Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 374 Jiang Ping'an was cautious when he first heard about the game behind the scenes

"Silly Zhu, don't follow me!"

When Jia Zhang saw that He Yuzhu was going to follow him to the house, she hurriedly said.

"Dongxu just left, Huairu and I are both widows, you should stay away."

"After I pour the grain into the rice jar, I will return the grain bag to you."

He Yuzhu paused, hesitated and said:

"I'll just ask Sister Qin if there is anything else I need to help with."

Jia Zhang said with a blank face: "Don't ask her, you can also ask me."

"I'm asking you, what's your strength, old clapper?" He Yuzhu thought disdainfully in his heart.

But he said: "Okay, we are all neighbors, if you have any difficulties, please tell me."

Mrs. Jia Zhang pursed her lips secretly, nodded, then turned and went home.

"Mom, this is you..."

Qin Huairu was sitting in front of the sewing machine changing clothes, and when she saw Mrs. Jia Zhang coming back with a grain bag, she asked.

Mrs. Jia Zhang raised her eyebrows, grunted outside the door, and said:

"The food that silly Zhu gave us for free, don't want it for nothing."

As he spoke, he poured the cornmeal into the rice jar.

Qin Huairu frowned worriedly and said, "Mom, is this suitable?"

"Don't wait for Chen Xueying to come back and make trouble with us again."

Mrs. Jia Zhang snorted coldly. After pouring out the food, she shook the cloth bag and said angrily:

"She made a fuss? It was given to us by Sha Zhu. What does it matter to her?"

"I won't tell you anymore, I'll return the bag."

"By the way, as long as Shazhu comes to you in the future, you will push it to me."

"I'll take all the icing that comes, and shoot all the shells back!"

Qin Huairu was speechless, and just about to persuade her, Jia Zhang turned around and went out again.

"Really, after Ping An helps buy food next month, is our family still short of this food?"

She suddenly discovered that this pungent mother-in-law is a double-edged sword.

If you use it well, it will have miraculous effects. If you don’t use it well, your life will be messed up.


After two o'clock in the afternoon.

The interview was over, but the results were not announced.

It said that it would take half a month, and those who passed the assessment would be notified.

In a small conference room on the fourth floor.

Jiang Ping'an and the three examiners swallowed their clouds.

"Good guy, Lao Xu, Lao Hu, Lao Ding, why did you three come here?" Jiang Pingan asked with a smile.

"I remember that the three of you all work at the supply and marketing cooperative?"

As far as Jiang Ping'an knew, these three were all cadres from the Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

The level is also the level of deputy director and director.

Jiang Ping'an often followed them for unplanned supplies.

Xu Jixun exhaled the smoke and said with a smile:

"I haven't congratulated you on your promotion yet, how about a drink tonight?"

Jiang Ping'an rolled his eyes and said, "Don't ramble, answer my question first."

"What's the problem? Didn't you say that we work in a supply and marketing cooperative?" Xu Jixun raised his eyebrows.

"We work there, just responsible for coordinating supplies, and the real work unit is Huarun Company."

Jiang Pingan choked, thinking about it carefully, they really didn't say it, they thought it was what they thought.

In this way, I was really lucky. I went to the supply and marketing agency to find a relationship, but I found the right person.

The cadres who coordinate the materials naturally have a lot of resources in their hands.

"It's really yours. If I hadn't come to the interview today, would you have kept it a secret?"

Ding Zhongtian answered: "Don't blame us, you didn't ask yourself, we thought you knew."

Jiang Pingan glared at him, shook off the cigarette ash, and muttered:

"Speaking of which, after your interview, what is the next chapter, can you tell me?"

Hu Zhongjian replied: "Speaking of which, your overall quality is really good, and the examiners with us all spoke highly of you."

"Especially the interview cadres of the relevant departments, who are full of praise for you."

"Just one thing, your level is about the same as ours, I'm afraid it's not easy to arrange."

"In addition, we sent people to the rolling mill. I'm afraid your factory won't let you go!"

Although Huarun Company has a high level, it is not in the same system as the rolling mill.

To transfer Jiang Ping'an to Huarun Company, he must agree with himself and the rolling mill.

Needless to say, he himself, since he came to take the exam, he must have been looking forward to it, and it was easy to handle.

The key point is that at the rolling mill, in order to keep Jiang Ping'an, even the metallurgical superiors came forward.

These behind-the-scenes games started after Jiang Ping'an signed up, but he himself didn't know anything about it.

And he was promoted two levels in a row, and the organization procedure was advanced a few months, which was the result of this, and it was a special case.

As for why the superior and the factory leaders didn't tell him the truth, it is natural to have their own considerations and considerations.

Jiang Ping'an frowned and said, "What is the arrangement? Didn't it mean that this exam is an opportunity to learn?"

Now he is not afraid that he will not be able to get on the big boat of Hua Run.

If he had known that these three dogs were Huarun's cadres, he wouldn't even take the exam.

"It's true for others, can you do the same?" Xu Jixun said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, our unit has already been eyeing you."

"Especially after you got so many materials for the rolling mill in the first half of the year, the leaders are even more anxious."

Nowadays, everything is lacking, and all provinces and units are strictly on guard, staring at them tightly.

Even so, Jiang Ping'an still pulled out his teeth and got so many supplies. This is a real skill, and it can't be fake.

If such a titan is transferred to Huarun Company and used properly, there is no unit that does not like it.

Ding Zhongtian saw Jiang Ping'an frowned in thought, looked at his two colleagues, and then said:

"Actually, before you came back from your business trip in the first half of the year, our company was trying to find a way to transfer people."

"But the leader of your rolling mill is also very courageous, and directly promoted you to the deputy director."

"Okay, your leader in gold management has done an even better job, and I've given you another level."

"It means that they have done everything we wanted to do, and implemented it more thoroughly and in a timely manner."

"You may not know, I heard from the leader that this lawsuit has gone to the Central Supervisory Committee."

"I don't know what the superiors talked about in the end, but there is no news anyway."

"I thought this was the end of the matter, but I didn't expect you, kid, to be delivered to your door, haha..."

Jiang Ping'an was speechless. He really didn't know that there were so many things behind him.

If you co-author yourself to sign up for the exam, you may do poorly.

Although he wanted to join Hua Run Company, he never thought about leaving the rolling mill.

I just want to get on the boat of Hua Run to seek shelter before that storm comes.

He himself doesn't care, he walks upright, sits upright, and is not afraid of those people jumping.

Because he is not a good person himself, he is more than capable of doing bad things.

Just as someone was about to keep their eyes open, he didn't mind firing full fire and killing a lot of people.

Mainly the group of women behind, needing a safe haven.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be comfortable for him to live a peaceful life?

Jiang Ping'an thought for a while, then murmured: "Listen to what you say, if I leave the rolling mill, I will not be kind."

"Is there a way to join Hwa Run without leaving?"

Ding Zhongtian smiled and nodded, "Don't even mention it, our company really has a department that suits you."

"Tell me quickly." Jiang Pingan's eyes lit up.

Ding Zhongtian asked with a smile: "Economic Research Office, have you heard of it?"

"If you want to, you can work part-time as a researcher. The level varies from person to person..."

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