Simulated A Million Times, The Brave Man Transformed Into A Demon!

Chapter 77 The Naga Siren Of The Deep Sea Clan

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed into the real world (remaining 44 points)]

[1. Own level +1, 10 points]

[2.Silver level soul stone, 10 points]

[3. Secret room key, 1 point]

The key that Cade gave to Chu Yun was real. After all, Chu Yun did not find any other suspicious keys from his space ring.

It's just that when opening the secret room, it can't be opened simply with a key. There are secrets that Chu Yun doesn't know.

Chu Yun exchanged a key and then upgraded his level to Lv20.

[The promotion mission has been released. Complete the mission to upgrade your rank to Silver level and unlock a higher level cap]

Chu Yun clicked on the task. Compared with the bronze promotion task, the things required were similar, but the quantity was further.

[Task Name]: Silver Promotion

[Task Requirements]: 1. Consume 200 points. 2. Consume 2 silver-level magic cores. 3. Consume 2 silver-level soul stones.

[Task Description]: The magic core will be used to strengthen the body, and the soul stone will be used to strengthen the soul.

Chu Yun plans to buy the silver-level soul stone in the real world and fill it in the simulator. The magic core is simple and can be easily bought if you have money.

The most troublesome thing is the points. Chu Yun needs to overcome a lot of temptations to accumulate 200 points.

Chu Yun planned to purchase the materials first and then conduct the simulation, so that he could spend less points in the simulation to exchange for soul stones with souls.

Chu Yun took a carriage to the commercial street, and Irene followed him.

She has been under house arrest in the church since arriving in the Holy City. The only time she left the church was during the missionary ceremony.

Now she finally breathed the breath of freedom again, and her whole body seemed to be reborn.

With the strongholds outside the city being wiped out, the commercial street has become more lively these days, and foreign merchants are more willing to come to Shambhala to do business.

The soul stone Chu Yun needs is a controlled item, but with his current status, he can purchase it normally.

Silver-level soul stones are high-end items, and there are only two shops selling them in the commercial street.

One of them belongs to the Queen's family, and Chu Yun chose the other one, "Eternal Light", which has chain stores across the continent.

After the carriage stopped, a receptionist came forward. Those who could come to such a high-end store were either nobles, wealthy businessmen or high-level professionals. They did not dare to neglect at all.

"Sir, Madam, how can I serve you?" The receptionist showed a professional smile.

"I want to buy two silver-quality soul stones and magic cores, and she needs to buy a mage robe."

"Okay sir, you can go over here and take a look at the mage's robe first. I'll have the soul stone delivered to you."

Blank soul stones are props processed from special minerals, and there is basically no big difference. The soul stones in such large stores are all of the same quality.

The receptionist took Chu Yun to the area where women's mage robes were sold, and then asked people to go get the soul stone and magic core.

"Chu Yun, these mage robes are so expensive, should I buy them from another store?"

Although Irene still has some money, without her status as a candidate for a saint and having just learned magic, she will not have a stable source of income in a short time.

In this case, it is very necessary to save some money.

"This is the place, the clothes here are good-looking."

"You can't see the clothes you're wearing, but it's mainly me who sees them, so I bought them for you." Chu Yun said with a smile.


"I'll pick out some more sexy pajamas later." Chu Yun added.

After hearing this, Irene immediately understood what Chu Yun meant. She no longer refused, but began to choose carefully.

Betty on the side looked envious, but she was just a slave without human rights and was not qualified to buy clothes here.

The clerk quickly took out five silver-level soul stones and magic cores. The reason why he took more was mainly so that Chu Yun could choose.

Chu Yun chose two soul stones of better quality that cost two thousand gold coins, the magic core cost only one thousand gold coins, and Irene's mage robe was bronze-level and worth three hundred gold coins.

Other non-magical equipment clothes are relatively cheap, and the total of seven or eight sets only costs one hundred gold coins.

"Sir, the purchase of soul stones requires registration." the clerk reminded.

Chu Yun took out his silver-level priest badge, and the other party simply registered his name and the church he belonged to.

The Holy Light Church has considerable privileges in the Crescent Kingdom. If others purchase soul stones, they need to fill in detailed information for registration.

After completing the shopping, I took Eileen and Betty to wander around the city. This was also Eileen's first real visit to the Holy City.

"Chu Yun, there seems to be something lively to watch over there." Eileen noticed a group of people gathering on the street in the distance.

"Betty, look what's going on."

Betty took off from the coachman's position and flew over the crowd, then flew back to report the situation.

"Master, we are a group of refugees. Their town seems to have been attacked by demons, and some people are injured and need treatment." Betty briefly explained the situation.

Chu Yun couldn't help but frown when he heard about the demon clan. He got off the carriage, hung up his priest badge and walked towards the crowd.

After seeing the pastor, the crowd retreated and made way, and a group of refugees with sallow faces and thin muscles appeared in front of Chu Yun.

"Master Pastor, save my father. He is injured and will die if he is not treated." A little boy knelt down in front of Chu Yun and begged for his mercy.

The wand in Chu Yun's hand emitted light, and then the group healing technique spread from the wand to the surrounding areas.

The seriously injured refugees were temporarily out of crisis, while the slightly injured refugees recovered immediately.

The refugees knelt down one after another to express their gratitude to Chu Yun and the Goddess of Holy Light.

"What happened? Where did you come from?" Chu Yun came to a refugee who was surrounded and asked.

The refugee who looked like a leader was flattered and raised his head to explain to Chu Yun.

This group of refugees came from the seaside town "Palavon". They were attacked by demons a few days ago, and all the guards in the town were wiped out.

Most of the people who escaped were also hunted to death. Only a dozen of them were lucky enough to survive.

The people who attacked the town were the Naga sea monsters. This group of sea monsters was originally on par with the mermaids who lived in the deep sea and had a relatively friendly relationship with humans.

But with the joining of some powerful demon clan advance members, the balance was broken.

They first defeated the mermaid tribe, and then gathered an army to attack Palavon.

Next they may continue to invade coastal towns.

These amphibious Naga Sirens are very difficult to deal with. Once they encounter danger, they will hide in the sea, making it impossible for humans to catch up.

In previous demonic invasions, the human coastline was blocked most of the time, which was a great hindrance to material transportation and strategic marches.

Many residents of other coastal towns who have received the news have begun to evacuate to avoid being attacked by the Naga tribe.

Chu Yun counted the time and found that Catherine should have defeated the neighboring enemy troops on the border and was heading back.

"Master Priest, we want to see the king and beg him to send troops to take back our home!"

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