Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 371 Adapt to the situation and take the initiative


Early in the morning, Jiang Ping'an got up before dawn.

He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers that had been ironed in the rain yesterday.

And shiny leather shoes, indescribably full of energy.

The test results came out yesterday, and it was no surprise that Jiang Ping'an's grades were top notch.

Today he is going to participate in the interview organized by the relevant department, so he pays special attention to it.

After several months of preparation, whether I can get on the big ship of Huarun Company is only a matter of trembling today!

Huarun Company is a sub-level enterprise directly managed by the central government, with a higher level (office) than the rolling mill.

The main task is to organize exports to Hong Kong, import important materials for the Mainland, and ensure the supply of the Hong Kong Island market.

The trade volume accounts for one-third of the country's total foreign trade.

Because the company is established in Hong Kong Island, it faces the international market and has close ties with foreign countries.

Many import and export matters in the country are fully represented by the company.

This is why, in terms of selecting personnel, they will be more strict and cautious, and they must have loyalty and quality.

Of course, Jiang Ping'an knew that even if he passed the interview, he would only get one chance to learn.

Dean Gao also told him about this and asked him to face it with a learning attitude.

It's hard to say whether he can join Huarun Company, especially when Jiang Ping'an's rank is not low.

You can't let Jiang Ping'an be a clerk after he passes by, right?

At least in this era, the country's talents are not so worthless and abundant.

At six o'clock in the morning, Jiang Ping'an came to a five-story office building on his bicycle.

The headquarters of Huarun Company is in Hong Kong Island, the mainland headquarters is in Guangdong Province, and only an office is set up in Beijing.

When we arrived, a dozen or so people had already arrived and gathered in front of a flower bed under a big tree to talk.

"I heard no, there are quite a few people who took part in the written test this time, and there are thousands of people from various colleges and universities."

"So much? Are college students worthless now?"

"Hehe, no matter how expensive college students are, there are so many universities in the capital, so what is this talent?"

"By the way, I heard from inside sources that less than a hundred people came to the interview this time."

"Where did you get the inside information? How could only so few people come to the interview?"

"You don't understand that, do you? Written test scores are just for reference, but the qualifications for passing require multiple inspections."

"Tsk tsk, if this news is true, then the acceptance rate is too low!"

You must know that the college students who take the exam are all elites.

The gold content of college students these days is still very high, no wonder everyone was surprised.

"Also, I heard that in the past few years, less than ten people could finally pass the interview every year."

"Really or not? With such a toss every year, most of the people are busy for nothing?"

"It can't be said that, being able to take this kind of examination organized by relevant departments is also considered a qualification."

"I heard that the test results will be sent to the school. As long as you pass the written test, the school will reward you."

Jiang Pingan stood on the periphery of the crowd and listened. He was about to smoke a cigarette in the corner when someone spotted him.

"Hey, Lao Jiang is here? I knew you would be able to come for the interview."

"Old Jiangniu, I have only studied for a few months, and my grades are still among the best. I am ashamed of myself."

"Oh, it's our misfortune to meet Lao Jiang, but it's the country's great fortune!"


Everyone around him chattered, Jiang Pingan was speechless, and said angrily:

"Don't be so weird with me. You seem to be praising me, but you are actually praising yourself."

"Are all the college students so shameless now? Good guy, I was almost passed by you!"

Everyone laughed, Jiang Ping'an laughed too, pointed to the corner, everyone smiled and went to smoke together.

These college students come from major universities in the capital and will be the pillars of the country in the future.

There are also a small number who have already taken part in the work, similar to Jiang Ping'an, and are studying in university.

Jiang Ping'an is a caring person.

During the few days of taking the written test, I intend to take the initiative to make friends with top students from various schools.

The reputation spread quickly.

So many people don't know Jiang Ping'an at the moment, but there are very few people who don't know him.

Of course, this kind of casual acquaintance may not have much effect, but it is an effective supplement to expand the network.

Maybe someday it will come in handy?

When he came to the corner, Jiang Pingan took out peonies and was about to walk around when someone said:

"Lao Jiang, you want to earn money to support your family. I brought Huazi here, so I will fuck you."

Then five or six people took out Huazi one after another, distributed cigarettes and lit them.

Suddenly, thick smoke billowed in the corner as if a garbage dump had been set on fire.

As time goes by, more and more people, laughing and cursing,

After talking for a while, Jiang Ping'an muttered:

"We come from all corners of the country, and we met by chance, and being able to know each other is a relief of fate."

"After attending the interview today, we all have to go our separate ways, and the chances of getting together again are slim."

"So I propose to set up a newsletter to keep in touch in the future. Is anyone interested?"

As soon as the words fell, someone happily said: "This proposal is good. It is a good thing to have more friends and more paths."

"Okay! I support Lao Jiang's proposal. I just brought a notebook to help with statistics." Someone said again.

Everyone applauded in unison and responded one after another.

They are all smart people, so they naturally know the importance of making connections, and no one refuses such a good thing.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "In that case, I will be the middleman."

"In the future, some of your contact addresses will change, remember to contact me, and I will distribute it to others."

"In the future, our address book will be updated at the end of each year. If there is no change, it will not be updated."

Everyone nodded in agreement, after all, it was Jiang Ping'an who brought it up.

In addition, he has joined the work and is a native of the capital, so he is relatively stable, so it is most suitable for him to be the contact transfer point.

Soon, the address book was sorted out.

It wrote the name and the address of my hometown, the address of the school I am currently studying, and the corresponding zip code.

Those who have already participated in the work have also left the contact address of the unit, which is written in more detail.

The classmate in charge of statistics tore off ten or twenty sheets of paper.

He and the money he had just collected to buy stamps were handed over to Jiang Ping'an for safekeeping.

Jiang Pingan glanced at it for a while, and found that the handwriting was clear and neat, then folded it up and put it in his pocket, and said:

"I will bind it into a volume as soon as possible and send it to you."

As he spoke, he secretly looked at several people in the crowd, remembering their faces.

The news of these people is really well-informed, and they are the children of high-ranking cadres.

The number of people who came today was indeed less than a hundred, only eighty-two.

Although this kind of internal information is not confidential, it cannot be inquired below a certain level.

While talking, I heard someone shouting in the corridor of the office building:

"Are you setting the tree on fire? Stop smoking, come here and line up to verify your identity, and start the interview!"

Everyone was excited, and they walked over together and lined up one by one according to their nervousness.

The interview is about to begin!

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