Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 397 The grievances of the silly couple have been settled, and He Yushui fell in love when he

"Did the rain go out to play?"

In the room, Chen Xueying put in a sheep's suit, with various emoticons on her face, coordinating with He Yuzhu.

"Well, I heard that she is going out now." He Yuzhu said with hard work.

After a while, his movements faltered, slowed down for a moment, rolled over from Chen Xueying, and lay flat to rest.

Chen Xueying pursed her mouth secretly, got up to clean up, hesitated, and said worriedly:

"I'm a little worried. Something happened to my cousin, and my sister-in-law will definitely come over to make trouble."

"Haha, now I know I'm worried? Didn't you provoke what happened yesterday?" He Yuzhu sneered.

Chen Xueying complained quietly: "If you don't mention the chicken to Jia's house, can I get angry?"

"Let's not talk about this first, what if my cousin-in-law comes to make trouble?"

He Yuzhu murmured: "Let's make trouble, if you make trouble, send her to the street!"

"There's nothing to be afraid of, the iron eucalyptus organized by the special case group, she must have gone to make trouble with them!"

Chen Xueying pursed her lips and said, "Anyway, if she comes to make trouble in the courtyard, you have to help block her."

"I'm a relative with her, so I can't hold back my face after all."

He Yuzhu laughed and said, "You yesterday..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped again.

Yesterday Chen Xueying shook off Xia Youjun and refused to admit it. After all, it was because of him.

No matter how heartless he Yuzhu was, he couldn't make fun of it.

Otherwise it would be too heartless.

Seeing that Chen Xueying was about to cry, He Yuzhu hurriedly said:

"Okay, no matter who makes trouble, I will stop it for you!"

"Oh, it would be great if your cousin came earlier, Jiang Ping'an is in the yard."

Chen Xueying said, "You can't trouble Jiang Ping'an with everything."

"Don't say you don't have much to do with him, even Brother Tie, when favors are exhausted."

"These parents are short-sighted, we can handle it ourselves, so we can handle it ourselves."

"Jiang Pingan's relationship should be used at critical moments, such as transferring you back to work in the cafeteria."

"Another example is the punishment on us. He will need his help to remove it in the future, otherwise we will not be able to upgrade."

He Yuzhu heard the words and felt that Chen Xueying was right to remind.

In the past six months, he has suffered a lot, and most of the unruly spirit in his body has been worn away.

Now that he thinks that Jiang Ping'an can be his backer, he wants to ask him for help in everything.

This kind of thinking is very cowardly. He Yuzhu never asked for help before.

"You're right, it's better to ask yourself than to ask others. We should handle small things by ourselves." He Yuzhu nodded.

As he spoke, he looked at Chen Xueying coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "But I still hate you!"

Chen Xueying choked, threw the hygienic towel in his hand on his face, and said angrily:

"Don't be ignorant of what's good or bad, shameless, silly Zhu, I gave you a chance, I hope you will know how to cherish it."

"Next time, next time, there will be no next time, next time either you will die or I will die, try it if you don't believe me!"

Seeing the crazy look on her face, He Yuzhu secretly cursed at the madman, but didn't dare to speak harshly.

Because he had seen Chen Xueying's viciousness yesterday!

Although Chen Xueying kept saying that Xia Youjun was responsible for what harmed him, he didn't fully believe it.

Without Chen Xueying's greeting yesterday, Xia Youjun would not have been attracted.

No matter what the result was, He Yuzhu was indeed pressed to the ground and rubbed against him yesterday.

Thinking about it, he still has more seasons in his heart and doesn't want to go through it again.

Chen Xueying saw that his face was blue and he was silent, but his eyes showed resentment and fear.

She couldn't help feeling a little regretful, how carefree she was when she lived alone with the child!

Of course, this can only be thought about.

As children grow up and become more sensible, many things have to be faced.

Although she can still do business, she must give the children a complete home.

The children grow up in school, go to college, get married in the future, and so on.

Having a father in name, both in fame and in real life, has helped a lot.

This is why the matchmaker first came to matchmaking.

After knowing that He Yuzhu's conditions are good, she hurriedly married him.

She really can afford to wait, and the children can't afford to wait.


The breeze is blowing, and the fields are golden, and farmers can be seen busy in the autumn harvest everywhere.

The air is filled with the fragrance of grass and earth.

The grass withered, and the bleak scene covered the earth.

In autumn, it turns from prosperity to decline.

Just like dusk, it is gorgeous and magnificent, but also sad and fleeting.

It is also easy for people to be emotionally affected by the scene, causing a sense of depression and desolation in the heart, and evoking a melancholy mood.

the side of the road.

He Yushui leaned on Jiang Ping'an.

Instead of seeing the joy of harvesting in the field, I secretly lamented the hard work of the farmers.

"As long as you imagine it, you will feel tired." He Yushui said in a low voice.

The breeze blew the ends of her hair, revealing a smooth face, and a soft light in her warm and clear eyes.

"Look at them bending over, bending over all the time, harvesting crops, they must be very tired!"

"It's such a cool weather, but everyone is sweating profusely, it should be very hot!"

"Sweat drips down to the soil, and every grain is painstaking. I have recited this poem since I was a child, and I feel the same way today."

Jiang Ping'an smoked a cigarette and said with a smile, "I shouldn't have brought you here to play."

"Although I knew you had a melancholic temperament before, I didn't expect to be so easily infected."

He Yushui smiled slightly and said, "Maybe it's the first time I've seen this kind of scene!"

"It may also be that I suffered too much when I was a child, and the darkness in my heart was instantly awakened."

"I think it is very worthwhile to come to the countryside to see these things today."

"Don't worry, I survived all the hardships I suffered when I was a child."

"Now that life is so easy, what else am I not satisfied with? What else is there to be depressed about?"

"Let's go, it's time to continue. I want to see the place where you grew up and get to know my sister-in-law earlier."

The two continued to set off, and it was only after seven o'clock when they arrived at Liangjia Village.

The sun is out and the sun is shining.

Qin Jingru was bending over and washing her hair in the courtyard dam.

Thousands of strands of black hair spread out, and after being drenched in water, they poured down like a waterfall.

Guiguang shone on her body, exuding a soft light.

Hearing the movement, she parted her long hair and looked sideways.

Seeing Jiang Ping'an, her eyes lit up, and she was overjoyed.

After seeing He Yushui, he was suddenly taken aback and frowned slightly.

"Ping An, this is..." Qin Jingru was very nervous, biting her lip hard.

I'm afraid that the girl following behind is Jiang Ping'an's new partner in the city.

Bring her back to showdown with her, and don't want her anymore.

In that case, her reputation will be completely ruined, and she will have a dead heart.

No, she was afraid of death, so she didn't want to die!

If her guess is true, then she can only be small.

Jiang Ping'an saw that her eyes were instantly red, and tears were rolling in her eyes. How could he not know what she was thinking?

So he quickly stopped the car, walked up to part her hair, bent down and whispered something to her.

"You and her... this? Really? Oh, that's fine, just don't get married! The girl is very juicy."

"Well, well, I'll get along with her well, you should have told me earlier, you caught me off guard."

"Oh, okay, but don't lie to me, you must marry me, I was scared to death just now..."

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