Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 338 An Important Guess

The meeting finally passed the conclusion of comprehensive intervention with a large number of votes. Each agency was assigned relevant tasks. It initiated an emergency communication with the Serbian official and determined that it would provide srbija with technical consulting services in the form of independent consultants.

This part of the service includes but is not limited to media, price, supply, logistics, among which the local China Construction Group will mobilize all idle construction machinery to restore the road to Belgrade blocked by heavy rain.

At the same time, the news media where La Zirou works will also undertake corresponding responsibilities to investigate and report on the real situation of the current grain market, with the purpose of dispelling public panic and avoiding stampede buying.

After the meeting, La Zirou and Fu Yuan returned to the representative office. After the division of labor was determined, Fu Yuan stayed in the representative office to organize staff to make preparations, while La Zirou went to the market alone to start an investigation and find evidence.

However, as the investigation deepened, she felt more and more critical of the situation.

Now almost all the stores, supermarkets and grain trading shops in the market have their inventory levels below the warning line.

According to her statistics on the grain stocks of the shops she has visited, these grains can only support the consumption of the entire Belgrade for 6 days at most. If no food arrives after 6 days, then the whole city will most likely fall into famine.

Not everyone will hoard enough food at home, especially in this country where bread is the staple food, most people tend to buy finished food directly from the market. If one day the supply of bread goes out, the order of the whole market will be changed. will crash instantly.

Many residents have realized this problem, and there are long queues in front of the open food stores. La Zirou asked the store manager one by one, and recorded all the names of the store's raw material suppliers in the book.

Afterwards, she went to visit those raw material suppliers according to the name in the book. From those suppliers, she came to different conclusions.

It is true that the relatively small-scale suppliers are also short of inventory. They are also struggling with this matter. They even wish to bring tools to repair the road in Belgrade, but in fact, they have already made a judgment in their hearts.

The tight food supply cannot be caused by road blockages.

Some people cut off the path from wholesale to retail, and some people are hoarding food on a large scale.

After visiting 7 suppliers, La Zirou finally came to the last target of the day. As soon as she walked into the supplier's office, she immediately noticed the difference.

The head of the grain store called Arbery was too indifferent.

La Zirou sat opposite the person in charge under the warm welcome of the other party, and then asked:

"Mr. Desmons, I'm a reporter from China in srbija. I'm visiting you today to ask you a few questions, and I hope you can help me accordingly."

Desmons nodded with a smile on his face and replied:

"Of course, of course, Hua Xia is our friend. I will never turn away from this small task... What question do you want to ask?"

La Zirou opened the notebook in her hand, paused for a moment and then asked:

"My first question is, have you noticed the food shortage in the Belgrade market right now?"

"Of course, of course."

Dlemmons adjusted his sitting position slightly, pushed the ashtray on the table away, looked directly at La Zirou and said:

"We are also very troubled about this.... Now the grain price in the market has nearly tripled. If we can sell enough grain at this time, we will definitely get a lot of profits."

"But it's a pity, we really don't have stock."

"You also know that because of the torrential rain a few days ago, the roads and water transportation to Belgrade have been completely blocked, and the food from the region cannot be brought in at all. Coupled with the rise in international food prices, suppliers in many regions have chosen to directly send food. Shipping abroad, it is already very difficult for us to acquire it at a low price.”

Hearing his words, La Zirou frowned slightly.

What the other party said is indeed true. Because of the upside down of domestic and foreign grain prices, srbija farmers are more inclined to sell their grain directly to exporters, which has led to the rise of srbija grain prices to a certain extent.

But the problem is that srbija's grain exports are subject to quotas, and no matter how weak the official control of exports is, there should be no shortage of supplies even in the capital.

The only reason is that the officials misjudged the situation, set the quota too high, and did not predict that there would be large-scale food hoarding in the country.

But who does this kind of food hoarding?

Obviously, he was sitting across from him.

"So, you mean that the current food shortage has nothing to do with you?"

"Of course, of course. We don't want food shortages because that's not in our interest."

La Zirou shook her head indiscernibly, and then continued to ask:

"Well, maybe it is. So, I want to ask you, how much stock is in your warehouse now?"

"Probably can support a week's shipments - but, after a week, our food channel should also be opened, right?"

"It doesn't have to be."

La Zirou wrote down a number in the notebook, and then continued to ask:

"Can I ask you about your current warehouse location?"

"Of course, the warehouse is right behind us. If you're interested, I can show you around right away—but there's a lot of dust inside, so it's best not to visit for a beautiful lady like you."

"Then as you wish."

In fact, La Zirou didn't plan to go to their warehouse for on-the-spot investigation. She knew that it was impossible for the other party to show her the real stock, so it was pointless to waste time.

What she really wants to figure out is the other party's strategy afterward.

After the roads in Belgrade are opened and food from other regions can be brought into the capital unimpeded, what methods will they take to further increase food prices?

Continue to hoard?

This should be impossible, because although the official actions are slow, they will not let them go. Once Belgrade faces a full-scale crisis and the official ends with tough measures, all the plans of these grain merchants will be in vain.

This is why, after purchasing a large amount of grain in the early stage, they generally consumed the grain by brewing wine, because they themselves anticipated the sanctions that the government might take in the future.

After a pause, La Zirou continued:

"Can I walk around here on my own? You know, I'm a reporter and I need to get closer to my interviewees."

"Of course it's fine, please do it yourself - if I don't need me, then can I..."

"No problem, go get busy."

After finishing speaking, La Zirou got up to say goodbye to Dlemmons. After the latter left, she inspected the entire company area and photographed all the suspicious details.

During this process, she was not hindered in any way. It seemed that all the evidence related to the hoarding of food had been properly hidden. However, when she returned to the representative office and checked the photos on the camera one by one, she found another An unusual thing.

Not food, but security.

Compared with other food companies in Belgrade, and even compared with other important places, the security personnel of this company are a bit too many.

In almost every photo, she could see the security guards.

This is very unreasonable.

Srbija used to be a country where guns were not banned, but in recent years, gun control has been implemented, the rate of people holding guns has dropped significantly, and the official control of social order has reached a relatively high level.

Even if there is a shortage of food supply, there will be some panic buying and small-scale riots at most, but after the official mobilization of grain reserves into Belgrade, the scale of such riots should be controlled to a very low range.

Because for such a country, rising food prices may greatly hurt the national economy in the short term and bring huge difficulties to people's lives, but the foundation of agriculture and economy is there, and people will definitely not starve to death.

As long as people don't starve to death, no one will take the initiative to kill others - this is a very simple logic.

However, Dlemmons' security level is obviously configured according to the standard of "may kill people".

In their expectation, the next riots caused by rising food prices will surely kill people.

Then, in order to cause such riots, a stronger impetus is necessary—an impetus from the outside world that amplifies the panic of the people to a great extent.

La Zirou suddenly felt a chill rise, she seemed to guess what the enemy wanted to do.

They are not satisfied with just raising the price of srbija, but to turn srbija into a second yindu!

Only in this way can China be forced to help in the most direct way.

When his allies lose a lot of money, Huaxia can watch it quietly; but once his allies start to die, Huaxia must not sit idly by.

It's a chain meter, and to do this, that impetus... can only be...

She rushed to the phone, dialed the phone that she had memorized for a long time, and then immediately reported her judgment. After a short period of communication, the content of the call was quickly transferred back to China.

After just 4 hours, multiple satellites in the vast space changed their orbits and turned their sights to the sky above the small country.

High-resolution photos were taken one by one and passed on to professional analysts who made their own judgments based on the few familiar aircraft that appeared on the satellite imagery.

The enemy's secret plan in srbija was exposed in Huaxia's sight.

Perhaps, it is inevitable for the rabbit to discover the other party's movements, and perhaps this information is only a few days or even a few hours ahead of time, but this is enough.


A day later, Huaxia, a large military airport.

A batch of 12 modified y-20cs completed the final take-off preparations and rose one after another in sequence.

No one knew what cargo was loaded in that huge cabin, or where they were going, but both the crew members and the ground staff had expressions of urgency on their faces.

In the distant islamabad, the 6 Tamron fighters that just landed, 4 of which have also taken off again with the tanker.

At this time, La Zirou still didn't know what kind of change her phone call had brought to the world.

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