"Divine magic comes from the gift of the goddess. Compared with spells, there is no complicated construction process of spell models, and divine magic can be released faster."

"But relatively speaking, priests also need more powerful mental power to perform divine spells."

"And the same primary healing technique, even if it is released by a silver-level priest or a paladin, the effect may not be stronger than mine." Chu Yun threw out a healing technique casually.

Anna, bathed in the holy light, felt extremely pure power and believed in Chu Yun's words.

"Teacher, how can we improve the effect of divine magic? Use more mental power?" Anna asked curiously.

Chu Yun shook his head: "For a mage, the powerful mental power can control more elements and obey orders, but the priest's mental power is used to communicate with the goddess."

"The amount of mental power is not important, as long as it reaches the minimum standard."

"The most important thing is to gain the favor of the goddess and improve the goddess' favor towards you."

Anna became more and more confused: "Then how can I make the goddess favor me? Is the more pious the better?"

"Although He does have some influence, Anna, you need to understand the nature of divine magic."

"The goddess needs the power of faith. The more believers who can directly or indirectly provide more power of faith, the more favored the goddess will be."

"A hundred years ago, there was a king. Although he was not that pious, he respected the Holy Light Religion as the state religion and forced all citizens to worship the goddess."

"In the end, he became more powerful than many fanatics."

There are many power systems in the Gods and Demons Continent, and the belief system is more like a transaction.

The beliefs and beliefs of the people can influence the will of the world, thereby providing strength to the gods they believe in, and the gods give strength to believers within their own authority.

This is a win-win result.

Anna was a little surprised after hearing this. This was very different from what she knew from books.

"Your mental strength is not bad. Now recite the prayer spell silently and think about the teachings of the Holy Light. Try to see if you can establish a connection with the goddess's godhead." Chu Yun only has theoretical knowledge and is not sure whether Anna can succeed.

Anna closed her eyes nervously. She chanted the spell written by Chu Yun in the notebook devoutly, and the image of the Holy Light saving the world kept appearing in her mind.

Too bad she failed.

After praying for half an hour, Anna felt no response.

Anna was a little anxious. If she couldn't become a priest, she would have to go to the palace to learn spells from Catherine's teacher.

Chu Yun himself also tried praying.

It's basically a second-to-second connection with no delay at all. The Saintess may not be able to match his connection speed.

But this is only for connection. He cannot borrow the power of the goddess, nor can he provide the goddess with the power of faith.

Chu Yun didn't know how to help her, so he did a simulation and handed the problem to the system.

[The simulation is about to start, please select your initial ability]

[1. Ideology Amplification Cap, 5 points]

[2. Fountain of Light X1, 5 points]

【3.Prayer Ring, 10 points】

【4. Free simulation, 20 points】

Chu Yun clicked on the option details. The purpose of the thought amplification cap is to increase the intensity of thoughts emitted by believers when they pray, and can be used for a long time.

The Fountain of Light is a consumable item. After bathing, it can enhance the affinity to the light element within three days, thereby increasing the favorability of the goddess and assisting in completing the first prayer to establish a connection with the goddess's divine personality.

As for the prayer ring, it is a piece of equipment that allows two people to pray at the same time. The fusion of the two thoughts can reduce the loss during the transmission process.

For people like Anna who have never established a connection, it is something similar to a plug-in.

Chu Yun took a lot of things from Anna and Rhodes, and now he wants to help Anna pray successfully.

The Fountain of Light was first eliminated by Chu Yun. This kind of consumable product was an exclusive solution for the rich, which was tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

The effect of the Thought Amplification Cap was inferior to that of the Prayer Ring, and his connection with the goddess was very special. He wanted to try praying with Anna to see what effect it would have on her.

[Successful redemption, points -10 points]

[Anna feels frustrated. Regarding the students’ stupidity, you choose...]

[1. Tell Anna that she has no talent and persuade Anna to give up becoming a priest]

[2.. Take out the prayer ring and help Anna complete her first prayer]

[3. Take out the prayer ring, help Anna complete her first prayer, and take the opportunity to test her bottom line]

"The system still understands me. It's just a simulation anyway. I don't know how it will develop."

[You take out the prayer ring and put it on, and then ask Anna to interlock your fingers. After a little hesitation, Anna obeys your order]

[Anna began to pray seriously, and you quickly connected to the goddess's divine personality, and Anna also vaguely realized something]

[You tell Anna that if you want to go further, you need to have more intimate contact with you. You step forward and hug Anna who is a little nervous]

[Ana’s perception of the godhead became clearer under your intentional control, and you further took away Anna’s first kiss]

[Anna was so confused that she forcibly ended her prayer]

[She looks at you a little uneasily and questions your behavior, you choose...]

Anna's attitude towards Chu Yun changed as the master-disciple relationship was established.

In the past simulation, it was easier to conquer, but now with this relationship, the difficulty has increased a lot.

[1. Threatening Anna that if she disobeys, she will completely lose the possibility of becoming a priest]

[2. Apologize sincerely and express your love to Anna]

[3. Pretend to be angry and tell Anna that you are helping her]

[You were very dissatisfied and angry with Anna’s reaction. Anna quickly apologized under your rebuke]

[You asked Anna to pray again, but Anna didn’t dare to refuse]

[This time, with your help, Anna successfully established a connection with the goddess, completed her first prayer and gained a lot]

[Anna left your carriage and tried to pray alone, but the effect was less than one-tenth of what it was before]

There are many churches in the continent of gods and demons, and different gods give different feedback to their believers.

Generally speaking, the goddess of the Holy Light Church will give back 10 units of power authority to believers if she contributes 100 units of the power of faith.

This part of the divine power will be consumed when believers need to activate divine spells, so believers generally do not abuse divine spells.

The 10% ratio is at the lower-middle level among many churches. However, as believers' status in the church increases, the feedback ratio will gradually increase.

Anna only received about 7% of the responses when she prayed alone, mainly because she had just begun her faith.

[Anna understands the reason, but after experiencing the nearly 100% response rate when praying with you, she can't help but find you]

[Face Anna's request, you did not refuse, but this time it was even more excessive]

[Anna vaguely felt that you were cheating on her, but she already liked you in her heart. In order to become a real priest, she chose to completely compromise and take the initiative to welcome you]

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