"Who did it?"

Luke sat beside the bed, and the doctor leaned back, ready to rescue at any time.

T. Pengen looked haggard, with bullets hitting his body in many places, and there were signs of poisoning.

The medical soldier gave him temporary treatment to prevent his injuries from getting worse.

"Base commander, I'm sorry, I didn't protect him well."

"Don't be nagging, I asked you who did it?!"

Luke's tone was very aggressive.

Colonel T. Pengen forced a smile, but he still chose to keep silent.

Luke understood.

"Everyone go out first."

Luke ordered.

The navy soldiers guarding around immediately withdrew.

The doctors and nurses hesitated. Colonel T. Pengen was seriously injured, and now he was relying on his physical strength to hold on.

If something unexpected happened

"I mean everyone!"

Luke repeated it with a heavier tone.

The medical staff immediately woke up, and the master who controlled the North Sea in front of them was in a fire.

Ulala immediately evacuated the ward.

"Base Captain, we encountered a well-equipped pirate group."

T. Penn finally spoke.

"There were five ships in total. I destroyed two of them, and then I was poisoned and attacked."

Five ships?

And they were well-equipped. This is not something that a group of poor pirates can save up.

"Germa? Or Doflamingo?"

Luke first locked on these two groups.

There are still two people in the North Sea who have the courage to attack the navy, and can also provide a large number of high-end arms.

Only these two idiots!

But the navy can't do anything to these two unscrupulous idiots, and can't even touch them.

The Kingdom of Germa, the only maritime country in the world without a fixed territory, is also a mercenary kingdom that started with aggressive wars.

But it is a member of the World Government, and its evil deeds are legal acts. The navy has no right to hold the Kingdom of Germa accountable.

Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

He can use the power of the Seven Warlords to expand his business, or even conduct legal and illegal transactions.

"I guess it may be a pirate disguised by the Germa Kingdom."

T. Penn recalled the details of the battlefield.

Although the group of people looked like pirates, whether it was cooperation or mutual tactics, it was obvious that the army had a rigorous style.

As for why it was not Doflamingo, who had already taken office as the king of Dressrosa and also controlled the army?

Although this Seven Warlords of the Sea started in the North Sea, his focus has shifted to the New World in the past ten years.

There are rumors that he has reached a cooperation with Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, and he has basically not paid much attention to the North Sea.

And the cadres who stayed in the North Sea would not choose to attack the North Sea Navy led by Luke without thinking.

Therefore, the only suspect is the Germa Kingdom, which gave Luke a gift some time ago.

He was driven out of the North Sea by Doflamingo and the Don Quixote family.

But now he is giving gifts and taking action. Is he thinking of taking advantage of Doflamingo's distraction in the New World to rule the North Sea again?

Luke sorted out the logic.

Although he has lived in the North Sea for so many years, his thinking mode has gradually become reckless.

But compared to the "idiots" in the One Piece world, Luke's brain is still quite flexible.

At least he won't rush around headlong, and then be beaten to death by Teacher Koeido.

After all, if you want to survive in this sea, you can show a reckless attitude, but you can't be a brainless idiot.

Unless you are destined to be one of the D tribe and the sun god.

"The Germa Kingdom? I originally thought of fattening him up and then killing him, but I didn't expect him to come to me on his own initiative."

"Base commander, are you going to continue according to the plan, or take action in advance?"

T. Penn asked.

Luke made a plan a long time ago, and after stabilizing the situation in the North Sea, how to slowly deal with the group of idiots in the North Sea.

The North Sea is a big place, but there are too many people, and Luke gets too little.

"Well, you take a break first, Colonel Penn."

Luke stood up.

T. Penn raised his hand and pointed in Luke's direction.

Base commander, I think I can still fight, help me up.

But Luke had already opened the tightly closed door, and the doctors and nurses guarding outside the door rushed forward.

Colonel Peng, don't worry, we will definitely cure you!

T Peng was drowned in the crowd, and his raised hand was also pressed down and pinned down with a fixed plate.

This kind of scene can only be seen in the world of One Piece.

He was only slightly injured by eight bullets, and he could still breathe and tell his funeral for a long time after being hit by several heavy artillery.

Outside the door, Luke's expression was neither happy nor sad.

"Are you really going?"

Gion leaned against the wall, and her observation Haki allowed her to hear clearly what happened in the room.

"The Germa Kingdom is one of the few member states that has the right to participate in the World Conference. If you take action against it, it will be difficult for the headquarters to take care of you."

"If you are willing to wait for a while, I am willing to use my status as a candidate for admiral to guarantee you."

"After the investigation is clear, the headquarters will issue a wanted notice, and it will not be too late to take action then."

Gion advised.

She didn't want to see an excellent young navy sacrifice his future because of such a small matter.

If he rashly attacked the member states of the World Government, even if Germa was at fault first, Luke, as a navy, would be severely punished.

At the least, he will be demoted, and at the worst, he will be dismissed and imprisoned.

Moreover, in the absence of solid evidence, Luke should not act rashly.

His actions are labeled as navy.

Doing so will easily provoke disputes between the navy and the kingdom, and affect the world government's trust in the navy.

"Vice Admiral Gion, you are joking."

Luke took off his military cap.

"I just want to chat with an old friend. The headquarters will not know, and the old friend will be happy."

Walking in front of Gion, Gion looked up at Luke.

The two looked at each other, and Gion's eyes were solemn.

She didn't want this promising young man to take another path.

Luke raised his hand and gently pressed the military cap on Gion's head.

Gion was stunned for a moment, but she did not resist.

"Vice Admiral Gion, it is the boss's fault to let the subordinates get hurt."

After that, Luke's figure disappeared.

Gion was absent-minded for a moment.

She took off her military cap, looked at the shining seagull holding a scale on the cap, and suddenly smiled.

"Assholes should be governed by assholes!"

Garp's voice is still fresh in my memory.

Bastard justice?

There is no such "justice" in the current navy.

She walked towards her warship. The Den Den Mushi equipped on the ship can directly connect to Marshal Sengoku.

On the other side, on a small island, Vinsmoke Judge was studying the sea map of the North Sea.

Although he had actually studied this map very thoroughly.

The Germa Kingdom he led was once the uncrowned king of the North Sea.

However, everything disappeared after the asshole Doflamingo came.

At this time, Vinsmoke Judge suddenly stopped.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

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