"When can I be transferred back?"

Luke asked.

People like him can either be sent to the G1 branch in the new world, or stay in the chaotic sea of ​​Beihai.

If you put it in the headquarters or other branches, big trouble will happen sooner or later.

The Warring States Period also understood that forceful melons are not sweet.

"When this plan is successful, you will return to Beihai."

Warring States promised.

Luke nodded with satisfaction.

"Marshal Warring States, tell me, has the headquarters made any big moves?"

Luke pretended to be curious.

He had already known in his heart that the Warring States Period had summoned general-level officers for an early meeting, and what they wanted was nothing more than the public execution of Fire Fist Ace.

But you still have to ask, otherwise if he dares to agree today, Warring States will dare to throw him to the new world tomorrow.

The Warring States Period had already had this idea.

In fact, the most suitable person to stay in the New World should be Sakaski.

He must have strength and means, and his pursuit of "absolute justice" will undoubtedly be a disaster for the pirates in the New World.

It's a pity that the headquarters is not luxurious enough to have a general guard a base.

But now, a leading navy like Luke appears in the sight of the Warring States Period.

A bastard who is strong, ruthless, and even more of a pirate than a pirate.

It's up to you, Navy Luke!

"Let's talk about it during the meeting tomorrow."

Warring States considered the old man's feelings and did not want to cut a knife back and forth in Garp's heart.

"You have been traveling for several days and are quite tired. Go and rest first."

"By the way, Gion, Ahe wants to see you, please remember to take the time to go to the staff office later."

Warring States reminded.

"I understand, Xiao Zhanguo."

Gion nodded in agreement.

Luke was not polite to Warring States either.

The dead wages received here at the headquarters are not like the "bonuses" given out by the aristocratic and wealthy businessmen in Beihai every day. What happened to him?

And just when Luke was about to leave work early and run away, Garp suddenly blocked his way.

"I heard from Smoker that you have made great progress. How about you let me test it?"

Garp put his hand on Luke's shoulder and smiled brightly.

Is this Lao Deng trying to punish Ace in the name of training because he sent him here?

Luke was a little suspicious.

However, looking at the bright smile of the bad old man, I think about the Iron Fist of Love that was as big as Sabah.

Luke's smile was just as bright.

"No problem, Mr. Garp!"

Garp smiled even more after hearing this.

The two hooked up and walked out of the office together.

"Little Garp has a grudge against Luke?"

Gion asked curiously.

She could tell that the two of them didn't deal with each other very well.

Sengoku shook his head.

"That's it, they're both idiots!"

Sengoku's unceremonious evaluation.

Gion was puzzled, but she still had to meet Sister He, and she didn't have time to watch the two "discuss".

We are all in the navy, so little Garp shouldn't be ruthless, right?

Gion thought of the shoe prints on the face of Lieutenant General Garp's son, Dragon, that he had seen before, and he thought with uncertainty.

At the training ground, two idiots were facing each other.

"Old man, be careful, don't flash your waist!"

Luke rushed forward instantly and punched out!

The golden iron fist collided fiercely with the black iron fist, and the dull sound of blows set off a violent wind.

The fist that could crush warships in the past was actually at a disadvantage when facing Garp.

Seeing that he was unable to fight, Luke dodged in time and withdrew.

He is worthy of being Iron Fist Garp. In terms of fists alone, Luke is not his opponent at this time.

"Nice fist, Luke, you've improved a lot!"

Garp closed his fist and laughed.

This old guy has no real intentions at all.

After moving his shoulders, Luke rushed towards Garp again.

"It's not over yet, come again!!"

Each punch of the powerful and heavy fist was like a warship sweeping over. The wind pressure caused by the heavy force made it impossible for ordinary people to even get close to the battlefield.

However, in this endless bombardment like the endless waves, Garp is like a coastal rock that has not been polished away for thousands of years.

Garp firmly caught every punch from Luke, as if he could predict in advance where Luke would throw his next punch.

That black arm could always receive Luke's fist just right.

Is it domineering?

Luke muttered in his mind.

Compared with Luke's powerful armed color, his knowledge color is undoubtedly much weaker.

With the blessing of other Lukes, Navy Luke has too many physical buffs.

Even if he suffered injuries that would be fatal to humans in the pirate world, Luke could still recover quickly and develop corresponding resistance.

This is also the real reason why Luke has the courage to take the lead every time he charges.

Can't die, can't die at all!

Luke blasted.

Uppercut, straight punch, whip kick, elbow strike!

attack! attack! Still fucking offensive!

This is the real battle!

Luke enjoyed it extremely, but Garp became more and more frightened.

Smoker didn't lie to him, this kid has really improved a lot!

A few months ago, he could still deal with Luke in a playful manner.

But now, he must show his true strength to deal with Luke.

Is this kid on drugs?

Garp couldn't help but wonder.

But now is not the time to think about these miscellaneous things. Luke seized the opportunity.

He dodged sideways, and then his shoulder hit the ship like a sea king, and hit Garp hard with a solid iron mountain.

Garp was keenly aware of this, but he did not dodge in advance.

Instead, he clenched his fist when Luke approached.

"Fist bone·Impact!"

The fist wrapped with domineering power slammed into Luke's chest violently, and the huge impact force was enough to shatter the island.

Almost instantly, the entire training ground was shattered by the impact force generated by this punch.

The ships docked in the surrounding sea were even lifted by the sudden impact force. This was because Garp deliberately controlled the angle.

Otherwise, if this fist hit, more than half of the town of Marinford would be gone.

In the training ground located in the center of the fist bone, a deep pit several tens of meters deep was left on the black land.

There was no body in the deep pit.

It was agreed that it was just a sparring match, and Garp would never really beat Luke to death.

However, even so, Luke was seriously injured after being hit so hard.

If it were someone else, there would probably be no ashes left.

Garp sensed the surrounding atmosphere and looked up.

Luke was covered in blood and gasping for breath.

"Old man Garp, it looks like you can live for a long time."

It was obvious that he lost.

However, he had to keep his mouth shut even if he lost the battle.

Garp choked.

This bastard!

"Luke, do you still have the strength to fight?"

Garp wiped his black fist, and the collision of his fists produced a steel friction sound that made people's teeth ache.

"I can still fight you here for a day!"

Luke stood up straight, and the injuries he had just suffered had recovered, and his spirit reached its peak again.

But at this time, an angry voice came.

"Garp, Luke, you two bastards!"

It was the angry Warring States.

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