Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 369 Jia Zhang's confusion, Qin Huairu's sobriety


Jiang Ping'an took a shower, and it was a mess, and the water spilled all over the floor.

It was already dark, and the orange lights cast a hazy light on Yu Li and Yu Haitang.

The two of them also took a shower when they came back from get off work, so it was a waste of time.

Not only poured water all over, but also sweated all over.

"I don't want to move anymore, I'm tired and hungry." Yu Haitang said aggrievedly.

The three sat on a bench, and the two women leaned on Jiang Ping'an's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

Yu Li licked her lips, sighed lightly and said:

"At night, use Erhe noodles to bake some sauced meat pancakes, and cook porridge for a simple meal."

Jiang Ping'an brought back a catty of fresh pork.

Although the weather is getting colder now, it can't be stored for too long, and it has to be eaten up.

Yu Haitang smiled and said, "My sister's words are quite funny now."

"Nowadays, there are meat pancakes to eat, and you still say that you just eat them briefly."

"If outsiders hear this, I'm afraid they will laugh at you for bragging."

Yu Li was stunned for a moment, covered her mouth and smiled and said, "It's because I'm used to living a good life with him, and I'm used to it."

"But you are right in reminding us that we must keep the wind out of our conversations in the future. It is really not good for outsiders to hear."

Yu Haitang nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

"I also speak recklessly at home, but I still know how to measure it outside."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Since you are all hungry, wash up and eat!"

The three of them had already made a fuss, and when they took a bath again, their movements were swift.

After taking a shower.

Yu Li went to cook, and Yu Haitang took the clothes changed by the three of them to the washing table to wash.

Jiang Pingan stretched, came to Yu Li, put his arms around her waist from behind, and put his chin on her shoulder.

"Don't make trouble, I'm kneading the dough to make pancakes!" Yu Li scolded him.

Jiang Pingan chuckled and said, "Your waist is really soft."

"You, you're such a great leader, you're still not in shape." Yu Li pursed her lips and said.

After a pause, she sighed and said, "Tell me, if I'm used to living a big life with you, will I be reluctant to leave you in the future?"

"Why are you bringing this up so well? Don't you say I've been with you for three years?" Jiang Ping'an said, sniffing her neck.

Yu Li gritted her teeth and said, "It's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but it's too difficult to go from extravagant to frugal."

"Haitang and I are not used to eating when we go home to eat now. The buns made of stick noodles are hard to swallow."

Yu Haitang, who was doing the laundry over there, said, "Sister, you just like to think about things."

"I think life like this is pretty easy now. Why do you think so much about things in the future?"

"Speaking of which, this age can't always be so bad, can it? There will definitely be times when it gets better."

"After three to five years, your job will become regular, your income will be higher, and your age will get better. Wouldn't your good life continue?"

"At that time, if you want to marry someone, you will definitely be able to find an honest man with good conditions to marry..."

Before she finished speaking, Yu Li blushed and scolded softly: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are the only one who is smart!"

As she spoke, she turned her head and rubbed Jiang Ping'an's face, and whispered:

"Don't listen to Haitang. I might still be with you in three to five years."

Don't want the good man you get, but have a good life.

But she is anxious to get married, have children, and become a housewife, she is not stupid.

If she really wanted to marry someone, the relationship between her and Jiang Ping'an would be severed, and she would work hard all day on oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

She really didn't want to live that kind of life, just thinking about it made her irritable.

Jiang Pingan smiled, bit her ear lightly, and faltered:

"What's going to happen in three or five years, we'll talk about it when we get there. What are you guys arguing about now?"



After Jia Dongxu was sent to the countryside for burial, those who went there returned in the evening.


"That Qin Jingru, why do you call her cousin? Isn't she cousin?"

Jiazhang came back and thought about it all the way, but he just couldn't figure it out.

Qin Huairu shook her head and said, "Jingru belongs to the fourth uncle's family, and the fourth uncle is the cousin across the room, so the relationship is not too close."

"But my mother and Jingru's mother are sisters, so we have called each other according to our mother's relationship since we were young."

"It's like I call Jingru's mother the third aunt instead of the fourth aunt. The root is here."

Jia Zhang suddenly said: "There is still such a relationship between co-authors. I really didn't pay attention to this before."

In the final analysis, it was due to the lack of contacts, she couldn't even recognize Qin Huairu's natal family, let alone the hidden relationship.

After a pause, she asked curiously, "You said that Jiang Ping'an hasn't found a partner in these years, but is he planning to marry Qin Jingru?"

"Yes, it's not a secret in the countryside, it's just safe in the courtyard." Qin Huairu nodded.

"And they have become a de facto marriage, and the brigade commune also knows about it."

"The reason why there is no proof is that apart from Jingru's age, it is also related to Ping'an becoming a cadre."

Jia Zhang asked doubtfully: "With Jiang Ping'an's connections, it's not difficult to change Qin Jingru's age to a higher age, right?"

"It's not difficult, but it's also a hidden danger. That's why Ping An said it will be stable for a year or two." Qin Huairu nodded.

"Although this matter is not a big deal, if someone really wants to pursue it, it is also a matter of breaking the law and discipline."

"It's nothing to put it on ordinary people, but it may become a target if it's put on cadres."

Jia Zhang nodded and said with a smile, "It would be a good thing if Jiang Ping'an really married Qin Jingru."

"In this way, based on your relationship with Qin Jingru, we also become relatives with Jiang Ping'an."

"Not to mention, there are advantages and disadvantages to having a good relationship with Jiang Ping'an. This kid is really sincere in helping others."

"This time, whether it's the pension or your work, including sending Dongxu to the countryside, he has really helped."

There was another thing she didn't say, if Qin Jingru could marry Jiang Ping'an, there would be no need for Qin Huairu to send her to Jiang Ping'an.

From now on, Jiang Ping'an will be the uncle of Bang Geng and other children. What's the matter, why don't he take care of it?

Qin Huairu pondered and said: "The matter of Ping'an marrying Jingru should be inseparable."

"Although I don't know much about Ping An, I can tell that he is a man of one word."

"Once everything is settled and paid attention to, it seldom changes, but it can be relied on."

Mrs. Jia Zhang agreed, "You're right. Jiang Ping'an's character is really hard to find fault with."

The two were talking, and the stick fell asleep on the table.

Qin Huairu was busy making dinner, Jia Zhangshi was afraid that the stick would catch cold, so she carried him to the kang and put him on the bed, covered with a thin blanket.

Turning around, Jia Zhang muttered, "That brat Xu Damao is a traitor, he has already relied on Jiang Ping'an."

"Huairu, how about we let BangGong recognize Jiang Pingan as godfather?"

Qin Huairu was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and said helplessly:

"Mom, didn't you just say that with Jingru's relationship, the stick will be called Uncle Ping'an?"

Jia Zhang came to her senses, patted her forehead, and said, "Okay, I want to end it."

"It's been a busy day today, and I can't turn my mind around."

Qin Huairu said: "Although we have Jingru's relationship, we can only rely on ourselves in the future."

"If you really want any trivial matter, go to trouble Ping An..."

"With his temperament, I'm afraid he won't welcome us."

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