Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 373: He Yuzhu's old ways sprouted, and Jia Zhang's eyes opened when he saw the foo

fourth floor.

"Next, Comrade Jiang Ping'an please enter the waiting area."

Jiang Pingan exhaled, walked steadily, and came to the waiting area to wait.

Ten minutes ago, he got the questions to be tested. Just like the first test in the morning, there were three questions.

The first is: What is your biggest failure so far?

The original intention of this question is not to really describe the matter.

But through one thing, what kind of feeling, what kind of experience gained.

What is the attitude in the face of success and failure.

And these things that have been experienced, for the future life path.

What kind of significant, far-reaching and positive impact has been produced.

Therefore, only a simple statement of the event is required in the exposition.

The point is to explain the significance of the event to me.

The second is: working abroad is very difficult, please tell us your opinion?

Focus on examining candidates' understanding and cognition level of possible future jobs.

and self-awareness and positioning.

The third way is: Some people say that all foreign things should be taken.

Some people also say that we should do our best to protect the things of our country. What do you think?

In fact, this issue has been debated for a long time. Even in later generations, many experts and scholars are still arguing.

Jiang Ping'an believes that there is nothing wrong with learning advanced Western culture, but he does not take it all.

Similarly, traditional Chinese culture must be preserved, but not its dross.

We should not be paranoid about one side. Only by connecting Chinese and Western cultures and integrating ancient and modern times can we prosper our culture and discard the chaff and keep the essence.

After Jiang Ping'an got the three questions, he was thinking about the answers in his heart, and he quickly found out the direction of the answers.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the examiner likes his answer or not.

For example, the third question, if it is aimed at domestic enterprises, he will only hold high the banner of the road and talk about self-reliance.

But now they are facing Huarun, a company mainly engaged in foreign trade.

Jiang Ping'an will answer questions from an impartial perspective.

Jiang Ping'an didn't know if the direction of the answer was right, but he thought the risk of being paranoid was too great.

Five minutes later, the last candidate ended the interview.

"Comrade Jiang Ping'an, please go to the examination room for an interview." The staff reminded.

Jiang Pingan stepped into the room, took a quick look around, and there were nine examiners lined up.

When he glanced at three of them, surprise flashed in his eyes. Those three were acquaintances, and the world was really small.

In an instant, he regained his composure. The exam is the most important moment.


Red Star Street Office.

He Yuzhu breathed a sigh of relief when he came out of the housing management department.

Today, he took half a day off and took the time to change the house back to his name.

Fortunately, Yi Zhonghai reminded him of this, otherwise he would not be vigilant.

Although they have only been married for a few months, the relationship between him and Chen Xueying can be described as incompatible.

The reason was that Chen Xueying shouldn't have brought six children here, but he himself was thinking of Qin Huairu.

No, it doesn't have to be Qin Huairu.

But if she has a gentle temperament and can make him feel warm, it would be even better if the other party has a higher culture.

Anyway, it was enough for him and Chen Xueying to face such trivial matters as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar all day long.

People call him silly, but he is not stupid at all, on the contrary he is very shrewd.

After understanding his own intentions, He Yuzhu began to guard against Chen Xueying.

Because of this, he felt more and more that something was wrong with Chen Xueying, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

This made him loathe Chen Xueying, but at the same time distressed.

Thinking about something in my heart, I went back outside the courtyard.

I saw Qin Huairu coming out of the toilet, walking slowly, with her head down, doing something with her fingers.

"Sister Qin!" He Yuzhu called out with a smile on his face.

Seeing Qin Huairu, he felt that the whole world was brightened, and all the gloom was swept away.

Qin Huairu froze when he heard the shout, and frowned when he looked up and saw He Yuzhu.

"Silly, are you not at work?"

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Huairu pursed his lips and asked, but quickened his pace and walked towards the courtyard.

She is a widow now, not as usual, but she dare not talk too much to anyone, especially Shazhu.

He Yuzhu shook his head with a smile and said, "I have some private matters to do, so I took half a day off."

Qin Huairu said with a blank face, said nothing more, and walked faster.

He Yuzhu didn't think too much about it, and didn't notice anything wrong with her expression, but followed her instead.

After entering the courtyard, he asked again: "Sister Qin, is there enough food for the family?"

Qin Huairu nodded: "Eat sparingly, and barely make it to the time when the food is paid."

"Sister Qin, I borrowed some stick noodles from Uncle Yi, you share some to eat." He Yuzhu said.

Qin Huairu shook his head and said, "No silly Zhu, thank you for your kindness."

"Your family has a large population, so you should keep the food for yourself!"

He Yuzhu said: "It's okay, let's share some with your family, and our family also has some sweet potatoes as supplements."

As soon as I spoke, I reached the middle courtyard.

"No need, don't follow, I'm afraid my mother-in-law will complain!" Qin Huairu replied, and hurried home.

He Yuzhu stopped, looked at her back, and felt happy.

Qin Huairu was finally willing to talk to him, and even talked to him so much.

That voice is so pleasant, and that waist is so graceful and graceful, which makes people's hearts hot.

Although Chen Xueying's looks and figure are not bad, He Yuzhu can't help but think about the smell on her body.

It's better to be Qin Huairu, although I haven't smelled it close, but it must be fragrant.

"No, I have to send some food to Sister Qin while Xueying is away." He Yuzhu thought to himself.

"Her man is dead, and the family has no pillar. It must be hard. I want to help her more."

"Don't ask her to repay me, as long as she can say a few more words to me, it's worth it."

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, returned home, and distributed some of the food that Yi Zhonghai lent him.


When Qin Huairu returned home, she said to Mrs. Jia Zhang who was making shoes:

"Mom, that idiot is moving towards me again, please help stop him from now on."

She has made up her mind that she will not offend anyone when encountering such things in the future, and will only let Jia Zhang out.

Sure enough, Jiazhang was stunned for a moment, and was furious when he heard the words: "This silly dog, shameless!"

"Why didn't he die? Did he kill thousands of swords to bully our orphans and widows?"

As he said that, he threw away the cloth shoes, ran out in a puff of smoke, and ran to the door of He Yuzhu's house, about to yell at him.

Before he could speak, He Yuzhu came out with a cloth bag and said with a smile:

"Aunt Jia, you came just in time. I borrowed some food from Uncle Yi and distributed it to your family."

Jia Zhang choked his anger in his throat, his complexion changed from anger to joy, and he said with a smile:

"Let me just say, silly Zhu, you are well-known in the yard as kind and kind, and you know how to help neighbors in need."

He Yuzhu breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Mrs. Jia and Zhang would not want it, so he smiled and said:

"After two months, when I go back to work in the cafeteria, I can still bring back some leftovers, and I'll give you some as well."

Jia Zhang happily said: "Okay, okay, then please..."

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