Simulated A Million Times, The Brave Man Transformed Into A Demon!

Chapter 76 Initial Control Of The Demonic Sword

Chu Yun gained quite a lot of loot.

In addition to 5 poisons with unknown ingredients and no antidote that could poison him, there were also 40 purple gold coins.

Part of it should be his own bounty and part of it should be Black Scorpion's deposit.

Although underground bounty hunters make money, the risks associated with it are high, so they usually don't save much money.

When Chu Yun returned to the vicinity of the villa, he entered the invisible state again. After searching for a while, he finally found the bounty hunter who had been disguised as a bearded man and was sitting on a bench reading a newspaper as if nothing happened.

There were already pedestrians coming and going in the area one after another, and Chu Yun did not want to commit murder in the street, lest Prince Kane would find an opportunity to use it as an excuse.

He quietly came behind the other party. The other party was not a legal professional and did not have the corresponding magic equipment. At this time, although he noticed something strange, he did not notice the invisible Chu Yun.

Chu Yun opened a portion of Black Scorpion's powdered poison and blew it into his face.

The invisibility state will not be released unless it is attacked or takes a large amount of action. Chu Yun will slip away immediately after injecting the poison.

The bounty hunter found it difficult to breathe after inhaling the poison. He coughed violently, but ended up coughing up blood.

The people around him hurried forward after seeing it, but after discovering that he was poisoned, they all hid far away, for fear of being accidentally poisoned.

Chu Yun watched the other party die tragically under the poison of the black scorpion before leaving with satisfaction and returned to the villa.

Although it didn't take much effort to kill these two bounty hunters, the cost of being invisible during the process was quite a lot, consuming 1 point of mental energy per minute.

"Chu Yun, what happened outside? Why did a large group of people gather together?" Irene has completely recovered her mental strength after two days of rest. She put on a light yellow spotted skirt today and looks like a girl next door. .

"Someone died suddenly on the street. Don't worry about it. How did you read the book?"

Eileen said happily: "I seem to understand it somewhat, but there are still many things I don't understand. I guess I can master the most basic arcane missiles after another month of study."

The appalling progress made Chu Yun shake his head, but this was the normal learning speed for professionals in this world, and Irene was already considered fast.

Chu Yun also mastered a few spell skills and could easily answer some of Irene's basic questions.

In the next few days, Chu Yun was alert for possible attacks while waiting for the number of simulations to resume.

However, Chu Yun's worries were somewhat unnecessary. The news that the two bounty hunters were killed by Chu Yun without anyone knowing was spread by the mongoose. It is estimated that no one in the underground world will want to take on this task again in a short time.

Chu Yun rested for six days and finally accumulated enough simulator times.

During these six days, he conducted a large number of investigations into Dragon Horn and the Queen's family.

The key to the Dragon's Horn is kept by the queen's family elders and the clan leader, and only the clan leader knows where it is hidden.

The elder group holds the key to an old man in his seventies, whose strength is said to have reached gold level.

Although the strength of the clan leader is a bit inferior, he is still very strong with silver-level strength combined with a large number of magic equipment.

Chu Yun planned to use the simulator to use the power of the magic sword to attack the clan leader, find the hiding place and see if he could take it by force.

[The simulation is about to start, please select your initial exchange option (10 points remaining, 8/8 times)]

[1. Own level +1, 10 points]

[2.Silver level soul stone, 10 points]

[3. The points reward for this simulation is doubled to 10 points]

【4. Free simulation, 20 points】

Chu Yun decisively chose the third option. This option has not appeared many times recently, and it has brought him good profits every time.

[After you have been dormant for a while, Prince Kane seems to have temporarily forgotten you, but what he has done has angered you, and you plan to completely disintegrate the Queen's family]

[Your goal is the "Dragon's Horn." As long as you get this piece of equipment, it will be difficult for the Queen's family to resist Princess Catherine's army attack]

[The head of the Queen’s family, Marquis Cade, manages various matters within the family all year round]

[But you learned from the aristocratic secrets that he leaves the family for half a day every week to have private meetings with his lover. You decide...]

[1. Go to Cade’s lover’s residence in advance, ambush Cade and subdue him]

[2. Sneak into Cade’s lover’s residence, look for opportunities to secretly take photos of the other person, and then threaten him]

[3. Kill Cade’s lover and take the opponent’s appearance, disguise as Cade’s lover and look for opportunities to attack the opponent]

Chu Yun didn't think threats would be of any use, so it would be more reliable to subdue them directly.

[Today happens to be a date, you go to the rich area to find Cade’s lover’s residence]

[You use charm to lure Cade's lover to open the door, then subdue her and wait for Cade to come]

[Cade is opening the door, you choose...]

[1. If you launch a sneak attack the moment the opponent opens the door, you may be noticed by others outside the door]

[2. Hide in the room and wait for him to open the door to the small room before taking action]

[3. Wait for him to close the door before taking action to avoid being noticed by the other party]

Chu Yun, who was hiding, chose the second option and launched a sneak attack the moment he closed the door.

[Cade is indeed a veteran silver-level professional. Even though he has not fought for a long time, he still reacted immediately]

[You seem to be planning to escape, you choose...]

[1. Ask the other person to wait and tell him that you have no ill intentions]

[2. Fight in the normal way, you may lose]

[3. Launch the magic sword to quickly defeat the opponent]

[You pull out the magic sword and use your strong mental power to briefly control the magic sword, and your physical attributes instantly increase.]

[You trapped the opponent in the house and finally defeated her after several rounds of fighting]

[Because the sound insulation effect of the house is so good, the situation here did not attract other people's attention]

[Under your torture, Cade handed you the key and told you where the Dragon Horn was hidden, but you were not sure whether it was true, so you decided...]

[1. Kill him, then search the hiding place]

[2. Don’t believe him and continue the torture]

【3.Take him to the hiding spot】

Cade could only believe five points of his words. It was a pity that Chu Yun did not have serious hypnosis and mental torture techniques, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble.

[You pretend to see through the other person's lies and continue to torture him, and Cade finally tells you the real hiding place]

[You killed Cade and the hiding place was in the family secret room. You took Cade’s face and put on his clothes and then returned to the clan at night]

[You tried to avoid most people and then came to the secret room that Cade said. When you tried to open the first door lock with the key, the alarm sounded]

[After you were surrounded, your identity was revealed. You tried to use the magic sword to escape. The gold-level powerhouses in the Cade family and many masters surrounded you.]

【You are killed】

[End of simulation]

[At least, you already know this is a trap]

[Comprehensive score: 18 points]

[Acquire 18 points of simulation experience and obtain simulation points (18+4) x 2 points]

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