Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 370 The Weird Golden Branch

After dinner in the evening.

Yu Li asked Yu Haitang to teach her to read and learn culture.

Since Jiang Ping'an mentioned it last time, Yu Li has also begun to pay attention to knowledge and culture.

With such a good backer, if she doesn't cherish the opportunity to make progress, she is afraid that she will regret it if she misses it.

So since Yu Haitang moved here.

No matter whether Yu Li is at work or off work, as long as she is free, she will study with books.

Jiang Ping'an looked at it for a while, it was still early, and he thought it was quite close to the Jin family compound.

So I told them to go out for a walk and come back later.

"Don't look too late, the light is dim, don't make your eyesight worse."

Just a word of advice, push the cart out.

Jiang Ping'an rode a bicycle to the gate of the Jin family compound and knocked on the gate.

Soon, the door opened.

Jin Zhi looked out suspiciously, wondering who came to the door so late.

Seeing that it was Jiang Ping'an, she suddenly became happy, and just about to shout, she quickly covered her small mouth.

Then I looked behind and thought that my father and sister were busy making Chinese medicine.

Then, like a gust of wind, he stepped out and closed the door behind his back.

"Why are you willing to come? You want to kill me."

Jin Zhi threw himself on Jiang Ping'an, sniffing his scent greedily.

Jiang Pingan put his arms around her soft body, chuckled lightly, sniffed the fragrance of her hair and said:

"I miss you sisters. Where's your sister? Is it convenient to come out?"

Jin Zhi shook his head and said, "I'm busy making medicine with my dad, I'm afraid we won't be able to come out."

The Jin family's "Reconstructing Golden Elixir" can treat many difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

But its production method is very simple.

It is to use the ground secret medicine powder, mix honey, etc., and knead it into honey pills by hand.

Honey has a strong adhesive force after refining and can effectively adhere to medicines.

And after mixing with the medicine powder, the surface of the pellets is not easy to harden, the disintegration is slow, and the effect is long-lasting (the pills are slow).

It is convenient to preserve the properties of the medicine, and avoids the oxidative deterioration and loss of the active ingredients of the medicine.

To maintain the inherent odor characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, honey is often used as a binder clinically.

Jiang Pingan nodded lightly and said, "Let's go, talk on the sidelines, it's not safe here."

Jin Zhi smiled happily, got off him obediently, and followed Jiang Pingan down the alley.

The bright moonlight sprinkled all over the earth, as if covering the earth with a layer of silver gauze.

The night sky is deep, and the stars are like pearls, inlaid under the sky, shining brightly.

The sound of footsteps rustling in the alley at night.

The surrounding residents have not yet fallen asleep, and occasionally they can hear children playing and adults shouting and cursing.

Jin Zhi pursed his lips lightly, looking at Jiang Ping'an's back with a soft light, full of spring.

The two came under the big tree behind the Jin family compound, embraced each other, and kissed deeply.

After a while, the two separated. Jin Zhi held Jiang Ping'an's face and said affectionately:

"This place is remote, and it's so late, no one will come over."

Jiang Pingan nodded lightly, and after a while, he lifted her up and leaned against the tree trunk...


"Well, slow down, let me rest for a while." Jin Zhi said with a ruddy face, exhaling lightly.

Just as Jiang Ping'an was about to back away, Jin Zhi hurriedly said, "Don't, that's it, it's good."

As she spoke, she leaned lightly into Jiang Ping'an's arms, and asked with a smile, "Aren't you tired of supporting me like this?"

"How much do you weigh? I have great strength, haven't you experienced it?" Jiang Pingan said with a smirk.

Jin Zhi covered his mouth with a smile, and said, "You're running amok like a cow, and you don't know how to hurt me."

"Then I'll be gentle later?" Jiang Ping'an asked with a smile.

Jin Zhi rolled his eyes and said, "Can this matter be gentle?"

"I just love how unrelenting and unreasonable you look when you erupt."

Jiang Pingan smiled secretly. This Jin Zhi has a personality similar to Yu Haitang's, straightforward and coddled.

"You said if my sister knew that we were stealing food, would she blame me?" Jin Zhi asked in a low voice.

Jiang Ping'an thought that your sister and I did not steal food, but he said:

"Your sister is gentle, considerate and generous. She won't blame us."

"Tch, she is bored in everything, not because she has no temper." Jin Zhi wrinkled her nose and said.

Jiang Pingan heard the words and asked in confusion, "What's the matter? Listen to your tone, are you having a fight with your sister?"

"Yeah, we had a few words during dinner." Jin Zhi said depressedly.

Jiang Ping'an asked curiously, "Why are you arguing?"

"Why else? My dad always only asks my sister to help me in making the pills, and doesn't let me intervene." Jin Zhi replied.

"I didn't talk about it when I was young, but now that I'm grown up, do you still have to guard against me?"

Jiang Ping'an smiled slightly, and said, "Your father made a name for himself by relying on the 'Reconstituted Golden Elixir'."

"The fewer people who know about this thing, the safer it is. You can't be too careful."

"You have a carefree temper. He must be afraid that you will leak the secret after you find out."

"Furthermore, why are you asking for prescriptions when you have nothing to do? Do you have any small thoughts?"

Jin Zhi shook his head and said: "That's not true, I'm just angry that my dad has something important to do and only thinks about my sister."

"You, be more careful. If I were your father, I would only ask your sister to help." Jiang Ping'an said.

Hearing this, Jin Zhi gritted his teeth, gently pinched his neck, giggled and said:

"Okay, I'm your woman, but you want to be my father, not as bad as you!"

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Don't make trouble, I'll just make an analogy."

"Bah, I can feel it, you're so hot, dare you say you have no bad intentions?" Jin Zhi didn't believe it at all.

"Well... look, the more I talk about you, the more energetic you are, giggling... your mouth is sophistry, but your body is very sincere."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, you have discovered the secret I have hidden for many years, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Dad, Dad..."

Jin Zhi was weird, tilted his head slightly, blinked his eyes and said with a smile.

Jiang Pingan gasped, feeling very hot in his heart, this girl understood his thoughts too well.

"You little goblin, watch me use seventy-two sticks and deal with you properly!"

"Dad, don't hit me, I'm so scared, don't look for me... um..."

Forty or fifty minutes later.

Jiang Pingan supported the trembling golden branch and went back to the gate of the Jin family compound.

"I have no strength, my body seems to be falling apart." Jin Zhi whispered.

"Are you comfortable? How about I call my sister out, she should be done."

Jiang Pingan looked at his watch, shook his head and replied, "Forget it, it's getting late, next time!"

Jin Zhi nodded, stepped forward and put his arms around his neck, coquettishly said:

"Remember to come and see me often, or go to my unit's dormitory. I'm not too busy recently."

"Don't worry, I can't bear to let you, little goblin, idle. I will come to you often." Jiang Ping'an nodded.

Jin Zhi smiled lightly, took the initiative to kiss him, leaned on the wall and opened the door to go back to the courtyard.

Jiang Ping'an chuckled secretly, although today is not a long time.

But he showed six successes, and easily tidied up the golden branch submissively.

It's getting late, I'm going home, there is still a battle to be fought at night...

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