Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 446 Jia Zhang’s Complacency and Reminder


"Xu Damao has become a bachelor, you have to guard against him in the future."

Sitting cross-legged on the kang, Jia Zhang spoke seriously to Qin Huairu.

"This person is worse than Silly Zhu, with more tricks and tricks, and more insidious."

"Not long ago, he approached you in front of you, probably trying to trick you."

Qin Huairu smiled and said, "Isn't there you in the courtyard? What am I afraid of?"

"My master and Sister Hua are helping me in the factory, but he doesn't dare to mess with me."

Jia Zhang nodded and said, "Yes, yes, as long as he dares to approach you in the courtyard, you can call me."

"This kid is too bad, he should be a bachelor all his life, he should be extinct, and he should have no children to support him."

"Look, after Xu Ning'an and the others move back to their hometown, Xu Damao will be left unattended. He promises to cause trouble every day."

Qin Huairu asked doubtfully, "How do you know that Xu Ning'an and the others will move back?"

"Hehe, they don't want to move, but Xu Damao is used to their nagging?" Jia Zhang laughed.

"I'm sure that within three days at most, Xu Damao will drive his mother and father back to his hometown to stay."

"Before he married Lou Xiao'e, he also kicked him out once. If there is one, there will be two, tsk tsk..."

Qin Huairu shook his head and said: "Xu Damao is cruel enough, no wonder you say he is insidious and cunning."

"That's right, with my pair of tricks, I haven't missed anyone." Jia Zhang said with a face full of complacency.

"Also, you may not know that Xu Damao and Chen Xueying may be involved."

"Huh? You can't say that nonsense!" Qin Huairu said in surprise.

Jia Zhang said mysteriously: "There is no mistake, just a few days ago, I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables."

"When I passed by a tube building, I saw Xu Damao and Chen Xueying flirting with each other from a distance, talking and laughing."

"They thought they were doing it secretly, and they all covered their faces and left the building one after the other."

"But I don't know that I can see everything about them, and I can recognize their figure at a glance!"

Qin Huairu raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Then Xu Damao is wearing it for silly Zhu..."

"That's right, that's why Xu Damao laughed out loud today and He Yuzhu didn't have a biological child." Mrs. Jia Zhang nodded and smiled.

"There's something in his words. Many people in the courtyard know it, but it's silly that Zhu doesn't believe it."

Qin Huairu exhaled, and gained a deeper understanding of the behavior of the people in the courtyard.

She pondered: "If Sha Zhu catches up with this matter, I'm afraid Xu Damao will be killed."

"Hehe, it's not that easy." Mrs. Jia Zhang shook her head.

"Silly Zhu didn't believe it himself, but when someone reminded him, he thought it was trying to break the relationship between their husband and wife."

"So even if someone watched Chen Xueying do something wrong to Shazhu, they wouldn't tell Shazhu again."

"On the contrary, everyone is still willing to keep it like this, watching silly jokes in secret!"

After a pause, she straightened her face and said seriously:

"I'm telling you this to remind you, be careful when you go there at night, and don't let anyone see you."

"You think you're doing well and you're safe, but that's when accidents are most likely to happen."

"This kind of thing can't be overstated no matter how concealed it is. If someone catches him once, he can ruin his reputation!"

"And I've calculated it carefully. Based on his reputation in the yard, something really happened, and only you will suffer."

"Others will only say that you are shameless and want to hook him up and frame him, and they will not say that he is wrong."

She sighed, and said: "This is the benefit of a good reputation. Back then, if Dongxu wanted to have this reputation, hey..."

Qin Huairu blushed slightly, lowered her eyes, and said shyly, "Understood, I will be careful."

When her mother-in-law said that, she felt a little embarrassed, turned around quickly, and was busy cooking.


Jiang Ping'an came to Xu Damao's house and was warmly welcomed by Xu Ning'an and his wife.

Xu Damao still looked like he was on the verge of death, and it was unlucky to see him sluggish.

The loss of his wife and children was not an ordinary blow to him.

At this moment, he can still sit quietly, which is considered to be in a good state of mind.

"Sit down safely, the meal will be ready soon, you and your Uncle Xu have a few sips of peanuts first."

Holding an apron in one hand and a spatula in the other, Tan Yali said with a smile.

Jiang Pingan said with a smile: "Aunt Tan, you are busy, don't worry about me, I will talk to Uncle Xu for a while."

Tan Yali smiled slightly, nodded and said hello, and turned to go to the kitchen again.

"Peace, we haven't been together for some days."

After Jiang Ping'an sat down, Xu Ning'an said with a smile while pouring wine.

After a pause, he sighed again: "I was thinking about the child's full moon, so I invite you to come home for a few drinks."

"This person is not as good as God, who knows that such a thing happened, hey..."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Xu Damao went to the office to talk about it today, and I was also surprised when I heard it."

"To be honest, this happened too suddenly, without any warning."

As he spoke, he took the wine glass and put it in front of Xu Damao, and said with a smile:

"If you're not feeling well, just drink more. Once you get drunk, you'll relieve your worries. This matter will always pass."

Xu Damao rolled his eyes, but still took the wine and took a sip.

Seeing what Jiang Ping'an said, Xu Damao still listened to what Xu Ning'an said, smiled relievedly, and asked:

"Ping An, did you find anything wrong with the people from Lou's family before?"

"No, if I really found something, I would have told Xu Damao." Jiang Pingan shook his head and replied.

"When it comes to this, I have to criticize Xu Damao."

"Last week, he went to Lou's house to drink and got drunk, so he didn't feel strange at all?"

"If he had doubts at that time, or came to tell me, there is probably a chance of redemption."

"Of course, everything you say now is an afterthought. Xu Damao can't drink alcohol in the future. It's better to drink less."

While talking, Tan Yali came out with the dishes. Without Lou Xiao'e, life at home plummeted.

After all the food was served, Jiang Ping'an glanced at it.

The dishes are the old three, and the staple food is corn bread made of stick noodles.

You must know that in the past, Xu Damao's family ate cornmeal at worst, and most of the time they ate white flour.

Not to mention the dishes.

Even in winter, Lou Xiao'e would go back to Lou's house every now and then to bring some bacon, sausage, and smoked chicken.

So after she married into the courtyard, Xu Damao's family still enjoyed a lot of glory.

"The food is not good, and I came in a hurry again today, so I don't have any preparations, so don't be surprised if it's safe!" Tan Yali sat down and said.

Xu Ningan raised his glass and said, "Come on, safe, blame the wine, not the food, let's have a good drink today."

The two bumped into each other, Xu Damao was drinking by the side, Tan Yali felt sorry for her son, and kept feeding him food.

Jiang Pingan put down his wine glass and asked with a smile, "Why didn't Miss Yueling come over?"

"Won't she be afraid to live alone in her hometown today?"

Tan Yali said: "I came over to the school today and asked her to go to her classmate's house to deal with it for the night."

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