Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 137 T-Penn VS Tenyasha Doflamingo!

June 15, 1520, Haiyuan Calendar.

The weather is fine, nothing happened.

June 17, 1520, Haiyuan Calendar.

The weather turned from fine to cloudy. There is news that Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, has left the New World for unknown purposes. No trace was found after patrolling.

June 22, 1520, Haiyuan Calendar.

The weather is cloudy. The Straw Hat Boy who defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile a few days ago published an article in the newspaper, saying that he defeated Gekko Moria, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea again.

The new generation of pirates is getting more and more terrible now. I need to practice harder!

June 24, 1520, Haiyuan Calendar.

The weather is fine, nothing happened today.


"Super Strike Whip!"

A thick line column like a hair was thrown out, instantly cutting the naval base in half.

T. Peng En looked angry.

"Doflamingo, do you know what you are doing?!"

Openly attacked the North Sea Naval Branch, causing heavy casualties.

Even if he is a Shichibukai, it is an unforgivable crime!

"Hey, hey, hey, Colonel T. Penn, have you had lunch?"

Doflamingo put his hands in his pockets and walked forward with his feet outward, looking very cool.

"If you haven't eaten, how about taking my whip?!!"

Mingge's unbridled laughter spread throughout the naval base.

On the pirate ship docked at the port, the cadres of the Donquixote family were also laughing.

The navy was panicked, and T. Penn looked embarrassed.

Before Luke came, the navy of the North Sea was actually similar to the G1 branch of the New World.

No one cared about them, and they were bullied by various underworld forces.

The officers sent by the headquarters came here, and there were only two choices.

Either they went along with the crowd, or they were beheaded by the passing "big pirates".

As for why the "big pirates" came to the poor and bad land of the North Sea for no reason, instead of going to the New World to conquer hegemony.

This cannot be said clearly.

But this kind of thing has never happened again since Luke took office.

Every pirate who comes will die, and every rich merchant and noble who comes will leave a "donation".

So much so that the navy of many branches feels that they have gradually moved in line with other seas.

It won't be long before the North Sea will become like the weakest sea, the East Sea, peaceful and tranquil.

But today, Doflamingo used a super-strike whip to wake them up.

Wake up, facing the real big pirates, you are still just a bunch of trash who can't even protect yourself!

T Peng En gritted his teeth.

Looking at Doflamingo standing in the sky, he stood up and drew his sword.

"The pirate who speaks arrogantly, die!"

A sword wave slashed towards Doflamingo in a rectangular shape.

The sword wave was extremely sharp, with the momentum of a golden sword and iron horse!

Doflamingo's smile remained unchanged, and the sword energy instantly cut off his head.


T Peng En was stunned.

Could it be that during this period of hard training, he improved his swordsmanship to the level of a great swordsman?

But he didn't feel that he had become much stronger.

"Colonel T. Penn, what are you looking at?"

It was Doflamingo.

He stood behind T. Penn, with an evil smile on his face.

And the "Doflamingo" whose head was cut off by the sword energy also turned into countless threads and disappeared.

Shadow Knight Line, the thin threads created by itself are coiled in the air and tightly combined to create a doll made of threads.

So what T. Penn just cut was just a doll created by Doflamingo using the ability of the Thread Thread Fruit.

T. Penn's face was stern.

The bamboo sword subconsciously stabbed behind him, but was easily deflected by Doflamingo's five-color thread.

He jumped back and distanced himself from Doflamingo.

After a simple move, T. Penn's heart gradually sank.

This level of ability development.

"Don't you want to continue, Colonel T. Penn?"

Doflamingo challenged.

He played with the weak T. Penn in a cat-and-mouse manner.

In Doflamingo's eyes, a mere colonel of the headquarters was only good at swordplay, and there was no possibility of him posing any danger in other aspects.

"Right-angle bird, Penn Big Bird!"

In response to Doflamingo, it was T. Penn's famous stunt.

Mingge dodged sideways and easily avoided the attack.

"Is it just this level?"

He was still provoking.

T. Penn rushed up, swinging, slashing, and stabbing!

The moves were unpredictable, and the sword moves were smooth.

But unfortunately, every sword that T. Penn swung was either easily dodged by Doflamingo or bounced off by his fruit ability.

Even because he was too biased towards attacking and gave up his own defense, his body was constantly cut by piano-like silk threads.

T. Penn gritted his teeth and persisted.

His subordinates were also fighting bloody battles, and he couldn't fall down!

Moreover, his subordinates are currently facing the elite cadres of the Don Quixote family, and the trend between the two is one-sided.

Screams, the sound of weapons colliding, and the subtle but most unacceptable sound of subordinates falling to the ground.

Can't delay any longer, if they delay any longer, they will all be left here!

The navy was completely wiped out in its own base, and no one in the world would believe it.

But in the hellish place of the North Sea, everything is possible.

T. Peng En even suspected that it would take a year or two for the news of their death to really reach the Navy Headquarters.

"Colonel T. Penn, it's not a good habit to be distracted during a battle!"

Doflamingo's tone was a little cold.

With a flick of his finger, the bullet line was fired at high speed like a gun, instantly piercing Colonel T. Penn's left arm.

His hand shook, and the bamboo sword fell to the ground.

Before T. Penn changed his hand to pick up the bamboo sword, Doflamingo rushed in front of him in an instant.

Lift your feet high!

Foot shaving line!

Eight nearly transparent thin silk threads are created from the toes, which can not only enhance the strength of the feet, but also have a cutting effect.

A kick hit T. Penn's chest, and T. Penn flew backwards instantly and fell into the ruins of the naval base, without any reaction for a long time.


"Go stop him quickly, don't let him get close to the colonel!"

"I'm coming, colonel!"

The subordinates rushed to T. Penn regardless of the danger.

They could die here, but Colonel T. Penn couldn't. He was a good man and deserved a good reward!

At this time, Monet waved his hand and used the Ten Thousand Years Snow to entangle the group of selfless navy soldiers.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, well done, Monet!"

Doflamingo praised.

"Young Master, this is what I should do."

Monet replied respectfully.

The cadres of Don Quixote also stopped and walked behind Doflamingo.

Doflamingo looked around and found that there were basically no people who could stand up, and nodded with satisfaction.

Things can't be done too much, otherwise Vice Admiral Tsuru will find out and will definitely chase him again.

With the death of such a group of navy, the guys in the North Sea will be quiet.

It's a pity that he didn't see the so-called navy bastard. He originally wanted to deal with this guy together.

"Let's go."

Doflamingo turned his head and walked with his feet outward, still swaggering.


Hehe, I'll post two chapters at a time. A book friend said that one chapter is too short, so I'll post two chapters at a time in the future.

There are two more chapters today, which will be posted around five o'clock.

I got inspiration. As expected, fighting is the true meaning!

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