Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 384 Yi Zhonghai panicked, and the deaf old lady panicked too

rolling mill.

In the office of the deputy director of logistics, Xu Damao was smoking a cigarette and asked curiously:

"Director Jiang, how do you think the incident in the courtyard will end today?"

"Chen Xueying is just a widow, what can she really do to get Shazhu?"

Jiang Pingan glanced at him, shook the soot, and said with a smile:

"Don't underestimate widows, especially widows like Chen Xueying."

"Xu Damao, don't believe it, at least you can't beat her."

Xu Damao laughed when he heard this, took out a handful of money, slapped it on the table, and said:

"I don't need to fight with her, this thing works best, she is very obedient, Jie Jie..."

Jiang Ping'an knew about him, so he had nothing to hide.

Jiang Pingan was speechless: "You are really promising, isn't there enough widows in the countryside?"

"Uh, after all, the ones from the countryside are a bit less flavorful, and Chen Xueying's grades are higher." Xu Damao blushed.

After a pause, he said depressedly: "You don't believe me, let's chat in private, don't let Ezi know."

"Since Ezi became pregnant, she hasn't let me touch her. You say I won't go to the widow, how will I live?"

Jiang Ping'an looked surprised and said, "Really? Didn't it mean that the pregnant woman has been pregnant for more than five months..."

"Yes, that's true, but she still doesn't let me touch her because she is concerned about children." Xu Damao said sadly.

He took a deep breath of the cigarette, extinguished the cigarette butt, rubbed his face to refresh himself, and said:

"However, I can get by now. Although I can't count as changing brides every night, I don't lack women."

"What makes me even happier is that your sister Ezi seldom cares about me. The only thing is that the salary must be handed in on time."

Jiang Ping'an asked curiously, "Then where do you usually get the money for those widows?"

"Go to the countryside to earn!" Xu Damao replied.

"Although life is difficult now, it is still somewhat."

"I will add two to one and make five, and hand in part, and keep the rest as private money."

"I warn you, don't tell Ezi about this, or we will break off our friendship."

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm notoriously tight-lipped."

"I trust you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to tell you what's in my heart." Xu Damao nodded.

The two came early, chatted for a while, and then some people went to work one after another.

After Jiang Yihu arrived, Xu Damao was about to leave, when the chief of the security department came with a document.

"Director Jiang, this is the contact letter I received earlier in the morning." Section Chief Ma stepped forward and said.

"It's at the Second Textile Factory. A girl has been defiled, and it involves He Yuzhu from our factory."

"So they sent a letter early in the morning, asking our factory security department to send someone to jointly handle the case."

Jiang Pingan took a look at the contact letter, frowned and said, "You take someone there yourself."

"Before the case is finalized, we must ensure the safety of our personnel involved."

With that said, he made an instruction in the contact letter and returned it to Section Chief Ma.

"Yes, don't worry, Director, and resolutely complete the task!" Section Chief Ma replied with a salute.

Then, after receiving the contact letter, he turned around and left without stopping.

Xu Damao clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "Good guy, you really hit the spot, Chen Xueying is not easy to mess with!"

"She is going to make a fool of herself to death, and she won't talk about the relationship between husband and wife at all!"

"Sure enough, I answered that sentence. The actor is ruthless, and the whore is ruthless. She is really vicious!"

"Tsk tsk, if the silly column is really included this time, I might have to eat peanuts!"

"No, there are so many people watching in the courtyard today, they can all testify for Shazhu that it was Chen Xueying who harmed him."

Jiang Pingan shook his head with a sneer and said, "How do you prove it? Chen Xueying didn't talk about things in the morning."

"It's about taking the bottom of the pot and asking a girl to falsely accuse Shazhu, saying that she was defiled by him. How can I explain this?"

Xu Damao frowned and said, "Where's the evidence? Don't tell me the girl doesn't want evidence when she framed someone?"

"It's not easy to get evidence?" Jiang Ping'an laughed.

"This matter was brought forward by the security department of the textile factory. They came prepared, and the evidence must have been prepared long ago."

"Personal evidence and physical evidence can definitely be made watertight. As long as they are willing, they can be made into iron gum!"

"That's why I just told Section Chief Feng to ensure He Yuzhu's safety."

He got up and patted Xu Damao's shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Now you know how powerful Chen Xueying is, don't you? Be careful when messing with her in the future."

After finishing speaking, he stepped out of the office and went to the next door to report the matter to Director Chen.

Although Jiang Pingan knew that He Yuzhu was framed by Chen Xueying, he felt very happy.

But this matter can't be confirmed by her.

After all, He Yuzhu is a worker in a rolling mill.

If something happened to him, the rolling mill would lose face.

Originally, Jiang Ping'an didn't want to get involved in this matter, but now two units are involved.

He was in charge of the security department and the health department, and He Yuzhu was still his subordinate, so he couldn't ignore it.


Katsa! Crash! Bang!

The deaf old lady came to the door of He Yuzhu's house cursing, raised her cane and knocked on the window glass.

Several pieces of glass shattered in succession and fell to the ground.

"Chen Xueying, get out!" the deaf old lady shouted angrily.

Yi Zhonghai frowned and said, "Old lady, stop knocking on the glass."

"The glass is broken, why don't you ask the pillar to buy it with money?"

The deaf old lady was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses, nodded and said:

"That's right! I've been smeared by Qi Lake, stop knocking, stop knocking!"

"Chen Xueying, get out of here and return my stupid post!"

At this time, the two little ones, He Xingke and He Xingmeng, came to the door, their little faces turned pale with fright.

He Xingmeng was terrified, blinking her big watery eyes, and said in a milky voice:

"Grandma, Mom has gone to work and just left for a while."

He Xingke on the side also nodded fiercely, indicating that they were not lying.

Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai walked to the door, stretched out his head to take a look, then turned around and said, "Old lady, Xueying is indeed not here."

"We can't delay any longer. We must hurry to the textile factory, or Zhuzi will suffer a lot."

Looking at the previous situation, it was very unfavorable for He Yuzhu's situation.

The people in the textile factory seemed to be well prepared and familiar with the road, which showed that they did not do this kind of thing less often.

The problem now is that he knows that He Yuzhu was framed, and he has nothing to do.

Just like the last time he was framed in the middle of the night, knowing that he was framed, he still couldn't explain it.

Now his only hope is that the deaf old lady go to the textile factory to delay the time.

He went to the rolling mill again and asked Jiang Ping'an for help.

Only Jiang Ping'an has the ability and connections in this matter, why Yu Zhu escaped.

"Then what are you waiting for? Carry me to the textile factory to rescue Zhu!"

The deaf old lady became anxious when she heard this, and hurriedly ordered.

She was pointing at He Yuzhu for retirement!

She can pretend to be deaf and dumb in other people's affairs, but she is more dedicated to He Yuzhu's affairs than anyone else.

The two rushed to the textile factory without stopping, just in time to meet the personnel from the security department of the rolling mill...

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