"Father, the mission is accomplished."

Reiju bowed her head and answered.

Judge nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, Reiju, our plan will surely succeed."

Judge was full of confidence.

Although the battle with the Don Quixote family failed, as long as the North Sea was in chaos, he could take the opportunity to regain his sovereignty in the North Sea.

In the current North Sea, there is only one Don Quixote family on the surface.

The greedy bastard Luke will definitely put the blame on Doflamingo.

And he only needs to wait for the snipe and the clam to fight and reap the benefits.

Judge thought that his plan was completely fine.

After all, he was a loyal ally who had specially sent someone to give Luke a gift some time ago!

The more Judge thought about it, the more he felt that he had a sure win.

He was already thinking about which little kings to find to celebrate after taking over the North Sea again.


Someone knocked on the door again.

"Come in."

Judge was not surprised.

Pushing the door open, it was his three sons.

"How did you complete your mission?"

"Don Quixote will definitely fight the navy."

The eldest brother Iji answered confidently.

Judge was even more satisfied.

Sure enough, he had so many children with excellent bloodlines, how could he worry about failure.

Except for Sanji, the waste, the remaining four children were undoubtedly his most successful experiments.

"Well done! Wait for me!"

Judge was about to praise a few words and paint a big pie for the children.

Suddenly, a majestic sound wave swept over.

"Judge, stand there and wait to die!"


Reiju and the others changed their faces.

Before Judge could react, a tall figure fell from the sky.

The terrifying air wave raised a gust of wind, messy gravel splashed, and the dust raised blocked people's sight.

Judge was a little confused.

Who is this fierce man?

The dust had not yet dispersed, and suddenly, the figure inside moved.

"Father, be careful!"

Reiju reminded loudly.

Judge was stunned. He looked at the ground, and the shadow of a monster enveloped him.

He swallowed his saliva, and his heart seemed to be pressed by an invisible boulder, and his mouth trembled slightly.

"Sparks, whirlpool!"

Iji threw a punch, and the hot flames wrapped around his hand. This was his special ability to manipulate fire.

Before they were born, the five children of Judge were transformed by bloodline factors, and each of them gained a superhuman body and their own unique special abilities.

And the ability of the eldest brother Iji is fire.

The fist carrying fire not only has amazing potential energy, but also can burn the enemy and cause secondary damage.

But for a monster like Luke, is the fire ability that is not even comparable to the Flame-Flame Fruit useful?

"Well done, Iji?"

Judge's face was happy.

But when he turned around, he was shocked to find that his son was lifted up by one hand.

Iji tried to struggle.

But the monster always had a smile on his face.

He grinned, grabbed Iji's wrist, and smashed it heavily to the ground as if the strange power of a prehistoric dragon was at work!


The dull sound resounded throughout the castle.

The huge crack spread out from Luke, the castle began to shake, and the sound of the wall breaking could be heard from time to time.

Iji's head was empty, and blood was spraying from his neck, just like an exploding watermelon.

If it weren't for the Germa special combat suit that gave Iji the last protection, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to find a complete upper body now.

Luke threw Iji's body away, and Judge took a step back.

Judge recognized Luke, but why?

Why did the navy come so quickly?

How did he get exposed?

Reiju covered her mouth in horror. She was a special one among Judge's experiments.

She retained her emotions under the premise of successful transformation.

Therefore, she would feel worried, afraid, and sympathetic to her brother.

As for her brothers, facing the sudden death of their eldest brother, they did not have any fear or anger.

They were not afraid of their own death, so naturally they would not have any special feelings about the sudden death of their eldest brother.

Even if they could leave here alive, they might laugh at their eldest brother for dying in front of the waste Sanji.

"Father, are you going to do it?"

Neji asked.

Judge ignored him.

"Luke, what are you crazy about?"

Judge decided to take the initiative.

Luke is very strong, and it is precisely because of his strength that the major forces in the North Sea can tolerate the greedy appetite of this glutton.

Judge sometimes wonders if Doflamingo, who defeated the Germa Kingdom, is not as strong as Luke?

But now is not the time to worry about these things. Whether there is a traitor here or for other reasons, he must first deal with the monster in front of him.

"Or does the navy want to go to war with the Germa Kingdom?!"

"King Judge gave me a generous gift a few days ago. As the base chief of the North Sea branch, I naturally cannot just take the money and not do anything."

"So, in order to maintain the stability of the North Sea, I came to talk to you specially."

Luke said confidently.

As he said, he strode forward.

Judge stepped back subconsciously.

"Don't be nervous, King Judge, it's normal to feel dizzy."

Luke smiled and opened his arms, his back muscles bulged high, forming a weird face, and the heat flow visible to the naked eye was surging around him.

His handsome face was full of wildness and unruliness, which formed a sharp contrast with his unrestrained body.

He clearly wanted to give people a warm hug, but for some reason, it reminded people of the giant python strangling the beast in the jungle!

Judge retreated hard.

"Reiju, Niji, Yongji, you go first! Quick!"

Hearing this, Reiju hesitated.

But the two younger brothers behind her couldn't bear the loneliness and rushed up on their own initiative.

Silly boy, run!

Reiju looked desperate.

The two punched at the same time, and Luke collided head-on with them.

At the moment of the fist bump, the piercing pain was transmitted from the fist to the whole body, and the arm was instantly twisted into a knot.

They should have been like a ball, directly ejected under pressure.

But the combat boots on the soles of their feet sprayed out a rapid airflow, constantly blocking this surging force like a deep sea.

But even so, they still glided for nearly dozens of meters, and didn't stop until they hit the wall of the castle.

But this is not over yet.

Under the stunned eyes of Judge and Reiju.

Luke took a step, the bluestone bricks shattered, and the storm rushed to the front, pressing the heads of the two with both hands.

Use your palms to enjoy the same treatment as your brother!

The armed color domineering wrapped around the fists shone with golden light, and the flowing characteristics gave birth to a larger shock wave, making the force even stronger.

Along with the blood, the brain in the skull was like white tofu, crushed into dregs by violence!

The scarlet blood mist exploded, and Niji and Yongzhi returned to their hometown on the spot.

Luke stood up, picked up a brick, crushed it into powder and cleaned his palm.

After all, the physical type strongman is not as elegant as the wizard, and it is easy to dirty himself when opening and closing.

Luke turned his head and smiled like a devil.

"King Jiazhi, I don't want to be too rude, please give me your life."

I'm stuck, it's a bit painful, the fighting scenes are not exciting enough, it's been so long, and I've only finished a little more than one chapter, I'm going to take a nap.

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