Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 398 The Two Daughters Meet, Xia Youjun's Daughter-in-Law Luo Yingqiu

in the kitchen.

Jiang Pingan put away the food one by one.

Hearing the sound of laughing and laughing outside, I was relieved.

Everyone else can hide it from Qin Jingru, but He Yushui must let her know.

The girl He Yushui is obedient and sensible, magnanimous, but very sensitive.

Even if you don't introduce her to Qin Jingru, she won't say anything.

But Jiang Pingan knew that He Yushui would be secretly depressed after Qin Jingru walked through the door.

Let them get to know each other earlier and get along with each other earlier, this is Jiang Ping'an's plan long ago.

Besides, when Qin Jingru went to the courtyard, there was an acquaintance, at least someone to talk to.

As for Qin Huairu, needless to say, even though she is a cousin, Qin Jingru has been on guard against her for a long time!

After washing his hands, Jiang Ping'an took the two bicycles one by one to the corner of the main room and put them away.

Then he brought out two chairs and handed one to He Yushui.

He Yushui was pouring hot water with a ladle and pouring it on Qin Jingru's head. The two met for the first time, but they cooperated tacitly.

"Ping An, Yushui, you left so early, haven't you eaten yet?" Qin Jingru asked quickly.

"Wait for me first, it will be ready soon, and then I will cook for you."

He Yushui grinned and said, "Sister Jingru, don't worry, just concentrate on washing your hair!"

"By the way, I always wash my hair with soap at home. What is your ointment-like thing?"

Qin Jingru replied with a smile: "It was brought back safely."

"It is said that it is made from saponins and smashed, and it is used to wash the hair. The hair is shiny and has a faint fragrance."

When He Yushui heard the words, he turned his head and said coquettishly, "Brother Ping An, why don't you give me some of such good things?"

"Why didn't I give it to you? Didn't I give you a clay pot?" Jiang Pingan asked puzzled.

"I remember telling me that it was for shampooing. Did you take it back and look at it?"

He Yushui looked embarrassed, and smiled awkwardly:

"I glanced at it, but didn't look carefully. I thought it was vegetable oil."

"You said you washed your hair. I guess I was busy, so I didn't hear it."

"I'm used to eating lard, so I haven't touched it, and kept it in the room!"

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Fortunately, I gave you a can early, otherwise you would still blame me today."

"Also, the soap you use to wash your hair was also given to you, right? Heartless girl!"

He Yushui glared at him, and complained to Qin Jingru:

"Sister Jingru, look, he scolded me again, and he is usually very fierce to me."

Qin Jingru said aggrievedly: "I can't help it. I can only listen to him when he scolds me. What should I do?"

"It's enough for you, you just met and you want to join forces to deal with me?" Jiang Ping'an scolded with a smile.

The second daughter giggled, and it was quite interesting for the two partners to quarrel with Jiang Ping'an.

Soon, Qin Jingru washed her hair, packed her things, and took He Yushui to the kitchen to cook.

Jiang Pingan followed to the kitchen and talked to them.

Start a fire and boil water for cooking, and eat some simple noodles with green pepper and bacon in the morning.

Qin Jingru took a piece of bacon, washed it, and put it in a pot to cook.

"Yu Shui, after dinner, I'll take you for a walk in the fields." Qin Jingru smiled.

"When you go to the countryside, if you don't recognize the crops, it will be in vain."

"When I come back, I'll take you to pick fruits and vegetables myself. It's very interesting."

He Yushui said happily: "Okay, I really want to go to the fields to see."

Jiang Ping'an leaned on the chair, put his hands on the back of his head, and said with a smile:

"Don't go in the morning, go in the afternoon!"

"How come this morning..."

Qin Jingru's heart was blunt, and before she finished speaking, her face suddenly turned red.

Then she blushed, glared at Jiang Ping'an, and said angrily:

"The rain is still here, so don't pay attention to what you say."

He Yushui came forward with a smile, took her arm, and whispered something to her.

Qin Jingru's eyes widened suddenly, her face was full of shock, and she said dumbfounded:

"This... This, this is not good, is it? Can you still play like this?"

He Yushui blushed slightly, nodded lightly and said, "That's what he thinks."

Qin Jingru glanced at Jiang Ping'an, very embarrassed, hesitated, gritted his teeth and said:

"Forget it, if it's cheap, let him be cheap! Anyway, we are all his people."

He Yushui hugged her waist from behind her and said with a smile:

"Sister-in-law is quite reasonable, I thought you would refuse!"

The corners of Qin Jingru's mouth twitched, he pulled away from He Yushui's arms, stomped his feet, and said with a blushing face:

"Looking at your delicate features, I really lost my sight, hum..."

He Yushui giggled, secretly raised his eyebrows and gave Jiang Ping'an a wink.

Her gag is helping Jiang Ping'an!

This girl is so considerate and knows what Jiang Ping'an is thinking.



At dawn, a woman came to the courtyard with three children.

Yan Bugui was taking care of the flowers and plants, when he saw a stranger coming in, he stepped forward to stop him for questioning.

"I'm a relative of Chen Xueying in your courtyard. I have something to do with her." Luo Yingqiu said politely.

"It's not long since she married, and I haven't been here either. Please tell me, sir, where does her family live?"

Yan Bugui saw that she had a good nose and eyes, but he didn't think much about it.

Anyway, it's broad daylight, and there are people everywhere in the courtyard, so I'm not afraid of her stealing things.

So he pointed to the middle courtyard and said casually: "Pass through this door, facing the main room is her home."

Luo Yingqiu thanked her again and again, and then led the three children to the middle courtyard.

Today is Sunday, and everyone in the courtyard is on holiday.

The chickens that died at home a few days ago were also marinated and left to cook chicken at home today.

The chicken is fragrant and makes people salivate.

Luo Yingqiu took the child and walked in the yard.

Smelling the smell of chicken coming from all directions, I secretly thought that this place is indeed a place where workers from a rolling mill live.

In such a difficult age, there are still chickens to eat, which can be regarded as an eye-opener.

The food in the rolling mill is well-known in the capital, and Luo Yingqiu has heard of it for a long time.

Her husband, Xia Youjun, used to be the head of the security department of a textile factory, but it has been difficult to get meat to eat in recent years.

Not to mention eating meat, even white noodles are not enough.

But stick noodles, never missing at home.

With this kind of connections, she still has men.

But now, her man was framed by Chen Xueying and went to eat free lakes.

Although the verdict has not yet been pronounced, the procedure is already being expedited.

She heard people say that Xia Youjun is very likely to eat peanuts.

Thinking that I would be a widow and that my three children would lose their father.

Because Xia Youjun was fired, the child of the job quota cannot replace him.

All these things made Luo Yingqiu feel very resentful towards Chen Xueying.

Xia Youjun was originally helping Chen Xueying, but in the end Chen Xueying was fine, but Xia Youjun fell into it.

Isn't this what Chen Xueying did?

So today she came to ask Chen Xueying for an explanation!

As for why she didn't come yesterday, it was probably because she was in a hurry yesterday to ask about Xia Youjun's situation.

After a tiring day, she collapsed...

"Chen Xueying! You bitch! You give me back my husband! Huh..."

Just stepped into the yard.

Luo Yingqiu saw at a glance that Chen Xueying was drying clothes under the opposite eaves.

As soon as her face changed, she was burning with anger. With a roar, she rushed over with all her teeth and claws...

PS: The monthly pass is still close, and the new one will be issued first.

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