Chapter 089: Shock! The courtyard is surrounded by troops! The courtyard was full of birds and beasts stunned!.

When the police took out the letters that had been found in her home, the deaf old lady reacted very much. It was a secret she had hidden for years.

Huge secret!

She thought that if the pickets did not find it in front, they would not be found in the back, and the secret was hidden and would not be discovered until she died of old age.

But I didn’t expect that only two or three days had passed, and the secret would be exposed! Can’t hide!

Seeing that her face changed so much, the two policemen sitting opposite her for interrogation couldn’t help but glance at each other. Since the reaction is so strong, there must be a problem.

There is a big problem!

“Deaf old lady, I’m asking you, where did these things come from?”

The policeman who had just been interrogated said,

“You have to be honest and tell us one by one.”

“That… What is that? I… I haven’t seen that stuff. ”

The old lady replied, and she began to speak unfavorably.

At this moment, she was panicked in her heart, and on the surface she tried to pretend to be indifferent and forced herself to be calm.

But no matter how she forced her composure, the word “panic” was already written on her face, and others could see it at a glance. Not to mention the observant police!

“Never seen these things?”

The police officer said,

“You see clearly, haven’t you seen these letters? Didn’t you write about this?! Don’t pretend to be confused with us, you can’t hide from us! I have just said that you have a big deal, much more serious than reselling food stamps, you must tell the truth, otherwise the consequences will be very serious! ”

His tone was stern.

The old lady was stunned, then shook her head and said, “I haven’t seen it, I don’t know what it is.” ”

The secret has been exposed, but she chooses to deny it, trying to evade responsibility.

If you admit her and feel that you will die, and if you deny it and don’t admit it, then there may be a glimmer of life. Despite being in her eighties, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live.

Because one of her biggest wishes has not yet been fulfilled. That is to watch grandson He Yuzhu 607 give birth to a son.

Her son Yi Zhonghai is a desperate family, with no children and no successors, which is a great sadness.

She didn’t want He Yuzhu, who was still a bachelor now, to fall to the same end, becoming a desperate family and no successor. Then she will die without blindness!

“Deaf old lady, be honest, don’t pretend to be garlic!”

Another policeman slammed the table and shouted,

“These things were searched from your house, you said you didn’t know, who are you deceiving?!”

“Searched from my house?”

The old lady said,

“Where did you find it, why didn’t I find it?”

She continued to pretend to be confused.

The policeman who interrogated him earlier said: “What I found in the antique porcelain found from your house was obviously put in and hidden by yourself, and now you don’t know with us?” Pretend to be confused here! We’re not fools! ”

The old lady said, “It turned out to be inside porcelain?” Then I really don’t know, because I have already told the picket people earlier, those things are not mine, someone entrusted me to help keep them, it was many years ago, when the capital was still at war, the army was in chaos, it was not easy to survive the rain of bullets! At that time, I almost died, fortunately a kind person saved me, but my family was gone, the dead died, the missing disappeared, and finally I became a lonely old man without relatives and no reason! ”

“Don’t say things that don’t matter, pick the point.”

The police officer said,

“You said that these letters are not yours, it has nothing to do with you, but there is your handwriting on it, it is clear that you wrote it, can you quibble about this?”

“I write?”

The old lady smiled bitterly,

“Leader, who said I could write letters? I’m an old lady, I can’t read half of the big words, I don’t know the words, how can I write? If you go to the courtyard and ask, I am not only deaf, but I am illiterate, I don’t know how to write, and I can’t write. ”

“Those letters are really not written by me, those things are not mine, you misunderstood me, I was just entrusted by others to put those things at home, you see it and think that I have a problem, this is a misunderstanding, a very big misunderstanding!”

Listening to his quibbles, the two policemen looked at each other again.

Now they are not sure whether the old lady is illiterate and can write. These are yet to be determined.

However, they can be sure that the other party is lying and deceiving them. At least he hid the truth and did not tell the truth.

Just then, the door opened. Immediately three people walked in.

Leading the way were officers in uniform. He was followed by two guards. The guards are armed with live ammunition.

It was the military personnel who intervened in this case and joined forces with the police to investigate this big case. Seeing the soldier appear, the old lady’s face changed greatly, and her heart became even more panicked. She did not expect that this case also alarmed military personnel.

The consequences are clearly more serious!

When the soldiers entered the interrogation room, the two policemen who were interrogating stood up. The officer stepped forward and stared sharply at the deaf old lady.

“Old lady, we have heard what you just said, you are obviously lying.”

He said with a stern expression,

“Whether you can write, whether you are illiterate, we will make it clear as soon as we check this, it is useless for you to lie!” And your identity details we quickly found, do you think you can keep hiding from us? ”

“I think you should be a smart old lady who knows the seriousness of the situation now.”

“Chen Yulian who corresponded with you is an important enemy element, we have checked her for a long time, she can correspond with you, that shows that you are very familiar with each other, so we need your cooperation to find her out, if you can cooperate with us and catch someone, then even if you have made a great achievement, then your crime will naturally be punished lightly, otherwise the consequences are quite serious, I think it is not you this old lady”



The deaf old lady was stunned again. Be rendered speechless.

She knew very well what it meant by the intervention of the army. If convicted and charged with enemy elements, it is undoubtedly a capital offense, and there is no hope!

“You answer my words, where is Chen Yulian now?”

The officer asked in a deep voice. Although the time of those correspondence is a long time ago, not recent.

But they felt that the deaf old lady was likely to know the whereabouts of the enemy element Chen Yulian, and at least knew a little information. As long as the other party provides that information, it will be of great help to them in apprehending the fugitives.

“No… I don’t know… I… I don’t even know her… Who is Chen Yulian? ”

The deaf old lady stammered in reply.

“Still pretending to be confused!”

The officer shouted loudly,

“You have to recognize your own problems, and now is giving you a chance! Give you a chance to clear yourself! Otherwise, directly arrest you as an enemy element, and you know what will happen if you are identified as an enemy element! Serious parade, shoot again! You are so old, if you are dragged into the streets to show the public, let everyone know that you are an enemy and have a bad reputation, is it worth it?! ”


The old lady was frightened by his words and turned pale.

Her son Yi Zhonghai fell to that end, parading the streets and shooting, she didn’t want to end up like that. She also hopes to live until the year when Silly Zhu gives birth, but she has her biggest wish.

The point is, the enemy is the most hated in this era. That’s really a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats.

At that time, the end will only be more tragic!

“I don’t know where she is now, I really don’t know.”

Then she shook her head.

“If I know, then I will tell you, I also want to make meritorious achievements, and then leave here, I really can’t bear this sin, I want to die!”

“Then tell me how you met Chen Yulian?”

The officer then asked.

The old lady thought for a while and replied: “It was a long time ago, I actually told the pickets that at that time our capital was still at war, everyone was hiding, I was the same, on the way I met a big sister, she had a child, that child is Xiaolian, I helped them, they left me some things, the ones you found in my house.” ”

“Talk about those letters, don’t say irrelevant things.”

The officer said.

The old lady said, “Those letters… That’s right, it was a letter left by my correspondence with Xiaolian, but I didn’t expect the war to end, and I met her again a few years later, just in the capital, I didn’t actually meet much later, but there was a letter to contact, and this is how it happened, I told the truth. ”

“Then you should know she’s an enemy, right? Why didn’t you report it for her? Shield the enemy, the consequences are just as serious! ”

The officer questioned.

The old lady shook her head and said, “I don’t know, where did I know that she had that identity, and I didn’t read the newspaper, stayed in the yard all day, and lived in seclusion.” You can go to our yard and ask if I’m like this. ”

“You really don’t know where she’s hiding now? What didn’t she tell you? ”

The officer asked.

The old lady replied: “No, she didn’t say anything, I’m different from her, I’m a flat-headed people, don’t do those things that endanger the country, I wrote to her just to talk about family life, talk about her mother’s affairs, during the time I met, several of us really had a good relationship, depended on each other, as if they were relatives, but I never knew that she was… It turns out that there is still that identity! ”

“I haven’t written again since I sent a letter and have never replied to it, and since then I have been cut off and I never know where she has gone.”

“You’re not telling the truth, you’re still lying.”

The officer seemed to see through her mind and said solemnly.

“No, I didn’t lie, I told the truth, I have told you everything I know!”

The old lady shook her head again and again, “Ouch, ouch~”

Suddenly her brows furrowed, and she had a pained expression. It seems that he suddenly fell ill.

“My chest hurts so much now, don’t you force me anymore, okay? I can’t stand it, I really can’t stand it! ”

She groaned in pain.

“Quickly send her to the infirmary for diagnosis and treatment, you can’t let her have an accident!”

The officer hurriedly said.

His men immediately sent the old lady to the infirmary for treatment.

She can’t die yet, because the leader of the enemy who is on the run has not yet been caught. This may be the only clue.

“What’s next? I felt like she didn’t fully explain it. ”

After the old lady was taken to the infirmary, a policeman spoke.

The officer said: “She must not have fully explained and concealed some information from us. But now that she is in that situation, don’t ask too tightly, if something really happens to her, it will be a failure! ”

“Start with the people around her.”

Then he said,

“The courtyard where she lives, everyone who is close to her has to check, check well, maybe they can find out something.”

“Are you waiting to send someone to their courtyard to investigate the situation?”

The policeman asked.

The officer shook his head and said, “You can’t go during the day, so as not to startle the grass and snakes, if you let Chen Yulian, who is hiding, know that we are investigating her, it will definitely alarm her and let her continue to escape, so it will be more difficult to catch her.” ”

“Understand, when is it good to do it?”

The policeman nodded.

The officer replied, “Evening! Do it tonight and control the people around the old lady! Ask carefully about the situation, and don’t let go of a clue! ”

Soon they agreed.

It was decided to “raid” the courtyard tonight, control the people around the deaf old lady, and interrogate them one by one. So at night, the army joined forces with the police and went out together.

At ten o’clock in the evening, after everyone was almost asleep, a large number of people rushed to the courtyard and surrounded them. The surrounding is so airtight that not a fly can fly in, and people don’t want to escape.

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