Garp and Luke looked at each other.

The two said in unison:



The already fragmented training ground once again set off two "shooting stars", and the navy soldiers who arrived looked confused.

"Sir, did something fly past just now?"

Private First Class Reinz was stunned.

The corner of the officer's mouth twitched. With such destruction, the three generals started fighting?

At this time, the two Lukes had already rushed to the cliff of the valley on the other side.

"You brat, you run very fast!"

Cap laughed.

It's good to run fast. If you run fast, you won't get caught, right, Ace?

"Still fighting?"

Luke geared up.

After such a touch just now, Luke felt that he was finally alive.

Except for the Don Quixote family, who could make him want to do something, no one else in Beihai could make Luke warm up.

If he doesn't practice again, Luke feels that his body, which has been tempered for many times, will become useless.

But Garp sat on the ground carelessly.

"If we don't fight, if we fight the Warring States Period again, I will deduct my special senbei payment for the next ten years."

"You've already deducted all this stuff, bastard old man, haven't you always eaten the stuff that was kept privately by the Warring States Period?"

Luke reveals the truth.

Garp continued to laugh without any embarrassment at having his lie revealed.

Warring States has been with him for decades. What's his is mine. Why are we so clearly divided?

"Sit down, brat, there will be a big battle waiting for you in a few days, but don't use all your strength on my old bones."

"Battle. Old man, if you don't tell me in advance, I'll know about it tomorrow anyway."

Luke sat down cross-legged, overlooking the entire Marineland from a high place.

As night falls, lights are lit in the town of Marinevando, seagulls flap their wings and fly low, and warships are looming on the sea level.

"I won't tell you, otherwise you will have to blame me if you get into trouble with Warring States!"

Garp understands this boy's cunning nature very well.

Don't look at Luke looking as generous and generous as him, but he actually has bad intentions.

Really let Luke know what's going to happen next.

He might give his old friend Sengoku a little Beihai shock at the meeting of general officers tomorrow.

"Old man, do you think I'm such an untrustworthy bastard?"


Garp shook his head.

"You're worse than a bastard!"

Karp looked serious.

Luke was speechless.

In this department, at least half of his reputation as a bastard comes from Garp, a loudmouth.

If he wasn't really invincible, Luke would have given the smelly old man a taste of his hateful mouth.

"Hahaha, brat, just wait and see. Don't worry, it will be a good thing for you!"

Cap is happy.

Although Luke's character is a bit of an asshole, he really dares to take action when things happen, coupled with his weird resilience.

After this battle is over, Luke will probably be in full swing the next day and return to Beihai with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders.


Luke chuckled.

Garp told him the same way last time that there was something good going on. Then the next day Garp parachuted into Beihai in the name of performing a mission and stayed for almost half a month before leaving.

During those half months, Luke felt like he was dying.

He received Iron Fist training in the morning, went out with Garp for actual combat in the afternoon, and had to deal with Beihai affairs when he came back in the evening.

The level of effort is no less than that of a high school student from Tianchao.

Although the result was good, in half a month, Luke learned the two domineering skills of armed color and seeing and hearing color, and he reached the point of achieving some success.

"It will definitely be a good thing this time, don't worry!"

Karp is sure.

"You want to see me for something good? Tell me, old man, what bad thing do you want to do again?"

Luke didn't believe it at all.

"Let me tell you first, don't ask me for trivial matters like buying a large amount of senbei on your behalf. I can't afford to embarrass that person."

Now it was Garp's turn to be choked.

This is indeed what he did.

After staying at the Beihai branch for half a month, Garp missed the taste of custom-made senbei very much, so he asked someone to ask Luke to purchase a large batch.

Can you imagine a murderous man who frightens the nobles and underworld forces in the North Sea, driving a warship to purchase senbei?

Luke didn't want to remember it anyway.

"Didn't I give you a Devil Fruit as compensation later? Isn't that enough?"

Garp thought about it and found the reason.

He actually learned to think.

"You brat, don't be too greedy."

Garp in turn educates Luke.

In fact, the fruit was sent over by Garp on purpose. He knew that although Luke had great potential, the training time was too short and it was difficult for him to keep up with the first echelon.

So just in case, he specifically exchanged his military merit for a Devil Fruit to quickly increase Luke's combat power.

Lest this good young man die in some unknown battle.

"Well, you're noble and awesome. It's okay if you're not the one whose feelings are called Senbei Navy."

Luke scoffed.

Karp was submissive for a time.

The two of them made fun of each other for a long time.

Until the sky gradually darkens and the full moon will appear.

Garp lay on the ground with his hands clasped behind his head, looking up at the sky.

"Luke, can you grant me a request?"

Garp stopped smiling and asked suddenly.

Luke was startled.

"What did you say first?"

Could it be that this bad old man wanted him to take advantage of the opportunity to save Ace?


"If I do anything contrary to my duties in the future, stop me, Luke."

Karp said.

Luke was silent.

This matter was originally done by Warring States, Garp's old buddy who had been with him for decades, and now Garp found him.

As a Marine, Garp is qualified.



There was a snoring sound, it was Garp.

Capta fell asleep.

Without waiting for an answer, the naval hero fell asleep on his own.

Luke sighed, his tone a little helpless.

"No problem, Old Man Garp."

A big snot bubble appeared on Garp's nose, and he was sleeping soundly.

Luke stood up, it was time to go back.

He was not prepared to suffer this kind of pain by sleeping in the wilderness with a bad old man in the middle of nowhere, not sleeping in a decent big bed.

Is Luke a very mean person?

"Dover, I have sent away the navy people."

Diamanti said.

"Hey, Diamanti, thank you."

Doflamingo crossed his legs and sat on the sofa, which was covered with the fur of an unknown sea beast.

"Young Master, those guys in Beihai have provoked us so much, why don't you just give them all to the navy."

Monet couldn't help but ask.

As Don Quixote's cadres, they knew very well how cruel and cruel the young master's temper was.

"Hey, hey, Dover naturally has his own plans. Monet, you just need to obey Dover's orders!"

Torrebol, a short and slovenly uncle, smiled strangely with a mouth full of rotten teeth.

"Young Master, I went overboard."

Monet lowered his head.

She is Doflamingo's secretary.

"Bah-bah-bah, Monet, no need to apologize to me, we are a family."

"Letting the navy leave safely is just part of my plan."

Doflamingo stood up, his pink feather coat sweeping the floor, his expression arrogant.

Through the window, the navy warship that came to invite him to the Shichibukai Conference had already left.

In the original work, Ming Ge, who was somewhat curious about who would succeed Sand Crocodile, agreed to follow the navy to the headquarters to attend the Shichibukai Conference.

But today is different from the past. The news from Beihai made Doflamingo change his mind.

The bastard navy in the North Sea?

Under his sunglasses, Doflamingo's eyes became more fierce, but the smile on his face remained unchanged.

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