Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 383 He Yuzhu was taken away, Chen Xueying's ruthlessness

It was very quiet in the yard.

All the onlookers gasped, looking at Chen Xueying with chills in their hearts.

No one thought that if Chen Xueying didn't deal with He Yuzhu, once he did, he would be punished to death.

Yi Zhonghai was also frightened, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

"Comrade, which unit do you belong to? Is there some misunderstanding?"

The leader took out his certificate, showed it to Yi Zhonghai, and said:

"I am the chief of the security department of the Second Textile Factory, and my name is Xia Youjun."

"Yesterday afternoon, we received a report that Comrade Bai Shaomei in our factory was defiled."

"After our multiple investigations, we found that Comrade He Yuzhu in your yard is very suspicious."

"So we immediately brought Comrade Bai Shaomei over to confirm..."

Yi Zhonghai looked at the certificate, but couldn't confirm whether it was true or not, so he shook his head when he heard the words:

"Impossible, He Yuzhu is honest and honest, it is impossible to do such an outrageous thing!"

Xia Youjun took back the certificate, and said with a serious expression: "Whether he did it, we will investigate clearly."

"But before that, He Yuzhu needs to come with us to cooperate with the investigation."

The one named Bai Shaomei cried and choked up: "Chief Xia, I won't admit my mistake, it's him, woo woo..."

He Yuzhu stepped forward angrily, stared and said, "You're blind, I don't even know you, so stop pouring dirty water on me!"

As soon as the words fell, four or five guards rushed forward and threw him to the ground.

"Let go of me, you bastards!" He Yuzhu resisted and struggled vigorously.

One of the guards was furious, punched him hard, and scolded: "Be honest!"

The others also made use of Yinzi, and greeted He Yuzhu's vital parts, beating him until he grunted and screamed in pain.

Yi Zhonghai's expression changed, and he said urgently, "How can you beat people indiscriminately?"

"Besides, why do people from your textile factory arrest people? It is also people from our rolling mill who want to arrest people!"

Xia Youjun said with a blank face: "We have greeted the security department of the rolling mill, and we will handle this case together!"

"The suspect, we will take him away first to prevent him from escaping. Please don't stop me, old comrade!"

Yi Zhonghai's expression changed again and again, and he was about to ask Jiang Ping'an for help, but he looked around, but he didn't see anyone else.

While speaking, He Yuzhu was beaten dizzy and suffered a dark loss.

His head was pinned to the ground, unable to move, and he finally became honest.

Xia Youjun stepped forward, squatted down, and asked:

"Where did you go yesterday afternoon?"

He Yuzhu's face was pressed against the ground, unable to move, he gritted his teeth and said, "Where else can I go? Work in the factory!"

When he spoke, he bared his teeth, his mouth was full of blood, and his teeth were stained red.

"Nonsense, you weren't in the factory at all yesterday afternoon, how dare you argue?" Xia Youjun shouted.

"Be honest, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist!"

He Yuzhu said: "So what if I didn't go to work? Stop framing me!"

"No one has framed you, please cooperate with the investigation, otherwise we will be impolite." Xia Youjun said coldly.

He Yuzhu knew that no matter how hard his mouth was, he would suffer again. After a moment of silence, he replied, "Go to the street to go through the formalities."

"What are the procedures? Who can testify?" Xia Youjun asked.

He Yuzhu said: "Go to the housing management department of the street to change the name of the house, and everyone in the housing management department can testify."

"Nonsense, the house is under my name, and the deed is hidden by me. How did you change the name?" Chen Xueying interjected.

He Yuzhu said: "Hmph, I have been on guard against you, a vicious dead woman!"

"Are you his wife? Please go and take a look at the deed." Xia Youjun covered his ears and said in a businesslike manner.

Chen Xueying nodded, went back to the house in a leisurely manner to get the deed, and came out soon.

She handed the deed to Xia Youjun and said, "Look, comrade, this house is under my name."

"Impossible! I changed it yesterday!" He Yuzhu struggled and shouted.

Xia Youjun took it and took a closer look, wondering, "Why was the registration of the house yesterday?"

"Because the previous house deed was played by the children and burned, and a new one was issued yesterday." Chen Xueying replied.

When she came back from get off work yesterday, she found that someone had moved her box, so she knew that He Yuzhu had done something wrong.

If He Yuzhu can become the head of the household, she can naturally change back.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, she went to "relationship" overnight to do it.

When He Yuzhu heard this, his eyes were about to split open, and he looked at Chen Xueying resentfully, gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, I didn't expect you to say that you would go back to the old house last night. It turned out that you were going to change the deed!"

"Defense by day and night, house thieves are hard to guard against, you shameless woman..."

"If I don't nod my head, even if you change the lease, the house won't belong to you!"

Xia Youjun stood up, returned the deed to Chen Xueying, bowed his head and said to He Yuzhu:

"We'll send people to investigate over there in the street housing management department."

"But you can't prove your innocence. The itinerary yesterday afternoon was very suspicious, but you have to go with us."

After speaking, he waved and took the man away.

All the birds in the courtyard were eye-opening, it turns out that the whole thing can be so neat...

Yi Zhonghai ran up to Chen Xueying, sighed and said:

"Xueying, even if you have conflicts with Zhuzi, you can't beat him to death!"

Chen Xueying shook her head and said, "Master, this is really none of my business, how dare I provoke him?"

"You are so ruthless, can you live with Zhuzi in the future?" Yi Zhonghai shook his head and sighed.

After a few breaths of silence, Chen Xueying asked back: "Master, do you think we still look like a married couple?"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and came to Mrs. Jia Zhang, and said with a cold face:

"Give me back the chicken, one last time!"

Jiazhang's heart was chilled by her stare, and seeing He Yuzhu's miserable appearance just now, he didn't dare to slander anymore,

After hesitating for a while, she went back to the house and took out the chicken and returned it to Chen Xueying.

Chen Xueying snatched the whole chicken back and warned:

"In the future, we will not accept anything from our family unless I give it to you."

"I'll put my words here today, if you dare to take things from my house next time, you'll look good!"

To be honest, she wanted to clean up the Jia family from the bottom of her heart.

But whether it's Jia Zhang or Qin Huairu, they are all like a turtle, hiding in the yard every day.

At the same time, this family is full of small crimes and never commits big ones, making it impossible for her to kill her.

Otherwise, she would have ruined Jia's family long ago.

"Hmph, good-looking is good-looking, and we're not intimidated!"

Jia Zhang snorted coldly, replied stiffly, and then went back to the house in a puff of smoke.

After watching the excitement, the other people in the yard went to work contentedly, only Yi Zhonghai was very worried.

After thinking about it, he walked to the backyard, found the deaf old lady, and briefly explained what happened earlier.

"You lake! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" the deaf old lady said angrily.

"If people don't take it away, and I stop them, they can try to move one?"

"Let me just say, Chen Xueying is not a good guy, she really got hit!"

"Quick, help me up quickly, I want to go to Zhuzi's house and talk to Chen Xueying!"

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