[The movement of you and Anna in the carriage caught Catherine's attention. She signaled the guards to be quiet, then quietly came to the carriage and opened the door curtain]

[The unsightly picture makes Catherine, who likes Anna, furious. She can't control her emotions and throws explosive fireballs at you]

[The carriage explodes, and you are blown to pieces without any precautions]

[End of simulation]

[Your shameless behavior has been punished as it deserves, maybe you should slow down and take it step by step]

[Comprehensive score: 32 points]

[Earn 32 simulation experience points and 32+2 simulation points]

Perhaps because of being exposed to the power of the gods, Chu Yun’s simulation rewards this time were much more than usual!

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed in the real world]

[1. Ideology Amplification Cap, 5 points]

[2. Fountain of Light X1, 5 points]

【3.Prayer Ring, 10 points】

Chu Yun exchanged the Mind Amplification Cap as a return gift for Anna and Rhodes' gifts, and he didn't let go of the prayer ring either.

Such a ring can not only enhance his relationship with Anna while he is on the road, but selling it back to the church can also help him get out of poverty quickly.

[Points -15 points, remaining 19 points]

Chu Yun's mind returned to reality, and looking at Anna who looked depressed, he took out the prayer ring he had just redeemed and put it on.

"Anna, give me your hand and I'll help you."

Anna stretched out her pink hand with some doubts. Chu Yun took it and it felt very good.

"You close your eyes and pray again."

"Okay, okay." A nice blush appeared on Anna's delicate face.

Chu Yun deliberately controlled his speed to avoid being too exaggerated.

With Chu Yun's help, Anna finally connected to the goddess's divine head, and the rate of return from prayer was limited to about 25%.

"Successful! I succeeded!" Anna shouted happily.

"That's right, next you try to pray alone." Chu Yun continued.

Anna calmed down and then prayed again.

With the first successful experience, her information was memorized in the information database of the Goddess Godhead. Therefore, although the return rate this time was only 6%, it was still a success.

"Teacher, my efficiency when praying alone is four times slower." Anna couldn't help but grab Chu Yun's hand and said coquettishly, "Teacher, can you help me again."

Chu Yun still had many books to read, and various skills needed to be constantly practiced, so he had no time to pray with her all the time.

He took out the hat from his personal space and handed it to Anna: "This is my greeting gift to you. Put it on and then pray."

Anna was a little regretful, but she still happily accepted this exquisite-looking hat. This was a gift from Chu Yun to herself!

After wearing the hat, Anna's prayer effectiveness increased by 5% to an astonishing 11%, almost twice as much as when she prayed alone.

Such a precious gift made Anna's favorability towards Chu Yun soar.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Catherine soon found her again and asked her to play with her in the princess's carriage.

Anna has something to ask of someone, and since the person is a princess, she can only obey orders.


In the next few days.

Anna prays in Chu Yun's carriage every morning, and Chu Yun will occasionally take her to pray with him when he is free.

In the afternoon, Anna belonged to Princess Catherine. Fortunately, Princess Catherine did not embarrass Anna when she rested in the evening.

Princess Catherine seems to be planning to find an opportunity to strike after returning to the Holy City.

As for Laertes, perhaps because he had become a lame eunuch, he was very silent along the way.

Apart from completing the escort mission, there is not much sense of existence.

When everyone walked a third of the way to [Edin City], Chu Yun's number of simulations also returned to 6/6.

The lord who received the news in advance arranged for the princess to be escorted and welcomed into the castle.

The city of Edin is a private territory belonging to the Earl of Edin. The Earl of Edin's castle is very luxurious and grand, and a large area in the back garden of the castle is used to raise dragons.

Earl Edin's pet is a flying dragon. Although flying dragons are not recognized by the real dragon clan, there is no doubt about the flying dragon's powerful combat power and flying ability.

Unfortunately, the flying dragon was not here today, and Chu Yun could not appreciate this interesting creature.

"Your Royal Highness, the bridge over the Edin River collapsed due to a storm three days ago and is currently being repaired and rebuilt."

As soon as everyone entered the castle, Count Edin brought some bad news.

Earl Edin's face was a little pale, and he looked like he was seriously ill. No wonder he didn't greet the princess in person just now.

His flying dragon is currently helping on the bridge. The collapse of the bridge has a great impact on the commercial trade of Edin City and must be repaired as soon as possible.

"How long will it take to repair it?" Laertes asked anxiously, eager to go back for treatment.

Earl Edin shook his head: "Normally it will take another two days to repair it."

"Of course, you can also choose to take a detour, which will probably add an extra day to the journey."

"If you're in a hurry, I can let my pets fly you over the cliff."

Flying a few more times with the wyvern could indeed move the team to the other side, but Catherine rejected this proposal.

"There's no rush. I've been traveling for several days and I'm exhausted."

"Wait until the bridge is repaired before setting off." Catherine's words were an absolute order. Although Laertes had no choice but to wait.

"Earl Edin, is the team escorting the saint in the city?" Laertes asked on second thought.

Earl Edin shook his head: "There are so many of them that they chose to take a detour, and they should have reached the other side by now."

Chu Yun calculated the time, then stepped forward and asked, "The storm appears at about the same time as the saint's arrival, right?"

Earl Edin nodded: "Yes, when the Saint's team left the city of Edin, it suddenly started to rain."

"There have been such storms in Edin City before. Has the bridge ever been broken?" Chu Yun continued to ask.

Earl Edin glanced at the priest badge on Chu Yun's chest and replied with a somewhat unnatural expression: "I have never encountered it before. The bridge is repaired every year. Since the day it was built, it has never been destroyed by storms unless it is damaged by monsters."

Hearing Earl Edin's answer, Laertes couldn't help but become anxious.

"This sounds a bit suspicious. Have Erin and the others reached the other side? Have you asked Feilong to go to the other side to confirm their safety?"

"Well, I didn't pay attention to this."

Although Irene is a candidate for a saint, Earl Edin is not a member of the church, and whether she is a saint or not has little to do with him.

It was already very polite to receive him when he came. The other party has left, so there is no need to care to this extent.

"Can you send Feilong to investigate?"

"Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine was attacked by the Necromancer in Rock Town, and the bridge here was destroyed. This may also be the demon's plan. Irene may be in danger!"

"I'm not good at investigating, but I can let the flying dragon carry you there." Count Edin said to Laertes enthusiastically.

Laertes was hesitant and had some psychological shadow after being crippled by the Necromancer: "My duty is to be responsible for the safety of Princess Catherine."

Earl Edin smiled and said: "Don't worry, no one in my territory can hurt the princess."


Catherine also wanted to get rid of the other party, so she stepped forward and said: "The saint is very important, you go and see."

When Laertes thought that all his brother's hopes were pinned on Irene, he finally chose to leave.

But before leaving, he made another request.

"Your Highness Princess, can you ask Pastor Chu Yun to accompany me?"

"His investigative skills are impressive, he might be able to help."

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