Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 148 The Celestial Dragon attack breaks out!

"Do you know Mr. Garp?"

Luke became interested.

After he came to this world.

He spends most of his time living in the North Sea, and occasionally makes a few trips to his headquarters and the underwater prison.

But they were all passed by in a hurry.

After all, in a place like the North Sea, even if there are pirates from the New World accidentally coming over, most of them will be eliminated by the New World.

Let alone the sixth level of strength, the fifth level is too weak.

Naturally, he never saw this aloof red.

He knew Baloric Redfield, but not very well.

In the previous life, a lot of people boasted that this person was comparable to the Four Emperors.

But based on what he had seen, heard, and perceived, this bad old man was indeed terrifyingly powerful.

But the sense of danger it brought was not even as high as the sense of danger that Garp gave Luke.

"Old Man Garp? Hahaha, yes, I know that old man!"

I don’t know which part of Redfield’s laughter was struck by Luke’s words, but Gu Gao Hong actually laughed heartily.

"Are you his son? No, that's not right. Garp's son is not as young as you. Is he his grandson?"

Redfield laughed for a while, calmed down his excitement, and continued to ask with a smile on his face.

"Karp's grandson is staying inside, I'm just his student."


Redfield got the point right.

"Well, don't you know about Fire Fist Ace who came in some time ago?"

"He's Cap's grandson."

The body of the man who had been sitting motionless in the cell swayed.


Redfield stopped laughing.

If he remembers correctly.

When Fire Fist Ace first came in, he was shouting, "Give up, dad won't come to save me!", "The Whitebeard Pirates will never be slaves.", "Let me go, I want to Fight to the death with Teach!".

Wait for some inexplicable words.

But through this silly boy's self-destruction, he could barely learn some useful information through his own experience.

For example, Fire Fist Ace is Whitebeard's adopted son and the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. He was defeated by Blackbeard Marshall Teach, a member who once defected.

It seems that the guy named Blackbeard has made some kind of deal with the Navy.

However, these are not the point. The point is,

This kid,

From the bottom of his heart, he thinks Whitebeard is his father!

And today Garp's disciple said that Fire Fist Ace is Garp's grandson.

And with his level of knowledge, he could sense the firm emotion in Luke's heart.

That is to say

Redfield's pupils trembled once, then again, and three times.

He couldn't understand that he just hadn't been out for decades, but he felt like he had missed out on a lot of amazing things.

Roger, is this the new era you want to start?

It's so terrifying!

Redfield couldn't understand, and didn't want to try.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Luke was surprised.

Why does Redfield suddenly look like his outlook on life has been impacted?

“No problem, no problem”

The corners of Redfield's mouth twitched.

He felt that he was an outlier among pirates in a group, but he didn't expect that the outside world would be so fun.

Is everyone's relationship already so good? How about he try to ask Garp to let him out some other time? After all, he can have a father-son relationship with a pirate even if he is a marine.

It's not impossible to let an old friend go out and enjoy his old age.

Lysfield thought silently.

Luke shrugged and walked straight out of the sixth floor of the prison.

Next, he has to go to the Shampoo Islands to choose a suitable supernova to succeed Doflamingo Shichibukai.

At the same time, the Navy Headquarters was preparing to secretly take away the Sengoku treasured senbei and bring it to the underwater prison to share with his grandson. Mr. Garp suddenly sneezed.

The Warring States Marshal turned his head after death, and Garp had a stern expression.

"Sengoku, look outside the window, is Kizaru about to fly over?"

The Warring States Marshal subconsciously turned his head.

But he immediately realized something was wrong and turned around.

But they found that the door was open, and Garp had already fled with a large box of special senbei.


Marshal Sengoku's roar spread throughout the navy headquarters.

The officers and soldiers of the headquarters were not surprised.

The Shampoo Islands, islands 60 to 69, are the naval base and the entrance to the World Government.

Luke stood on the bow of the ship. It was already afternoon and the warship entered Island No. 66. There is a naval base on this island.

As soon as they got off the warship, they heard an alarm suddenly sounding across the island.

A bunch of people hurried out.

Luke frowned.

problem occurs?

Could it be that he happened to encounter Supernova causing trouble?

It is worth mentioning that the Supernovas are not the eleven who must appear every year like in the original work.

Strictly speaking, it refers to a rookie pirate who has developed rapidly in a short period of time and has a bounty of more than 100 million beli.

To put it loosely, every newcomer pirate who breaks into the Chambord Islands from all over the world and prepares to head into the new world can actually be called a supernova.

So basically there are so many supernovae coming to the Shampoo Islands every day, and it is normal for trouble to happen.

Most supernovae that come to the Shampoo Islands usually stumble upon the navy first.

There are actually only a few pirates who truly get rid of the supernova title every year and make their own reputation in the new world.

T Penn took the initiative, stopped a sergeant, showed his identity and asked what happened.

"Colonel, the Celestial Dragons were attacked!"

The Marine sergeant was so anxious that his face was covered with sweat.

The Celestial Dragons, absolute nobles of the world, "descendants of the Creator", enjoy all privileges.

Once offended, the Admiral or CP0 must be dispatched for protection!

How long ago was the last Draco attack?

T. Penn looked dazed.

"Colonel, you should leave quickly, General Kizaru is already on his way."

urged the Marine sergeant.

T Penn came back to his senses and looked at Luke subconsciously.

"Let's go and have a look."

Luke turned around and walked towards the warship.

As soon as he got off the ship, he was about to get on the ship again. Those who didn't know better thought he was Marine Oden.

However, attacking the Celestial Dragons

Luke didn't expect such a coincidence, he happened to bump into the Straw Hats.

It would be nice to ask Daxiong to give him a lift and save some time for a trip to Nine Snakes Island.

"Sorry, I heard that beating this guy away will attract the admiral and the warships."

Luffy covered the back of his head, as if embarrassed, with an idiotic smile on his face.

Sauron sheathed his sword.

The other crew members also looked at their captain with helpless faces.

Bang bang bang——

Several gunshots!

The Celestial Dragon Saint Rose Ward pulled out his spear, pointed it at Luffy and shot him.

Although the shot missed, it had a great frightening effect on others.

When other people at the auction saw the Tianlong people getting angry, they immediately ran outside like crazy.

If you stay here at this time, you will die without knowing how.

Kidd and Luo remained on the court.

St. Roseward was furious.

"Come on, get them all on me!"

"Let the admiral come over and bring these thugs who offended the Celestial Dragons to justice!"

Saint Roseward yelled at his subordinates.

The subordinate nodded and bowed.

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