Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 366 Yi Zhonghai Borrows Food, Yu Li's Initiative

have lunch.

Jiang Pingan ran into Deputy Director Li in the corridor.

"Just now I saw that silly Zhu was looking for you, what's the matter?"

As the two walked downstairs, Deputy Director Li asked casually.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I want to ask you to intercede, saying that I want to be transferred back to the cafeteria."

"Hehe, this kid is like a stubborn donkey, and he knows how to ask for help?" Deputy Director Li said unexpectedly.

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Whoever cleans the toilet for a few months will lose his temper."

"Well, I don't think he has cleaned the toilet enough. He will do it for another two months." Deputy Director Li said with narrowed eyes.

"As long as he does his duty in the last two months, he will be transferred back to the cafeteria at the beginning of winter."

"After all, his cooking skills are not bad. It's really a waste of talents to clean the toilet all the time."

Jiang Ping'an nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "It's still the director who is kind."

"I originally planned to transfer him back to the cafeteria in the first month of next year. The director of the factory said that it was a good deal for him."

Deputy Factory Manager Li chuckled, turned his head to look at Jiang Ping'an, and cursed softly:

"You boy, don't think that I don't know that you are flattering me. You are already the director, and you are not stable."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "How can I? In front of the factory manager, I will always be a small soldier."

The two talked and laughed, and when they came to the cafeteria, they were not in a hurry to eat, but watched the workers line up to eat.

"You really have nothing to say about your mass base. So many people have come to say hello to you along the way." Deputy Factory Manager Li tasted it.

He has a high rank, although he often goes to the workshop to communicate with grassroots workers.

But because of his status, the workers respected him on the surface, but they couldn't really get along with them.

Jiang Ping'an is different. He started from the grassroots, and the mass base has always been very good.

Especially after he helped the rolling mill get so many supplies this year, his prestige among the workers has grown even higher.

Jiang Pingan smiled secretly, but said: "I usually walk around the factory area, and not so many people pay attention to me!"

"It can be seen that they all looked at the face of the factory manager and greeted me by the way."

Deputy Factory Manager Li smiled slightly, thinking that this was the case, and felt much more at ease.

While talking, Xu Damao suddenly ran over, bowed his head and said, "Hello, Deputy Director Li!"

Deputy Factory Manager Li glanced at him, his smile gradually faded, he hummed lightly, turned and left.

"This..." Xu Damao was at a loss.

I don't know why Deputy Factory Manager Li was talking and laughing with Jiang Ping'an, but when he saw him, his smile disappeared.

Just about to ask Jiang Pingan for advice, Yi Zhonghai came over with a lunch box and said:

"Ping An, you don't have food stamps, lend me ten catties, and I'll return you after the food is paid."

Jiang Pingan asked suspiciously, "Uncle Yi, as far as I know, your disciples have helped you a lot, right?"

"You and Aunt Yi have leftovers every month, why isn't there enough food this month?"

Yi Zhonghai sighed and said, "It's not that I want to eat, it's that the silly family is about to run out of food."

"He came to me to borrow food. I couldn't bear it, so I asked you to find a way."

Suddenly, Jiang Pingan took out three catties of rice flour stamps from his pocket, handed them over, and said:

"I only have food stamps for fine grains. I'll give you three catties of white flour, which is enough to exchange for more than ten catties of coarse grains."

Fine grains and coarse grains are exchanged, the amount is variable, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Under normal circumstances, one catty of fine grains is exchanged for three catties of coarse grains.

For example, one catty of flour can be exchanged for three catties of corn and sorghum.

But sometimes, one catty of fine grains can even be exchanged for ten catties of coarse grains, which fluctuates greatly.

Moreover, there is also a big difference between local food stamps and national food stamps, and the exchange rate varies from place to place.

Xu Damao interjected and asked, "Uncle Yi, you don't really want Shazhu to take care of you in the old age, do you?"

"It's not that I'm talking too much. Silly Zhu can't even support his own family. Can you count on him to provide for the elderly?"

Yi Zhonghai took the food stamp from Jiang Ping'an, thanked him, then turned his head to Xu Damao and said:

"No matter how bad he is, he can still take care of the deaf old lady well. I don't count on him, but do I count on you?"

Xu Damao pursed his lips and said: "You can't count on me, I have a mother to support me."

"Okay, Xu Damao, don't say a few words, let's eat!" Jiang Pingan waved.

As he said that, he didn't bother to talk to them any more, and turned around to eat in the small cafeteria.


After dinner.

Jiang Pingan came to the canteen director's office to sit down and drink tea, and looked through the documents prepared by Yu Li.

Today, as long as there is nothing else to do, he will come to the cafeteria to sit for an hour or two after lunch.

"You said it, go back to the small courtyard at night, don't forget it!"

Yu Li put down her teacup, blushed, and whispered a reminder.

Jiang Pingan looked up at her a few times, and said with a smirk, "That's all you think?"

"I hate it, don't you want me to remind you again and again?" Yu Li said angrily.

Jiang Pingan pondered for a moment, beckoned, and waited for her to get closer, whispering something in her ear.

"This...what if someone finds out? I'm a little scared." Yu Li bit her lip and said nervously.

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Now you are in charge of the canteen warehouse, what are you afraid of?"

"Okay, then I'll go wash up first, and you'll come back in ten minutes." Yu Li said with winking eyes.

Jiang Pingan hadn't touched her for a few days, and she became the director again, and she felt very itchy in her heart.

Ten minutes passed.

After confirming his safety, Jiang Pingan went to the cafeteria warehouse with the documents.

Jiang Ping'an was very excited and understood why Deputy Director Li always liked to inspect the canteen warehouse.

In this place, you can always find happiness that cannot be found anywhere else.

The two hugged each other tightly.

"Tell you something." Yu Li breathed a sigh of relief and said suddenly.

Jiang Pingan nodded slightly, and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"It's that Yan Pugui in your yard who wants his son to marry me." Yu Li leaned into his arms and said.

"It turned out that Yan Bugui knew my dad, and during this period of time, he went to check on my dad every three days."

"My dad didn't hide it from me. This morning, he came to the factory and told me about it."

"But don't worry, I told my dad that within three years, marriage will not be considered."

"My dad also agreed, he and my mom hope that I get married later, after all, one more person's salary!"

"Speaking of which, Yan Bugui really thinks beautifully. His family's conditions are so poor. Will I take a fancy to his family?"

"There's also that Yan Jiecheng who doesn't even have a job, and a street slut who really wants to eat swan meat!"

Jiang Pingan nodded, and was about to get away and leave.

Yu Li suddenly increased her strength, hugged him tightly, pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, let me slow down for a while, it's really comfortable."

"Let's say it first, this is your compensation for me, don't count the night."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said speechlessly:

"Well, between us, who will take advantage of whom?"

"Hearing what you said, why do I feel that I have lost money?"

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