Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 138: T Peng En lost, the next one to appear is


Doflamingo stopped.

T. Penn, covered in blood, trembled as he picked up the bamboo sword and stood up.

He panted like a broken old windmill, and his chest was covered with several crisscrossing bloodstains, which were the wounds caused by the foot shaving line.

"Colonel T. Penn!"

The surviving subordinates were surprised.

They didn't expect that Colonel T. Penn was still alive.

"Pirate, I won't let you escape!"

T. Penn's eyes shone brightly, his left hand grasped the hilt, his steps were firm, and he stepped towards Tian Yasha step by step.

"If you are allowed to return to the sea, I don't know how many civilians will shed blood and tears because of you!"

"Even in such a stormy sea, my hands and my feet will be broken! But the future of innocent and kind civilians -

I will protect them no matter what!!!"

T. Penn drew his sword and pointed it at Tian Yasha!

Doflamingo looked gloomy.

At this moment, T. Pengen was walking slowly, but he was full of lofty ambitions.

He turned his head and looked at his lovely subordinates.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

T. Pengen forced a smile.

His skull-like face was ugly when he smiled, so ugly that his subordinates couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Colonel T. Pengen!"

The navy struggled and supported each other to stand up straight.

"We can continue, we can continue!"

"You son of a bitch pirate, come and kill me if you have the guts!"

"There are no cowards in the North Sea, and there are no deserters in the North Sea Navy!"

The remaining navy shouted loudly.

It was obviously this remnant army that was defeated, but their strong spirit seemed to be able to swallow the mountains and rivers, and the red snow-white cloak could still flutter in the wind.

The seagull flag, which symbolizes peace, was stained with blood, but it did not prevent it from rising high!

They are the navy of the North Sea, a bastard navy led by a bastard!

T Pengen was stunned, looking at this group of stubborn subordinates.

If he was the same as before, he would probably take everything on himself.

But now, he has been in the North Sea for almost a year.

T Pengen found that he had actually changed a little.

He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his sword and roared:

"Tell me, who are you?"

"North Sea Navy!!!"

The navy roared loudly, using all their strength, and the sound waves swept the sea.

T Pengen laughed.

"North Sea Navy, charge!"


The navy launched the final charge.

They galloped on the sea for half their lives, but they didn't expect that the last charge would be on land.

This is good, so that Boss Luke doesn't have to waste time to retrieve the body from the sea when he comes back. He hates this kind of thing the most.

"Dover, are we going to get rid of them all?"

Diamante asked.

Doflamingo looked ugly. Do these guys who don't know what's good for them really think he's afraid?

"Hmph, get rid of them all!"

Doflamingo ordered sternly.

He didn't believe it today. It was just a naval base.

At worst, he would give up the business in the North Sea and go back to the New World to hide for a while. What could the navy do to him?

Diamante nodded.

He rushed up again with the long sword in his hand.

Doflamingo didn't go. He didn't need to do such a small matter.

No matter how heroic these navy showed, they were just ordinary navy in the end. The cadres were enough to deal with them.

Diamante looked at T. Penn who rushed over with his wounded body, raised his long sword, and then swung it out, stirring up a powerful wave of sword energy!

The mighty sword energy split the earth in two, as smooth and delicate as cutting tofu with a kitchen knife.

T. Penn saw the sword energy coming, clenched his sword, and held his breath.

"Right-angle bird·Pen Big Bird!!"

T. Penn tried his best and used all his life's learning in this sword.

The sword energy collided, and the huge wind pressure swept across the sand fog, making it impossible to open your eyes.

Did he block it?

T Pengen gasped.

Looking up, T Pengen's pupils shrank.

Pica jumped up, raised a huge rock fist, and rushed towards T Pengen like a meteorite falling from the sky!

T Pengen wanted to dodge away, but he couldn't move.

He lowered his head, and the sticky brown mucus chain firmly stuck him and the ground.

Torrebol laughed strangely, he was the user of the sticky fruit ability.

Looking up, the huge rock fist was about to fall.

Is this the end for me?

T Pengen closed his eyes, the sword just now had exhausted his remaining strength, and now he could only say goodbye to this world.

Sorry, base commander, I still couldn't do it, to protect the North Sea.


"Run, Colonel!"

"Don't stop me, beastly pirate, ah!"

The indignant voices of the subordinates echoed in his ears, sorry, I got you involved.

If my head can keep you alive, pirates, then take it!

Luke's existence seems to have changed everything, but nothing has changed.

In the original world line, T. Penn also died unexpectedly, but he died at the hands of the refugees he protected.

The Cross Union founded by Buggy publicly offered a bounty to the navy, and Vice Admiral T. Bone became the first senior navy commander to sacrifice.

Perhaps, at that time, he was still thinking about the people before his death.

If my head can fill your stomach, then take it.

One second, two seconds, seven or eight seconds have passed.

He is not dead yet?

Or is it that death cannot feel pain?

T Penn tried to open his eyes.

What came into view was a familiar strong figure.

"Pen, give up now, this is not like my North Sea soldiers!"

The man blocked the rock fist with one hand.

The faces of the people present were different.

The navy saw the man's appearance clearly and was immediately excited.

"Boss, welcome home!"

"Boss, I miss you!"

The navy made a messy noise.

The cadres of the Don Quixote family stopped their actions. How could this man be possible?

Doflamingo's expression changed suddenly. Wasn't this guy transferred to the headquarters?

T Penn showed joy.

"Why are you back, base commander?"

"Why, can't I come to this place in the North Sea?"

Luke rolled his eyes.

"And if I hadn't been quick-witted, you would have all died here if you had come a little later."

T. Pengen laughed.

But just after laughing twice, his throat hurt and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Okay, find a place to rest, I'll deal with these idiots."

"Leave it to you, base commander!"

T. Pengen fell back and lay on the ground in a big letter shape, completely relaxed.

With the base commander here, everything can be assured.

"Who are you?"

Sekka's sharp and thin voice was a bit harsh.

His voice was a shrill eunuch voice, which formed a sharp contrast with his sturdy body that was as strong as a city wall.


Luke deliberately stretched the sound.

"It's a navy!!!"

Luke loosened his hand and the giant rock fist fell.

Then, another punch!

The tiny body and the huge rock giant punched each other, and the violent power turned into a broken fist force. The thunderous power exploded instantly and was fully infused into the rock armor.

Amid the roar, the rock armor covering the surface of Seka's body was instantly shattered, and a shadow swept past Doflamingo and slid continuously.

Doflamingo naturally couldn't watch his cadres being blown away.

Raising his hand, countless silk threads pulled and supported Seka's body.

However, when Seka stopped.

Doflamingo's face completely sank.

His left arm was empty, bleeding, and he had fainted.

This punch left Seka half paralyzed.

Fighting, cool!

Don Quixote family, all of you are mine!

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