Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 147 Luke vs. the Great Pirate on the 6th Floor of Impel Down!

Up to the sixth floor of the Undersea Prison, just entered.

Many pirates opened their eyes, now is not the time to deliver meals and patrol.

So, are there newcomers coming again?

The pirates have different expressions, excited, bored, arrogant

This year's newcomers are quite diligent!

First a sand crocodile was sent, then a fire fist Ace came, and now there are more.

Is the navy rushing for the annual KPI?

Luke dragged the unconscious Doflamingo forward.

"Navy boy, are you a mute?"

Some pirates took the initiative to taunt.

"He is not only a mute, but also a cowardly sissy. Look, he dare not even look at us!"

The pirates on the other side also laughed and taunted.

The other pirates ignored the provocation of the two men to the navy boy. Although the criminals on the sixth floor also had the idea of ​​testing this young unfamiliar navy.

But since there are already fools who have taken the initiative to ask for trouble, they will not follow them.

A certain sand crocodile who recognized Luke looked like he was enjoying the show, and Ace, the Fire Fist, looked inexplicable, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Sand crocodile was in the first half of the Grand Line, and he had heard of the bastard navy in the North Sea.

Luke was silent at first.

He opened the cage and threw Doflamingo in.

The two pirates were still laughing wildly.

But for some reason, an inexplicable sense of danger lingered in the hearts of many pirates.

The iron chain jingled, and the iron door opened.

Someone was released?

Many pirates noticed the movement here and became interested.

Does this new guy want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey?

"Come out."

Luke finally spoke.

An ugly fat man seemed a little unbelievable.

But then, he grinned with a stinking mouth.

"Navy boy, you asked for this"


Before he finished speaking, there was an extra human print on the wall of the Impel Down.

Luke opened the door, but the fat man didn't walk out yet, and returned to the cell at lightning speed.

Then, another heavy punch, the fat man's body trembled, and blood dripped down the wall.

The pirates were silent.

The fat man was quite strong. He had committed the crime of massacring a kingdom and escaped safely.

If he hadn't been unlucky and met the admiral of that era, he could really make a great name in the New World.

And now, relying on his thick fat, he still has a good fighting power among these cripples.

However, such a big pirate was killed by Luke with two punches.

Is this young man a monster cultivated by the navy in this era?

Baroric Redfield opened his eyes.

He felt a familiar breath from the iron fist. Is he Garp's disciple?


Another iron door of a cell was opened.

It was the pirate who talked to him before.

He wore a clown hat, had a drunken face, and carried a big wine jug on his back.

Luke took a look and found that he was an "acquaintance".

When Blackbeard escaped from Impel Down, he took in several sixth-tier pirates as his subordinates.

Among them, the user of the Wine-Wine Fruit, Basque Jot in front of him, was one of them.

This was a coincidence, as a lot of crew members of the Blackbeard Pirates had just left a few days ago.

Jot, the newcomer who was about to board the ship, had to give some gifts to the old senior, so he went with him.

Luke rubbed his hands in anticipation.

"Navy, don't come over here, I am the user of the Wine-Wine Fruit!"

Jot was sobered up by the alcohol all of a sudden.

He was not like the fat man before, who only had physical skills.

The Navy was willing to lock these extremely evil people in the Undersea Prison instead of choosing to execute them.

There were two main reasons. One was that the Navy wanted to use this to deter pirates.

The second was that many of the criminals in the Undersea Prison were Devil Fruit users.

After killing them, the Devil Fruit would be reborn in the sea.

By then, who knows, some small pirate might grab him and eat him, and then create a new big pirate.

Moreover, Jot knew his condition too well. He had been imprisoned on the sixth floor for many years.

His domineering aura was greatly weakened, and his physical strength was only one tenth of what it was because of daily alcoholism and lack of exercise.

Even if he had to fight this monster navy who killed the fat pirate with two punches, nine lives would not be enough.

"Wine-wine fruit?"

Luke repeated.

Jot nodded vigorously.

It's not like he had never seen people shouting and killing pirates before, but it was the first time he had seen someone as fierce as Luke.

Where is this?

The sixth floor of the underwater prison, where the most dangerous pirates in the world are imprisoned!

Every execution must be reported to the Navy Admiral and even the World Government.

But Luke came in without saying a word, making others think he was a soft persimmon.

As a result, after completing the task, he raised his hand and did it!

He punched the provocateur away and killed the big pirate with two punches.

Although it was because he caught the pirate on the other side and didn't react, it was enough to prove how terrifying Luke's strength was.

If nothing unexpected happened, the remaining third punch would hit Jot soon.

Does this guy really not care about the punishment of the World Government at all?

Jot almost cursed in his heart.

But on the surface, he still had to show that he was as steady as an old dog. At least he had to hold up his momentum and not show his weakness.

In the battles of One Piece, such intangible things as faith and momentum can really play a big role on the battlefield.

For example, the most classic example is that someone fought Doflamingo a few months ago and was desperate, but fell down after two hits.

A few months later, his confidence soared, and he dared to declare war on the Four Emperors with great momentum, and even won.

This is outrageous!

But unfortunately, Jot is a pirate who is willing to surrender to Blackbeard in order to escape from Impel Down.

His spirit has long been worn out by the cruel Impel Down.

So, no matter how strong he pretends to be, it is all false, and he has to face the actual real world after all.

One punch, Jot barely parries.

Two punches, Jot is half dead.

Three punches, Jot visits his predecessor.

Luke retracted his fist.

A hole was pierced through Jot's chest, blood was flowing, and his huge body fell to the ground.

Luke glanced around.

The big pirates immediately fell silent.

This is a ruthless person, not someone they can afford to offend.

Although living here is more uncomfortable than dying, there is still a glimmer of hope.

The legendary pirate Golden Lion was able to escape from this underwater prison known as the "iron wall".

As long as they find the right opportunity, this group of pirates hidden by the World Government still has a little hope of escaping from Impel Down.

So, for that glimmer of hope, it is better not to make a sound.

Luke turned around with satisfaction, just thinking about leaving the sixth floor.

He heard someone calling him.

"Navy boy, did you learn your boxing from Garp?"

Redfield asked.

Luke turned his head.

In the dim sixth floor, the red figure was like a vampire bat, and the old man's smile was weird.

The lonely red, the red earl Baroric Redfield, was evaluated by the Warring States as a legendary pirate who was on par with Roger and the Whitebeard Pirates!

It turns out that he also exists in this world.

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