Chapter 088: The Army Intervenes! The old lady was completely frightened silly! The limit is coming!.

After discovering a major anomaly in the property found in the deaf old lady’s home, the pickets knew that the matter was serious and quickly sent someone to the armed forces department to report the situation.

It wasn’t long before their men arrived at the Armed Forces Department and took out the extremely deliberate letters for the people concerned to see

“Where did you get this thing?!”

Seeing the content of the letter, the face of the armed forces department changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked about its source.

The picket replied, “It was searched from an old lady’s house!” The old lady used to register her identity information when she falsely reported the information, and someone reported it later, and we found out, and then we sent someone to her house to check it, and sure enough, we found a problem, and found a lot of gold and silver treasures, and just found these letters in a porcelain when checking those objects, I don’t know if I don’t know, I saw that the person who corresponded with her was very wrong, there was a big problem, so we immediately sent things over and reported this matter to you! ”

“It’s really problematic!”

The man who was writing the letter nodded heavily,

“Chen Yulian above is most likely a fugitive enemy suspect! That enemy element is very cunning, good at disguise, since disappeared without a trace, after checking for so long there is no trace at all, I did not expect that you found her letters and got clues! This clue may be very important and must be investigated! ”

“Is this sure that it is the letter of the enemy element, and the old lady we checked is related to her?”

The picket man asked.

The man shook his head and said, “It’s not entirely certain yet, but I have participated in the investigation of Chen Yulian’s case, I have been to the apartment where she used to live, and I found some notes and letters left by her in it, and the handwriting looks very similar!” ”

“That should be her, otherwise it wouldn’t be such a coincidence!”

The picket man said.

“Did the old lady control it?”

The man then asked.

The pickets nodded and said: “It’s under control, but it’s not in our hands, we arrested him to determine his identity in the front, and the police took him away in the back, saying that he sold food stamps, committed the crime of speculation, and is now in a detention center,]!” ”

The man said: “You must let the police control her, you must not let her go, otherwise let her run, it may be difficult to find her again.” ”

“So the old lady might too… Could it be an enemy? ”

The picket man asked.

That humane: “This is not easy to determine, but since she and Chen Yulian have a letter, it means that she has a relationship with the other party, and we can start from her and find out the enemy!” ”

“Got it!”

The picket nodded,

“So what do you need us to do next?”

The man replied: “Go and check the address of the correspondence of the letter, check it clearly, if you find any abnormalities, don’t startle the snakes, report to us at the first time, and we will send someone to check it!” ”


The pickets agreed. Soon they were getting into action.

The pickets went to check the address, while the armed forces department sent people to the police station where the deaf old lady was located, contacted the police, and cooperated in interrogating the old lady.

This is critical.

The letters came out of her house, and she knew best that if she could pry her mouth open, she would surely ask for a lot of useful information.

At first, the police naturally did not know about this matter.

When they learned of this situation, the police officers who were investigating the case were shocked. I never expected that the deaf old lady was also suspected of being an enemy.

That’s a butterfly, a repeat offense that endangers the safety of Guojia! Much more serious than reselling food stamps!

Once investigated, it will definitely be a heavy sentence!

“Now we are involved in the investigation of this case, and you are assisting us.”

The man from the Armed Forces said.

“Yes, she is now in the detention center, and she wanted to report her release earlier, but I refused!”

The policeman nodded.

“But you must not let her report out, if you let her take the opportunity to run, it will be a failure!”

The people of the Armed Forces Department solemnly and authentically.

The policeman said: “Don’t worry, we can’t let her release again, she can’t run away from us!” ”

The man from the armed forces said: “Then bring her out of the horn now and interrogate her.” ”

“Okay, let’s go get her out.”

The police officer promised.

Soon they sent people to the prison where the old lady was holding.

It wasn’t long before she was taken out and taken to the interrogation room.

The old lady naturally did not know that the pickets had discovered the big secret that she had kept for many years, and had already reported it, alarming the army.

She also said that it was just ordinary interrogation, asking herself about the resale of food stamps. For this matter, she had already considered it and decided not to plead guilty.

Because she knew very well that the police had only one personal testimony, no physical evidence or other evidence.

She would not have been convicted until she had other evidence.

So as long as she does not plead guilty, the court will not sentence her, and even if it does, it will only be a light sentence, not a jail time.

“Comrade police, you have asked me so many times, I have said everything that should be said, I really did not resell food stamps, please believe me!”

The old lady squinted her eyes and said with a sad face,

“In the past two days, I have been locked up in this detention center uncomfortable, my body is in pain, there is no place that is comfortable, my old bone really can’t bear that sin!” You pity me this old woman, let me go back, you can go to the stupid pillar, let the stupid pillar take the deposit to release me!” Please, I’ll die in this afternoon! ”

She begged the police to let her go back and get her to confess.

“Deaf old lady, this is impossible, you can’t get out now!”

The policeman said sternly,

“Now we call you out, and we are not asking about the case of reselling food stamps, but about other cases!” This matter is even more serious, very serious, I tell you, you have a big deal! ”


The old lady was surprised,

“Comrade police, what are you talking about? What else can I do? Don’t scare me, I have a bad heart, I’m afraid I’ll be scared out of trouble! ”

“I didn’t scare you!”

The policeman said solemnly,

“Let me ask you, where did all this stuff come from in your house?”

She picked up something.

It was a couple of letters.

“.. Nag”

When she saw those letters, the old lady froze instantly. She immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

The thing I was most worried about finally happened.

The secret he hid was exposed and known! At that moment, she only felt cold, like falling into an ice cave. The big secret was exposed, and her reputation could not be preserved.

Will be ruined! The limit is coming!.

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