Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 445 Ran Qiuye's thoughts, He Yushui's worries


Ran Qiuye came to Nanyi's house in a serious manner today.

Last time because of Luo Yingqiu's relationship, Ran Qiuye turned around in the room and followed Nanyi out.

Nanyi asked her to eat, but Ran Qiuye did not refuse.

Both of them are duty-bound people, and since they are in a relationship, they are also heading towards marriage.

So there is no twitching, just walk according to the normal frequency.

When they came home and sat down, Nanyi poured a glass of water and handed it over. Ran Qiuye smiled and said thank you.

After she took a sip of the hot water, she said, "The atmosphere in your yard feels weird."

"Oh? What's so strange?" Nan Yi was stunned for a moment, wondering.

Ran Qiuye thought for a while and said, "I can't say it, it must be this kind of feeling!"

"Hehe, don't be so suspicious that I don't live here, okay?" Nan Yi smiled.

"Furthermore, I was transferred from the machine repair shop by Director Jiang. With his protection, no one would dare to harm us."

Ran Qiuye asked with a smile: "Director Jiang is young and has a high prestige in the courtyard?"

"You can't use the word prestige, it can be said that he has a good mass base."

Nan Yi took the scarf, and while arranging the vegetables, replied with a smile.

"Actually, everyone is not stupid. Director Jiang can live in the courtyard. There are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"In addition to his high position and authority, he also knows a lot of people of all kinds, and he is also famous for his ability to deal with supplies."

"Who can guarantee that there will be no difficulties in this household? Director Jiang is just next to the door."

Seeing that he was busy, Ran Qiuye quickly put down the cup and stepped forward to help.

She smiled and asked curiously, "How did you meet him?"

Nanyi blushed, hesitated for a moment, and said bravely:

"He was the one who got to know me first. Last year when he went to inspect the machine repair factory, I happened to have a temper tantrum with the factory leader."

"The workers almost didn't eat that day, so Director Jiang heard about me from our factory manager."

"Later, he probably investigated me and thought there was still room for saving me, so he transferred me to the rolling mill."

Ran Qiuye glanced at him and said, "You have such a temper that you dare to contradict the leader."

"Hehe, that's because no one mentioned it, and he was so cowardly, he went on a rampage and suffered a lot." Nan Yi said.

"To be honest, after I went to work in the rolling mill, Director Jiang taught me a lot of principles of life."

"He told me in private that with my family status, if I continue to be so stubborn, I'm afraid the future will end badly."

"I'm not stupid, and I've suffered so much, so I naturally know what he said is right."

"So now I will work wholeheartedly, follow Director Jiang's instructions, and follow him for sure."

"By the way, Qiuye, you don't think I'm spineless, do you? Let me tell you first, Director Jiang is really nice to me."

Ran Qiuye smiled and said, "He is your leader, shouldn't you listen to him?"

"Besides, he didn't let you do bad things, so he managed the cafeteria well, cooked the meals well, and even promoted you!"

"Although I'm a bit of a dead man, and my brain can't turn around, I don't think it's wrong to obey the leader."

She told the truth, because she was born into a scholarly family, her parents were both teachers.

So in terms of character, she is more serious about everything, one is one, and the other is two.

This kind of temperament is good or bad.

Sometimes the wind is the rain, and it is easy to be swayed by the opinions of others, and it is not easy to think about deep-seated issues.

Seeing that she is so gentle and virtuous, Nan Yi nodded in satisfaction and said:

"It's good if you can support my work. Let me tell you quietly. Director Jiang said that I will be appointed as the team leader next year."

"What level is the team leader?" Ran Qiuye asked curiously with a happy face.

Nan Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know, but Director Jiang said that it is also an administrative position, and he can be promoted in the future!"

"A good administrative staff is more promising than you as a chef, and you can be regarded as a cadre." Ran Qiuye said happily.

Marry Han, marry Han, dress and eat.

Ran Qiuye naturally hoped that the man she married would be promising.

Nan Yi smiled and said: "You can do it yourself, don't make it public, even your parents can't say it."

"It's not too late for you to tell them when things are really settled next year."

Ran Qiuye smiled and said, "Oh, you're quite a man of the city, don't worry, I know how to measure!"


Jiang Ping stood up, patted He Yushui, and said:

"It is estimated that Xu Damao's family is going to have dinner, I will go there right away, and you will make dinner earlier."

"Well, wait a minute, I'll help you clean up." He Yushui breathed out, pursing his lips.

She raised her hand to smooth the messy hair in front of her forehead, showing her blushing face, and took a towel for cleaning.

"Recently, the little girls Xingke and Xingmeng always like to run into my room." She pondered.

"I asked them before I realized that it was my sister-in-law's attention. She probably wanted to use the two children to get closer to me."

"I don't really want to get too close to my sister-in-law. I've heard all the gossip in the yard."

"Whether the rumors are true or not, from the moment she stepped through the door of my house, I felt something was wrong with her."

"Furthermore, my relationship with my brother is just like that, let alone my sister-in-law."

"Speaking of it, since she came to the courtyard, she is considered virtuous, but she is too scheming."

"She thought I was stupid, and let the two children come to play with me, trying to calculate my food, uneasy and kind."

Jiang Pingan asked with a smile: "How do you know that she is going to count your food?"

"She asked Xingke and Xingmeng to come to my house to play, and every time I was eating." He Yushui sneered.

"The first few times I thought they were cute, and each shared half a steamed bun."

"Well, because of this, they came over and looked at me eagerly when I was eating for several days in a row."

"Not to mention, Xingke cried to me once, saying that the brothers were not full and asked if they could share some with them."

"Xingmeng also said that I'm their aunt, and I have food in the house, so I can lend it to them for emergencies."

"Can a child say this? It must have been taught by my sister-in-law."

"From then on, I didn't even care about the two children. It wasn't because I was cruel, it was because my sister-in-law was rude."

Jiang Ping'an thought for a while, then pondered: "As far as I know, Chen Xueying is not so short-sighted."

"Maybe I can't handle this matter. It was discussed in private by those big boys."

He Yushui pondered for a moment, finished cleaning, got up and replied: "It's also possible!"

"Those children, I can see it clearly. They have done very well on the surface."

"Actually, except for He Lianghu, the other three brothers are all cold-hearted people."

She has been wronged since she was a child, and she has long developed the ability to read people's faces and ponder people, and she rarely misses them.

After a pause, she sighed and said, "After all, they are all grown-up children, and their character has already been cultivated."

"It is estimated that no matter how good my brother treats them, he will not be able to cultivate any feelings. From now on..."

After all, it was her own sister, even if she said that He Yuzhu was wrong, she still cared about him in her heart.

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