[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed into the real world (59 points remaining)]

[1. Mental Restoration Potion, 5 points]

[2. Holy Fire Level +1, 10 points]

[3. Own level +1, 15 points]

Seeing Irene's final outcome, Chu Yun felt very complicated.

He exchanged a bottle of mental recovery potion and then raised his level by 3 levels.

[Points-50 points]

[Congratulations, your level has been upgraded to Lv14 and you have gained 6 free attribute points]

Chu Yun's mental power reached an astonishing height of 37+5, and his strength further improved.

The mental power recovery potion can assist in healing Irene's mental power that was damaged by divine punishment.

As long as she regains her mental strength, even if she can't cast magical spells, she can still take the route of a mage and become a legal professional.

Chu Yun's consciousness returned to the real world. He took out a pen and paper and wrote down the method of removing the saint's candidate status, and then spent ten gold coins to have Irene's maid give it to her.

Irene became energetic after seeing the message above. Then she tore up the note according to Chu Yun's message and secretly ate it in her stomach to avoid being found to implicate Chu Yun later.

The note not only contained what Irene might encounter, but also reminded her not to wander around after she was injured, and asked her to go to the nearest hotel to wait for him.

After the staff was almost ready, Irene's missionary tour officially began.

The holy carriage arrived outside the church, and Irene stood up from the open carriage. The people immediately cheered after seeing Irene's cool holy dress.

"Wow, this is awesome!"

"Are all female pastors and clergymen of the Holy Light Church like this?"

"If you don't know, you might think it's the Abyss Cult, but I like it!"

"I want to join the club, I want to join the club!"

In Chu Yun's opinion, there is not much problem with Irene's clothes. Many women in shopping malls on Earth are even more overdressed, not to mention the wonderful scenery in comic exhibitions.

But for the people of this world, this is exciting enough, especially since Irene's status as a candidate for a saint has the effect of blessing many times.

When the team arrived at the central square, it was already full.

Erin was a little thirsty. She motioned for everyone to be quiet and took a drink of water.

The extra tea flowed down the neck into the mountain peaks, sparkling in the sun, and the scene was boiling again.

Eileen began to preach, and the situation here attracted the attention of the goddess.

But just when the goddess noticed the situation here, Irene began to perform.

"Under the protection of the kind, loving and sexy goddess, Grandma Yixi (Sis), we will definitely defeat the demons..."

One sentence not only described the goddess as a sexy old woman, but also mispronounced several words in succession, which made Isis furious.

And the next behavior made her extremely disappointed in Irene.

At this time, Irene was about to step forward to perform magical magic as a blessing for the believers who donated more, but she accidentally twisted her foot and fell to the ground.

"Oh, it hurts me to death! What fool laid the floor for me!" Eileen cursed, and the believers at the scene were immediately speechless.

"Where did this country bumpkin come from? He can't speak clearly and he falls down while walking."

"Wait a minute, did she pronounce the goddess's name wrong just now?"

"Well, why do I feel that the Holy Light Church is not very reliable? My Goddess of Wealth should be more useful."

"Can you please return the donated money to me? What the hell is this?"

Erin got up from the ground, and then walked up to the donor with a look of disgust on her face.

"It's enough to donate such a small amount of money and waste my magical power!"


Irene released the magic at will, but she suddenly sneezed while the magic was condensing, and the magic immediately became ineffective.

"I'm so cold. I'll never wear such stupid clothes again."


The goddess finally couldn't bear it anymore.

A split briefly appeared in the sky, and then a red beam of light fell, and Irene fell to the ground as if struck by lightning.

The archbishop beside him hurriedly knelt on the ground, and other clergymen and believers also knelt down one after another.

After a while, Archbishop Anthony solemnly declared:

"Alien, the candidate saint, has misbehaved and behaved badly. She is now stripped of her status as a candidate saint and is permanently expelled from the church."

"The goddess is merciful and guides you with the holy light." Anthony came to Irene with a complicated mood and said.

He didn't expect that Irene would accomplish what he and Sylvie had dreamed of in such a way.

But even if you know the method, you may not be able to copy it.

Everyone was talking about it. Today's excitement was a good one, and there would be something to talk about later.

Irene ignored everyone's stupid looks. She only had Chu Yun in her eyes now.

The man who rescued her from the endless abyss of darkness that was named Holy Light, Chu Yun would be the only light in her heart from now on.

Eileen followed Chu Yun's instructions and entered a nearby high-end tavern to rest, and asked the staff to tell Chu Yun, who would come to inquire later, where she lived in the room.

Chu Yun was not in a hurry to find Irene. After admiring Sylvie's rescue activities at the scene, Chu Yun came to the hotel leisurely.

After saying his name, Chu Yun came to the door of Eileen's room.

"it's me."

The door was opened quickly, and a smile appeared on the pale Irene's face.

"Chu Yun, don't you dislike me or my behavior in public." What Irene is most concerned about now is not her physical condition, but Chu Yun's opinion of herself.

After Chu Yun entered the house, he said: "You are a brave girl. I have never seen a warrior as brave as you who dares to fight against the gods."

Irene's tense heart relaxed. She snuggled into Chu Yun's arms and held him tightly, for fear that he would leave her.

While waiting just now, her days were like years, and every second was suffering.

Chu Yun took out the mental repair potion and handed it to Irene: "Drink it."

Erin looked at the strangely colored liquid in the bottle and drank it all in one gulp without hesitation, even though she recognized it as poison.

But soon a look of surprise appeared on her face, and the ever-present pain in her mind was actually weakening.

"The goddess behaves quite kindly in front of others. Your mental strength is not strong. You can recover more than half of it by drinking the medicine and resting for half a day." Chu Yun comforted you with a smile.

After hearing this, Irene had a look of disbelief on her face: "Really? That's great. Thank you Chu Yun!"

"Stop talking for now and concentrate on meditation."


After Irene meditated for half an hour, her physical condition improved a lot. Chu Yun took out the food and enjoyed it with her.

A happy smile appeared on Eileen's face, and she asked hesitantly: "Chu Yun..."

"I don't know what to do next. Can I stay at your house first?"

"I won't go out and let anyone know. It won't cause you any trouble."

Her identity is too sensitive, and Chu Yun is also a priest and paladin of the Holy Light Church.

Rushing to take in a candidate for a saint who was punished and expelled by the goddess does not sound very respectful to the goddess and will bring trouble to Chu Yun.

After Chu Yun thought for a while, he started the simulation again.

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