Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 339 What The Hell Did The Y-20C Ship?

srbija, a military airport in Belgrade.

12 y-20cs landed on the runway gradually and began to taxi to the specially designated unloading area.

Before the plane landed, the commander code-named 577 had already arrived at the airport to wait. He first met the pilots of the four Tamron fighters who had arrived earlier to express his gratitude, and then waited for four more in the sultry night wind. hours until the y-20c hits the ground.

In the unloading area, 577 saw the commander of this long-distance transport formation, who handed over the goods to him, and then instructed the relevant personnel to unload and load the goods without stopping. After all arrangements were made, he finally followed 577 to the morning. Just ready lounge.

In the lounge, the staff prepared a sumptuous Chinese dinner for him, but he simply ate a few bites and then began to convey Chinese advice to 577.

"...So, you have to solve the problem of food supply this time."

"According to the information we obtained earlier, our personnel have provided you with corresponding technical assistance, including professionals in public opinion, road infrastructure, production and price regulation. Our suggestion is that you still follow the acting under their guidance."

"The current situation of food shortages in Belgrade will not last long, and when the road traffic from the region to the capital is opened, the food supply will soon become sufficient."

"However, you have to keep your spirits high and pay attention to the local grain merchants who are controlled by the four major grain merchants. They will still buy and hoard grain at any cost, and even increase the price of grain by destroying it. "

"Once this happens, the stampede bidding will happen simultaneously, and the food shortage in the capital will quickly spread to the country, creating a national shortage. At that time, we will have no other way."

577, who was sitting across from him, nodded and replied:

"Mr. Chen, I understand what you mean. We have already begun to take action against these grain traders, and their plans will definitely fail."

"We are planning to refer to your practice and put basic daily food directly to market terminals through official channels, thereby bypassing the monopoly of these traders."

Hearing his words, the commander shook his head and replied:

"This plan is not feasible for you. You do not have companies with strong resources and funds like China Grain Reserves and COFCO, nor do you have a system with strong execution. In the short term, I am afraid that even the simplest logistics problems cannot be solved. "

"Don't think you can do what we do. Your situation is different from ours."

"Our suggestion is still to take tough measures and arrest a group of people to set an example."

"Of course, considering your situation, you can also not be so radical, but remember to ensure the food supply in the urban area of ​​Belgrade."

"When I say food supply, I mean that Belgrade's food stocks are enough to cover the city's population for at least one month."

"If we can't meet this basic requirement, it's actually meaningless for us to solve it and do anything."


577 nodded quickly, and after a pause, he continued to ask:

"Are you confident about the follow-up plan? I mean, the air offensive that the opponent may launch."

The commander looked at 577 with a serious expression and replied:

"First of all, I want to reiterate that it is you who are going to fight against each other's air offensive, not us."

"So, this question of yours should not be asked of me, but of your relevant commanders--do they have confidence?"

"Secondly, I can tell you very clearly that according to the information we have, the other party does not intend to start a war on your soil, all they have to do is demonstrate."

"They want to convey a sense of crisis to your people, and then use this sense of crisis to force the people to rush to buy food and achieve their most basic goals."

"In response to this situation, you must establish a basic strategic bottom line, that is: you must show your sword when you meet the enemy. If you don't show your sword, then their demonstrations will intensify until they reach an unbearable level."

"Such an outcome, both for you and for us, would be a disaster."

Looking at the man's serious expression, 577 nodded solemnly and replied:

"You can rest assured that we will act with all our strength and will never let your support go to waste!"

With that, he stood up and shook hands with the commander, then turned to leave.

There are more important things waiting for him to deal with. None of these things are not extremely urgent, and none of them are related to the future of this country and even this world.

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