Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 124: During the teaching session at Gion, T. Pengen is seriously injured!

At the training ground of the North Sea Branch Base, Luke is doing his daily exercise.

The misty space gave him the capital to rise, so he naturally couldn't waste this potential.

Moreover, the pleasure of being able to continuously strengthen himself just by exercising made Luke, who had already become a muscular man, deeply addicted to it.

Sweat flowed through the muscles full of hormones and dripped onto the floor.

Luke carried a heavy iron block and did one-finger push-ups.

In the pirate world, if you want to become stronger, tempering your body is the simplest and most practical way.

Basically, as long as you are willing to exercise, your physical strength can easily break through the human limit that the real world cannot expect.

And those with excellent talents can even have terrible strength without exercise.

For example, the current Four Emperors Charlotte Linlin could defeat the giant warriors with her bare hands when she was five or six years old.

"Your training is beyond your tolerance. If you do this for a long time, it is easy to leave hidden injuries."

Gion put away her sword, and she was doing daily basic training.

After staying in Beihai for four or five days, no accidents occurred, and Blackbeard didn't even see a ghost.

But Gion planned to stay for half a month.

If Blackbeard didn't show up by then, she would go back to the headquarters to take the order.

"I took a wild path and never went to the headquarters for further training."

The last time Luke went to the headquarters was because he had just become the base commander and was reported for accumulating a lot of money.

Although the money was used to arm the Beihai Navy.

"Can you tell me how the headquarters trains?"

"It starts with ordinary running and weight training to lay the foundation, just like what you are doing now, but not as intense as you."

"After that, when the physical fitness reaches the standard, start learning the six styles according to your own shortcomings and strengths. I think you should have mastered a few styles."

Gion explained patiently.

After getting along for a few days, Gion found that the guy in front of him was not as unkind as the rumors said.

In the Navy Headquarters, there have been some bad rumors about this Beihai Colonel.

It is said that Luke is arrogant, deceives his superiors and hides the truth from his subordinates, is greedy and lustful, etc.

Although the last point may be true.

But the previous ones, after seeing them for a few days, Gion feels that they can cross out.

It is better to say that his subordinates love him too much than to say that he is arrogant.

Luke is very good to his subordinates. Most of the money handed over by nobles and merchants is distributed to his subordinates. He does not care about these material things.

In addition, he is willing to lead the troops on the battlefield. As a rich and capable commander like him, few navy soldiers do not respect him.

As for material needs, there are some, but not many.

In addition to eating, exercising, and going out to beat up the children in the North Sea, there is nothing else.

I forgot one thing, he occasionally goes out to sympathize with the people.

But as a man on the sea, everyone can understand this.

As for deceiving his superiors and hiding the truth from his subordinates.

It can only be said that the situation in the North Sea is too complicated. His doing this is good for both the headquarters and the North Sea.

"Hardening the Armament Haki is a basic usage, and we can develop it in the direction of flowing and releasing it and internal destruction in the future."

Gion mentioned it.

Luke was thoughtful.

Gion is proficient in the skills of geisha, and in the world of One Piece, the culture of geisha is only in Wano Country.

So, Gion, who is suspected to be from Wano Country or has studied for a period of time, may have learned some skills of Ryuo.

The reason why Gion mentioned this is because she noticed that Luke's Armament Haki seemed to be a little different a few days ago.

She speculated that Luke might have learned some unrecorded secrets of Armament Haki, and this was also a reminder for him not to go astray.

"Lieutenant General Gion, do you mean that I should study in these two directions in the future?"

Luke asked.

"If you want, but I suggest you better be prepared before trying."

"Take the flow and release as an example, it is mainly to wrap the unnecessary Armament Haki flow of the body around the hands or weapons and release it directly into substantial attack or defense power."

"It mainly relies on the characteristic that Armament Haki can swim."

Gion repeated the word "swim" many times.

Although she had not learned Ryu-O, she still remembered the principles and key points clearly.


Luke clenched his hands.

The light golden Armament Haki covered his arms. He had tried this move before.

But at most he could inject the power into the opponent's body, achieving an effect similar to Ruyi Jin.

A few days ago, Jizas was blown into a pool of minced meat by the power.

As for wanting to use Armament Haki to flow outward or destroy the inside, it was impossible.

Not to mention the formation of a protective shield later, a strong shock wave was carried when punching.

At present, Luke can only wrap Armament Haki around the flying arrow for a short time.

"Don't be too anxious. The improvement of Haki is the tempering of willpower. As long as you experience more battles in the future, your level will naturally go up."

Gion comforted.

Haki is a kind of potential that humans in the pirate world are born with. Momentum, murderous intent, fighting spirit. These are all nutrients for tempering Haki.

If a person's opinions and obsessions are shaken by something, then correspondingly, the person's domineering will be greatly weakened.

For example, the two Shichibukai who were defeated by Luffy in the original work, Crocodile Crocodile and Gekko Moriah are examples of weakened domineering.

Both of them suffered a huge blow when they were young. The former had his pirate dream shattered by Whitebeard's sword, and the latter had his pirate group destroyed by Cutie's stick.

Since then, the spirit of both of them has been worn out, and their domineering level has naturally been reduced to a mess.

So much so that even the Straw Hat Boy who just debuted not long ago is not his opponent.

Although from the perspective of the future, it is not shameful to be defeated by the Sun God.

As we all know, the Mythical Beast is the strongest Devil Fruit.

And Gion is worried that Luke will not be overly concerned about this "Ryu Sakura" because she mentioned it, which will lead to obsession.

At that time, don't let Luke go astray because of her words. If Luke didn't go astray, she would regret it.

"Don't worry, I understand, Vice Admiral Gion, I just thought of some questions again."

"That's good, if you have any questions, just tell me directly, and I will explain everything I know to you clearly."

Gion made a promise.

As soon as the voice fell, the navy brother ran over in a hurry.

"Boss Luke, Boss Luke, something happened!"

Luke frowned.

"I told you not to call me Boss, and what happened?"

Could it be that Blackbeard really chose to take revenge on the Navy without caring about his life?

Does he still want the position of Shichibukai?

"Colonel Peng En, Colonel Peng En, his team was attacked!"

"He said he wanted to see the Boss, Colonel Peng En was seriously injured!"

The Navy boy was out of breath and a little incoherent.

But Luke's face sank when he heard this.

T Peng En was seriously injured!

Who did it?

He didn't explain it clearly to the Navy boy, but asked him to go over first. Could his identity not be an ordinary pirate?

Luke's thoughts were full of thoughts and his actions kept going.

"Vice Admiral Gion, I will come to discuss the secret of Haki next time when I have time."

After saying this, Luke's figure had disappeared from the training ground.

He wanted to see which fool dared to touch his people!

The training ground was left with the navy boy and Vice Admiral Gion staring at each other.

The navy boy suddenly slapped his thigh.

"Oh no, I forgot to tell the boss where Colonel Peng En is!"

I can't do it anymore. I need to sleep for a while. My head is a little dizzy. I will write the next chapter in the afternoon.

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