Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 139 The Execution of the Don Quixote Family (I)!


the cadres exclaimed.

But Serka could no longer respond to them.


Before he could finish his name, Luke's figure flashed.

Doflamingo felt his eyes blurred.

The iron fist carrying the hot air hit Doflamingo right in the face. His sunglasses were shattered into pieces and his facial features were twisted into a ball.

He took his body with him to the sky and turned into a shooting star and fell into the sea.

"Little Lord!"


The cadres exclaimed again.

However, haven't you ever thought about going over to see Doflamingo's situation?

"Bah, laughing makes me sick."

Luke spat and rubbed his hands vigorously, as if he wanted to get rid of some bad luck.

He turned to look at the cadres who were glaring at him.

Although Doflamingo did not bring out all the cadres in this operation.

But it was okay, Luke was considerate of him, and after learning about Doflamingo's activities, he took the initiative to pack up and take away all the cadres who stayed in the new world.

When Doflamingo goes in, he won't be alone.

Luke smiled broadly.

The cadres couldn't help but shudder.

What does this guy want to do?

"Don't worry, kids." Luke's smile became more ferocious: "I just want to educate you on what a real fucking tutor is!"

Since he and Doflamingo are from the same family.

So if he chases one person, he is rushing, and if he chases a group of people, he is also rushing.

Why don't we all stay here together today and listen to Teacher Lu explain what fucking justice is?

Diamanti was the first to lose control. As a fanatical admirer of Doflamingo, he saw Dover being knocked away.

I can no longer accept Luke continuing to exist in this world for a minute.

He took out several salute cannons and sprayed many pieces of paper upwards that filled the sky. The fluttering pieces of paper transformed into sharp iron balls of thorns in the sky, and in an instant they turned into airtight iron rain and fell from the sky.

"Death Star Chips!"

Diamanti rushed forward with a long sword. As a user with the ability of the Flying Fruit, most of his swordsmanship and physical skills were developed based on the ability of the fruit.

However, will Luke care about the iron balls of thorns flying all over the sky?

A body that has been tempered many times cannot be matched by just steel!

Seeing that Luke's route of action was blocked because of the iron ball of thorns, Diamanti's long sword followed one after another!

Since Serka's arm is broken, let's use your arm to replace it!

Diamanti looked fierce.

In an instant, Luke shifted his body slightly and easily dodged such a sword in Diamanti's stunned eyes.

Then, golden armed domineering energy occupied Diamanti's vision.

What's this?

Diamanti was confused, and her consciousness fell into endless darkness.

Luke smashed his head with a fist!

The plasma collapsed, and Diamanti's headless body swayed twice before falling to the ground.

The thorny iron balls flying in the sky also lost their effect and fell to the ground.

Before Luke could stop, a pool of disgusting lumps of slime sprayed towards him.

It's Torrepol!

Luke avoided this thing in disgust, but what he didn't expect was that countless chains of mucus suddenly formed on the ground.

It keeps meandering and crawling toward him, trying to stick to him.

As a result, he was sent flying away by Luke's palm.

"Monet, fly away quickly and take Dover out of here!"

The people of Torrepol are mature.

He knew that his group of people had provoked monsters at the same level as the four monsters standing at the top of the sea!

This group of people cannot escape from this battle.

And Torebol doesn't want to run away. As cadres of the Don Quixote family, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for Dover from the bottom of their hearts!

As long as he works hard and buys a little more time, Dover can escape.

Our dreams all lie in Dover!

Torrebol shouted in his heart.

Monet hesitated for a moment and saw Torebol looking anxious. He gritted his teeth and flapped his wings, looking for the direction in which the young master flew out.

Luke didn't stop her.

"Hey hey hey, I didn't expect another monster to appear in Beihai!"

Torrebol pretended to be calm.

Fighting for time, fighting for time is his only purpose!

The next moment, Torrebol's eyes widened.

He was held down by Luke's shoulders.

Torebol subconsciously threw out a chain of slime, but Luke caught it firmly with his other hand.

"Kid, how about we play a little game?"

Who is your child? I am forty-eight this year!

"This game is called kite flying!"

Torrebol was stunned.

What on earth does this guy want to do?

But soon, he knew what Luke wanted to do.

Although Torebol would rather not know about it in his entire life!

Luke kicked the bad old man Torebol away, then grabbed the slime chain and threw Torebol into the sky without waiting for his reaction.

Torebol could have chosen to let go immediately, but the attack was so fierce that before he could react, Luke had already sent him to the sky.

If I let go now, I might be able to throw him further than Dover!

As Don Quixote's self-proclaimed advisor, Torrepol, who favors literary generals, naturally has little say in the use of force.

With his level of physical skills, if he let go and was thrown out, he would probably have to apply for a disability certificate with Seka.

No, the biggest possibility for him now is to reunite with Diamante.

Luke swung hard and threw Torrebol down!

He was not going to play anymore, as Doflamingo, the main course, was still waiting for him.

If it was a little later, not only would the main course run away, but the dessert might also lack a little embellishment.

The moment Torrebol landed, Luke followed closely behind and kicked him again!

Torrebol was kicked directly into the deep pit, and his ribs must have been broken, but I don’t know if his internal organs were injured.

But whether his internal organs were injured or not, his life countdown has begun.

Three, two, one


It was a bit hard to accept the sight of his heart constantly spurting blood, but Luke didn’t care.

The way his subordinates died was much more miserable than this guy.

On the other side, in the sea.

Monet supported Doflamingo and flew in the air.

"Master, Trebol and the others are probably in danger. Should we go back?"

"Go back? Of course we should go back!"

Doflamingo looked a little crazy.

Since he became a Shichibukai, except for the loss he suffered at the hands of that immortal monster, no one in the world can be his opponent!

A captain of a naval branch attacked him when he was careless. Did he really think he was not his opponent?

Doflamingo was not afraid of such a guy. He even prepared which kind of wire saw to treat this new friend.

Trebol and the others were seriously injured. Luke had to give him back everything!

I'm going to sleep. I'll continue writing when I get up at night!

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