Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 368 Xu Yueling's thoughts make Yu Li ashamed

After dinner.

After a while, Tan Yali and Xu Yueling came over.

"Here's Ping An? Where's Da Mao? Why didn't you see anyone else?" Tan Yali smiled and said.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I'm going to the countryside to show a movie, and I won't be back until tomorrow."

At this time, Xu Yueling stepped forward with a net bag of oranges, opened the mouth, pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"Brother Ping An, eating oranges is so sweet!"

Jiang Pingan smiled, stretched out his hand to take two, nodded and thanked:

"Thank you, sister Yueling, it's quite early after school today, huh?"

"I wanted to come to see Qianqian and Yingying earlier, but I didn't attend the last class."

Xu Yueling smiled slightly, her eyes turned into crescent moons, and dimples appeared on her baby-fat cheeks.

After feeding the two children, Lou Xiaoe was eating, when she heard the words, she said:

"Yueling don't come here early in the future, study is important!"

Tan Yali laughed and said, "I said the same thing, but she doesn't listen to persuasion because she cares about nephews and nieces."

As she spoke, she glanced at Jiang Ping'an.

Why doesn't she know what her daughter is thinking?

Rare nephews and nieces and daughters are all pretense, and her real purpose is to come and see Jiang Ping'an.

She didn't object to this matter, and she and Lao Xu were even willing to facilitate the two of them.

Jiang Ping'an's career development is advancing by leaps and bounds, and his future is getting brighter and brighter.

I have become a director at a young age, and I have a bright future in the future.

But it is also because his official status is getting bigger and bigger, and the couple's hearts are getting more and more uncertain.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Jiang Ping'an didn't seem to call Xu Yueling.

Both were fine before.

In recent years, when Jiang Pingan saw Xu Yueling, he seemed to be enthusiastic, but in fact, he avoided it intentionally or unintentionally.

As the saying goes, women chasing men's compartment yarn, it seems a little inappropriate to put it here in Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Pingan smiled, sat down beside him, peeled the oranges and ate them.

Lou Xiaoe said: "The two children can watch it at any time in the future, and it will be a big loss if they fail to study."

"Yueling, don't think I'm nagging, the better your academic performance, the better the unit you will be assigned to work in the future."

Xu Yueling took a peek at Jiang Ping'an, bit her lip and said:

"I know sister-in-law, don't worry, my academic performance will not drop."

Lou Xiaoe nodded slightly, and asked with a smile: "By the way, I just gave birth, can this orange be eaten?"

"You can eat it. Oranges are vitamin supplements, so you can eat them." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

"The citric acid in oranges has an appetizing effect and at the same time relieves fatigue."

"However, you can't eat too much. If you eat too much, you will get angry, and it is easy to cause symptoms such as pharyngitis and periodontitis."

"And it may be passed on to the baby, causing symptoms such as dry throat, sore throat, sore mouth and tongue, and constipation."

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that oranges are sweet and sour in taste, warm in nature, enter the lung meridian, and have the effects of appetizing, cough and lung moistening.

For postpartum women who have symptoms such as loss of appetite, thirst in the mouth, and cough due to lung heat.

You can eat oranges in moderation to relieve cough, promote body fluid and moisten the lungs.

Lou Xiao'e was surprised: "Is it so serious? By the way, how do you know so much?"

"Hehe, do you think that I just go to people's homes in order to develop contacts?" Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

"Building a relationship is a university question. When you give a gift at the door, you have to send it to the heart of the other party. It is always right to know more."

"For example, when a child is born in the other party's family, when a child gets married, when someone celebrates a birthday, or when someone gets sick, all must be targeted."

"And some common sense things, even some professional knowledge, the more you know, the better."

Lou Tan answered, "Everyone understands what Ping An said."

"However, Ping An has done its work to the extreme in advance, so it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort, which makes people feel good."

"So many times, you can't just look at the appearance of a person, but don't know how much he has paid behind the scenes."

The Lou family has a big business and extensive contacts, so they have the most say in this regard.



Jiang Ping'an returned to the small courtyard, and Yu Li and Yu Haitang had already returned.

Hearing the movement, the two sisters came out of the room, and Yu Haitang jumped up and said with a smile:

"Yo, are you willing to come here? I thought some people would just abandon us and forget about us!"

Jiang Pingan parked his bicycle, turned around and slapped her on the buttocks, and said in a bad mood:

"Young yin and yang are weird, don't you know I'm busy recently? Your sister knows about it."

Yu Haitang blushed, covered her buttocks, and said, "I'm busy, I'm busy checking the warehouse!"

Jiang Pingan was stunned for a moment, turned his head and asked Yu Li:

"Your sister is okay, tell her all about this?"

"Uh, I'm sweating after walking today, and there's a slight aftertaste, which she can smell." Yu Li said embarrassedly.

"What a dog's nose!" Jiang Pingan scolded Yu Haitang softly, and then said to Yu Li:

"Didn't I ask you to wash it? Are you lazy?"

Before Yu Li left, she took his hand, her face was flushed, she stomped her feet lightly and said:

"Oh, I washed it. The key is that you left a lot in it, and I still have it after washing it."

"I wanted to wash it a few more times. In the afternoon, a cart of grain was delivered from the grain station, and I was busy again."

"Don't talk about this, shame to death, I came back and boiled hot water, you go to take a bath."

Yu Haitang walked to the other side, took Jiang Ping'an's hand, and said depressedly, "You called me a dog?"

Jiang Pingan laughed loudly, rubbed her hair, and said:

"I see that you are smart, but you like doing lake smearing. From now on, you must learn to turn a blind eye to everything."

"Your sister is thin-skinned. Sometimes you don't get to the bottom of what you think, just give her some face."

Yu Haitang pouted her nose and said, "She is my sister, what can't I say?"

"Besides, she and I are both your women, and we have to accompany you at night. What's the embarrassment?"

Jiang Pingan shook his head helplessly. Yu Haitang's carefree temper might not change in this lifetime.

Yu Li's face was red and hot. After glaring at Haitang, she went to prepare Jiang Pingan's bath water.

"I'll rub your back for you." Yu Haitang said with a smile, and leaned into Jiang Pingan's ear again, and asked in a low voice:

"Do you want me to bring my sister here too? You should thank me, how could you be so comfortable without my help convincing her?"

Jiang Pingan was a little moved, looked at her a few times, couldn't help but pecked her lightly, and nodded silently.

Yu Haitang covered her mouth and smiled, raised her eyebrows and said, "Look at me, go and persuade her!"

As he spoke, he ran after her with long legs.

Jiang Pingan laughed, he really had to thank Yu Haitang for being able to enjoy the blessings of Qi people so smoothly.

not for a while.

In a room specially used for bathing in the courtyard, there was cheerful laughter.

"Haitang, don't push me, I just had a meal this afternoon, so you can take it easy!"

"Sister, I didn't push, I just wanted to rub against him, can't I just watch?"

"Don't make trouble, come one by one, sprinkle water on the ground, don't fall!"

"Don't worry about it, I still don't believe that the two of us, working together, can't deal with you alone!"

"Yu Haitang, don't be stubborn. When you cry later, your sister will cry!"

"I'm not afraid. At worst, she will push it too. I gritted my teeth and persisted."

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