[The simulation is about to start, please select your initial exchange option (9 points remaining, 6/8 times)]

[1. Arcane Training Manual, 1 point]

[2. Super Breast Enlargement Potion, 1 point]

[3. Own level +1, 15 points]

【4. Free simulation, 20 points】

After thinking about it, Chu Yun exchanged options 1 and 2.

[Homeless Erin asks you to take her in, you decide...]

[1. Give her a sum of money and an arcane training manual, and let her leave the Holy City to find her own way]

[2. Help her change her body and use a dark night disguise to change her identity and stay in your home]

[3. Take her home directly and in a high-profile manner in front of everyone]

Chu Yun chose the second option, and letting her leave on her own would probably end in a tragic BAD END.

[You lend the Dark Night Disguise Mask to Irene, and apply potion on her to help her change her figure, so that she will be harder to recognize]

[Not long after you left the hotel, Erin changed her clothes. After she leaves with the invisibility ring, she enters your carriage and follows you back home]

[In the next few days, Irene's mental power completely recovered, and she began to practice arcane magic]

[It seems that the people from the Holy Light Church have not continued to pester Eileen, and those with ulterior motives have gradually given up because they have not found Eileen]

[Eileen doesn’t want to be stuck at home all the time. She wants to try to see if disguise is safe. You decide...]

[1. Let her wait for a while before trying again]

[2. Ask her to control her time carefully and try to go out]

【3. Take Irene out with you】

At this time, Irene's figure and appearance had not only changed, but her hairstyle had also changed. Even if he stood in front of Chu Yun, it would be difficult for him to recognize that she was Irene.

[You let Eileen go out on her own, she enjoyed the long-lost freedom, and followed your instructions to return before she ran out of energy]

[However, on the way back, she was besieged and attacked, and you never waited for her to come back]

[End of simulation]

[Perhaps you have been targeted by someone with intentions from the moment you entered the hotel. For them, this level of disguise is not enough]

[Comprehensive score: 16 points]

[Earn 16 simulation experience points and 16+4 simulation points]

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed into the real world (remaining 27 points)]

The redemption options were the same as before. Chu Yun redeemed Level 1 again, raising his level to Lv15.

As the simulator level increased, Chu Yun clearly felt that it was easier to upgrade and become stronger.

The plan to advance to Silver within three months seems to be easy to succeed.

However, it is not yet known what conditions are required to advance to Silver. He needs to upgrade his level to Lv20 before he can check it.

"Chu Yun, please, I'm homeless now." Irene begged.

Her family are all believers of the Holy Light Church, and they love the goddess more than herself.

If he knew what he had done, even if he could return to his hometown, he would be kicked out of his home or even cut off from relations.

"I was targeted when I entered the hotel just now. It might be dangerous for you to follow me." Chu Yun said seriously.

"I'm not afraid. The worst case scenario is death."

Seeing that the other party was so determined, Chu Yun was not afraid.

"I can take you in for a while, but you have to follow my arrangements."

"no problem!"

Chu Yun's current strength is not weak. Judging from the simulation, it is not the people from the church who are causing trouble for Irene. It is not difficult to kill them as long as the simulation is reasonable.

Chu Yun took out the arcane training manual and handed it to Irene: "In the future, switch to magic. This can help you get started."

"And this potion can change your figure and make you even more unrecognizable."

Erin asked with some confusion: "Should you drink this potion directly? It looks a bit sticky."

Chu Yun shook his head: "No, this is for smearing. Let me help you."

The two had already engaged in more crazy intimate behaviors, and Irene did not resist this small gesture.

"It's amazing!" Erin was a little surprised.

"If you keep using it for a week, you should be able to upgrade it from D level to G level." Chu Yun said with satisfaction.

After resting for a while.

Chu Yun took the invisible Irene into his carriage, and then headed towards the villa.

During the process, he indeed observed some followers following his carriage.

Until the carriage entered the villa, they still stayed nearby to monitor Chu Yun.

If they followed the simulation in the simulator, they would have waited outside for a full week without leaving.

Chu Yun planned to deal with them again at night.

The three of them returned home, and Betty prepared a guest room for Irene to rest. Irene was exhausted mentally and physically and covered her head to sleep.

Chu Yun was very interested in the Dragon's Horn. He wanted to know the details of this piece of equipment and whether he could use it.

Even if it cannot be used, the simulator should be able to exchange for knockoff versions of equipment.

Regarding the Dragon Horn matter, Chu Yun had previously asked Donna to tell Catherine.

Catherine will go out early tomorrow morning. I wonder if she will give up her original plan because of this information.

Chu Yun borrowed a lot of books about dragons. He asked Betty to make him a cup of coffee and then enjoyed life leisurely.


At night.

The person secretly watching outside the house has not yet left, which makes Chu Yun very dissatisfied.

"System, start simulation!"

[The simulation is about to start, please select your initial exchange option (27 points remaining, 5/8 times)]

[1. Record crystal, 1 point]

[2. Signal fireworks, 1 o'clock]

[3. Illumination level +1, 5 points]

【4. Free simulation, 20 points】

There were surprisingly few things that could be exchanged this time. Recording crystals and signal fireworks were things that Chu Yun could buy with money. Naturally, Chu Yun would not exchange them.

As for the lighting technique, a black iron-level skill requires 25 points to increase one attribute point, while a bronze-level skill requires 60 points to increase three attribute points.

Considering that Chu Yun has already invested 1 point in illumination, now he can get 1 attribute point by spending another 20 points, which is a good price-performance ratio compared to bronze level.

Chu Yun will be more cautious in choosing skills in the future. Now he wants to maximize the skills he has learned first.

[Points-20 points]

[Congratulations on raising your lighting level to Lv5, and you will receive the reward "Spiritual Attribute +1"]

As long as the illumination technique is strong enough, it can also be used as a signal firework. Chu Yun's current mental power reaches 38+5 points, and combined with the full-level illumination technique, it is even brighter than a searchlight.

[You are very dissatisfied with the suspicious people lurking near your home, and you decide...]

【1. Question them and ask them to leave】

[2. Attack them, catch them and interrogate them]

【3. Leave it alone and ignore these people】

Chu Yun chose the most violent solution.

[You ask Betty to investigate the location and number of these people in the air, and then use the invisibility ring to lurk near these people]

[You use the Falling Star Sword to sneak attack and cut one of them in half, and then you summon a silver-level flame giant to attack the enemy with the strongest combat effectiveness]

[When you defeat another assassin with Magic Sword Technique, the Fire Giant also kills the enemy]

[However, just when you are about to interrogate the other party, a powerful demon appears in front of you]

[The Guardian of the Moon and the Holy Shield blocked the opponent's sneak attack, you decide...]

[1. Launch a counterattack and fight to the death with the opponent]

[2. Release the light spell, which may attract Mavis’ attention]

[3. Talk to the other party and test the other party’s intention]

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