walked in, bowed his head, rubbed his hands and said nervously, "Hello, Director Jiang!"

"Oh, silly Zhu, this is not like you!"

Jiang Pingan said with a smile, pointing to the chair opposite: "Sit down and talk!"

When He Yuzhu sat down, Jiang Ping'an smiled and said:

"That kid Xu Damao has always wanted to be an official, so it's not surprising that he flatters me."

"It's you, but you never ask for help. Why has your temper changed recently?"

He Yuzhu smiled wryly and said, "It won't work if you stay the same, if you try to be stubborn again, I'm afraid I'll spend my whole life cleaning toilets."

"To be honest, the last few months have been the most difficult for me as I have grown up."

"Of course, it is also through these months of transformation and tempering that I have learned a lot."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said: "If you can reflect on your mistakes and gain something during the transformation, then the transformation is not in vain."

"So in the process of cleaning the toilet in the future, you have to be more conscientious and meticulous..."

Before he finished speaking, He Yuzhu stood up and said anxiously, "Don't!"

"Director Jiang, I still want to go back to the cafeteria to contribute to the workers, please help me..."

After a pause, he said embarrassedly: "I know, it's too rude to ask you for help with empty teeth."

"But you also know that my previous savings are basically spent, and the payment will still be a few days away."

"Well, didn't I ask you to get the tickets earlier? You haven't given me the sewing and radio tickets yet."

"I don't want this ticket anymore. I will give it to you as a gift. Please help me and transfer me back to the cafeteria. Please."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Silly Zhu, you are willing to spend your money."

"In that case, I can go and respond to Deputy Director Li."

"Let's talk about it first. I can't guarantee whether he will allow you to go back to the kitchen."

He Yuzhu hesitated and said, "Director Jiang, aren't you in charge of the sanitation and canteen now?"

"You can't just transfer me back to the cafeteria? I'm really afraid that Deputy Director Li is still angry with me."

Jiang Pingan pressed his hands, motioned him to sit down, nodded and said:

"The sanitation and canteens are indeed under my jurisdiction, and I can indeed transfer people between the two departments."

"But you are different. Deputy Factory Manager Li personally punished him. He may have forgotten about it, or he may still remember it."

"But as long as he still has the slightest impression, if you want to transfer back to the cafeteria, you have to nod."

He Yuzhu sighed secretly, anxious and depressed, helpless, nodded and said:

"Okay, I'm not a messy person either."

"I also ask Director Jiang to help me say a few good words in front of Deputy Director Li."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "You have invested so much money, I will naturally speak for you."

"But I want to remind you first that even if you are transferred back to work in the cafeteria, you can no longer be the squad leader."

"Also, you are not allowed to display the chef's table in the back kitchen as usual, and you are not allowed to quarrel with Nanyi."

"Although this is ugly, I will only tell you once, and I hope you will keep it in your heart."

"You know my temper. If I go back to the back kitchen, there will be moths every three days..."

"At that time, I will not only downgrade you, but also crush you to death in the toilet, which will make you regret it."

He Yuzhu said depressedly: "Then what if Nanyi finds me in trouble?"

"If you work hard, why would he trouble you?" Jiang Ping'an said angrily.

"Do you want me to teach you how to unite the masses?"

"Silly Zhu, you are already married, you should mature your mind."

"If you can't even handle the relationship with colleagues well, how can you pursue progress?"


Under the big tree next to the toilet.

Yi Zhonghai asked, "Did Ping An agree to help?"

"I agree, I will help me speak with Deputy Director Li." He Yuzhu said dejectedly.

Yi Zhonghai wondered, "Then why do you still look like this?"

"You've been trained, it's almost worse than shit." He Yuzhu said dejectedly.

"Uncle Yi, do you think that the cadres are so poisonous?"

"Good guy, I was trained like a grandson by Jiang Ping'an today, and I was the one who rushed to the door to be trained."

"I finally understand that even if I go back to the cafeteria, life will not be easy with Jiang Ping'an in charge."

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