The next morning, Luke came to the conference room.

Many familiar people have been waiting here for a long time.

Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, Onigumo, Huoshaoshan, Gion.

If anyone is ruthless to this room, the navy can directly announce its disbandment.

Of course, this is impossible.

"Long time no see, Luke, congratulations on your promotion to brigadier general!"

Huoshaoshan greeted with a cigar in his mouth.

He squinted his eyes and smiled brightly, and anyone who came would feel friendly.

Luke nodded.

Many people also welcomed him with a smile.

"Luke, you finally came to the headquarters?"

"Remember not to leave later, let's try to help."

"Come on, I'll take you to the New World to earn military merits in a while, and try to replace Admiral Sakaski as soon as possible!"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Sakaski heard the words, turned his head, and first glanced at the unknown navy vice admiral.

The vice admiral's forehead was sweating.

Sakaski turned to look at Luke.

The general officers around held their breath.

"Well done, Luke."

These words came out of Sakaski's mouth, and the surrounding navy was stunned for a moment.


Is this still the cold-blooded and upright Admiral Akainu?

He actually knows how to praise people?

"You are too kind, Admiral Akainu."

Luke smiled.

Sakaski didn't say much, just nodded and walked straight to his position. The officers around him immediately made way for him.

Kizaru smiled. He was born with smiling lips, and he looked like a dead man who was half yin and half yang when he saw anyone.

If he wasn't strong, he would have been beaten to death by unhappy passers-by.

Aokiji sat on the chair with a blank expression on his face. He might have fallen asleep.

Although Luke rarely came to the headquarters, he was actually quite popular in the headquarters, even though Luke had only met them a few times.

He just didn't have a good reputation among the middle and lower levels, mainly because Luke was really good at doing things.

Those who like to smoke will be given cigarettes, and those who like to drink will be given wine.

For those who like to practice swordsmanship, Luke will spend time and effort to open the furnace and forge the sword himself.

Although the magic machine and alchemy cannot play a big effect in this world.

But it is still easy to forge some weapons with quality no less than a good sword using normal methods.

Therefore, which general officer would not love Luke, a junior of the navy who gives a "small gift" when they meet?

Rich junior brother, the senior brothers will kowtow to you.

"Are all here?"

Zhan Guo asked the assistant beside him in a low voice.

The assistant nodded.

The general officers of the headquarters are basically here, except for a few who are really unable to get out of the new world.

"Ahem, everyone, please be quiet!"

Zhan Guo coughed, and everyone stopped communicating, looking solemn.

The thing that Marshal Zhan Guo summoned all the general officers to plan together, could it be to attack a certain Four Emperors group?

The people present were eagerly waiting.

"According to the order of the World Government, we will publicly try a pirate!"

Trial of pirates?

Is it necessary to make such a big fuss about such a thing?

Could it be that this pirate killed a Celestial Dragon?

But I haven't heard of the three admirals being dispatched urgently recently.

Or is it that a hidden legendary pirate was quietly captured by the headquarters? !

The navy had different thoughts, but they did not ask the doubts.

"The criminal to be executed is the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace of the Fire Fist!"

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

The meeting room was silent.

Attack on Ace of the Fire Fist, or publicly execute

Doesn't that mean that the Whitebeard Pirates will take action?

"Ace of the Fire Fist, so scary~"

At this time, Admiral Kizaru said slowly, with an inexplicable tone.

It sounds like he deserves a beating.

The depressing atmosphere in the meeting room was swept away.

"Where is the execution location?"

Asked Ghost Spider.

"It's in Marinford!"

"Marinford, is it in time? Isn't this place a little unsafe?"

"It's definitely in time. I will notify the four sea branches later, summon the elites of each branch, and then coordinate the 100,000 navy of the headquarters to prepare for a battle with the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Zhan Guo calmly said his plan.

They have made a complete plan. Since the arrest of Fire Fist Ace, he and Vice Admiral Crane have been thinking about how to deploy troops every day.

As expected, if the Whitebeard Pirates dare to come, they will be defeated by the navy.

The officers remained silent. Judging from the marshal's appearance, this battle is already inevitable.

They just need to do their part next.

"Ghost Spider, Dogman, I need you"

Looking around and confirming that everyone has no objection, Zhan Guo began to assign tasks.

They can't lose this battle!

The navy must not lose!

Clear instructions were issued one after another, and the sonorous and powerful responses proved their determination.

Seagulls soared, the wind blew gently, and the sun was shining. It was a good day.


"I'm here."

Luke replied.

Many of the navy officers cast their eyes on him. What kind of difficulties will this young navy officer who has just taken office face?

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea Conference has been forcibly recruited. The Empress Boa Hancock and Doflamingo Tenyasha will be in your charge."

Sengoku said slowly.

Each of them is a notorious pirate on the sea, and each of them is quite powerful.

Is it not appropriate for Marshal Sengoku to ask a newly appointed brigadier general to do such a mission?

Aren't you afraid that this outstanding young navy will die in the recruitment mission?

Many officers looked surprised.

"No problem."

Luke agreed.

It just so happened that he wanted to test the quality of these people.

Old man Garp is too cunning. He will stop fighting after he has his fun, which makes him itchy.

Sengoku nodded, and then assigned the remaining Seven Warlords of the Sea to other officers.

"Everyone, do you have any opinions?"

Sengoku asked.

The officers shook their heads.

Marshal Sengoku is indeed a wise general. The allocation is very reasonable (?), and they are basically taken into consideration.

"I have objections!"

Suddenly, Gion spoke.

"I think Luke's mission is too dangerous. In order to ensure that the fresh blood of the navy can grow up safely, I apply to exchange with him."

Her mission is very simple, that is, to follow Vice Admiral Tsuru to stay in the staff department and be responsible for personnel transfer.

This is also because Sengoku considers preserving the existing combat power.

However, as soon as Gion said this, the eyes of the officers around him were not right.

You kid, when did Gion take a fancy to you?

Vice Admiral Kake was so angry that his back teeth were about to break.

Gion didn't care about the gazes of others, and looked at Sengoku with a serious expression.

Sengoku had a headache.

How should he deal with this?

Let her change, Luke will definitely not agree. With that kid's personality, how could he be willing to surrender without a fight?

Don't let her change, Gion will definitely not be happy. If she is not happy, Ahe behind her will be unhappy.

My head is big!

Sengoku felt like he was going to split.

I should have let this kid go to Garp to guard the criminals.

There is another chapter, I am writing it, it will be posted at about 3 o'clock

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