Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 149 Lieutenant Colonel: Will we win? Soldier: We will definitely lose!

"How is the situation? Are you dead?"

Luke's tone sounded nonchalant.

The lieutenant colonel on the side was sweating on his forehead.

Does this brigadier general know what he is talking about?

Now there are only pirates and Celestial Dragons left inside.

Well, there are also slaves of the Celestial Dragons, and slaves who have not become slaves of the Celestial Dragons.

It wouldn't matter if someone else died.

If there were no more Tianlongs, the Demon-Slaying Order would probably have to cleanse the Chambord Islands.

"According to observation, only Saint Charlos has been injured so far, but it's not serious. He can just recover for a period of time."

"Tsk, what a pity"

Luke muttered.

The lieutenant colonel looked at his nose and his heart, and he thought he was deaf.

I can't hear anything, Brigadier, you're choking for words.

I'm afraid that after the Tianlong people come out, the first thing they do is to kill us!

"Chief of the base, do we need to go in and rescue people?"

"Why are you saving those losers? They're so full that they're full?"

Luke asked rhetorically.

He came the fastest, and the Warring States Period also designated that the command would be handed over to him first.

Wait for Kizaru to arrive before handing over command.

Therefore, all operations of the navy on site are directed by Luke.

The lieutenant colonel coughed violently.

Brother, I beg you, hold it back!

Besides, some of us are really going to be shot eight times tomorrow morning and will be diagnosed as suicides.

T Penn thought for a moment.

That seems to be the case, so let’s watch the show.

He subconsciously ignored Luke's offense to the Celestial Dragons.

There are only a few people who can be respected by the base commander.

But among these, it is obvious that the animal species of Tianlong is not included.

It is recommended here that the Tianlong people be kicked out of the ranks of beasts. They are more suitable to be selected as Sun Xchuan's unknown species.

Just as a few people were chatting, a substantial mental pressure suddenly appeared.

Although he had good control, he couldn't hide it from T. Penn and Luke.

"Captain of the base, do you look like a king?"

T Penn asked uncertainly.

The last time he saw Overlord's color was when Doflamingo attacked the base.

At that time, Doflamingo first activated his Overlord-colored Haki and stunned the soldiers on the ground before landing.

However, this delicate control over the domineering color made T Penn wonder if his perception was wrong.

"That's right, it's a domineering look. It looks like an old guy has come to the auction!"

Luke's eyes were sharp.

He has wanted to try it for a long time.

The last time I fought Doflamingo, that guy was like a grandson.

Not to mention releasing the overlord's domineering energy to suppress the enemy, if he can avoid being beaten into a mental retard by him, it is an advantage that Doflamingo's fruit has been awakened early.

Today’s Pluto Rayleigh, don’t let him down.

"old man?"

T. Penn looked confused.

Luke didn't explain much.

"Lieutenant Colonel, arrange the mortars and watch the scene for me first, don't let them escape."

"These idiots in the province will bark again."

The lieutenant colonel was sweating profusely after hearing this, but he still managed to nod his head.

He finally discovered that the man sent by the headquarters was really going a bit wild.

Don't take the Celestial Dragons lightly at all.

Isn't he afraid that what he said will be reported to someone with a conscience?

Luke clapped his hands, and a subordinate wisely handed over the phone.

After dialing, Marshal Sengoku's iconic frog glasses appeared on the phone bug's face.

"How's it going, Luke? Saint Rose Ward and the others are not hurt, are they?"

"Live well, you can't die."

Luke's rude answer made the Lieutenant Colonel couldn't help but frown.

But the Warring States Marshal seemed to trust Luke very much.

"That's good. You need to control the situation first and don't let the criminals hurt Rose Ward Saint and the others. Kizaru is already on the way to provide support."

"He'll be here soon, just hold on, you guys."

"Prioritize the preservation of the Tianlong people. The prisoners who attacked can be temporarily exempted from arrest."

The Warring States Period made it clear.

Hearing these last words, Luke narrowed his eyes.

After all, they were old comrades who had been partners for decades, and Sengoku did not want his old friend to experience a double blow.

It is estimated that Kizaru also said something similar.

"Okay, I get it, remember to tell old man Garp, don't send Superman type next time, animal type is the strongest."

Luke clicked through and hung up the phone.

Warring States looked at the hung up phone bug, Luke's last words still echoing in his ears.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

These two idiots, who are usually careless men, why did they act so "careful" about such a trivial matter.

Or is he really a cold-blooded guy in the eyes of these two people?

Warring States pondered, wondering if he should make some changes.

At this time, dozens of mortars were set up at the entrance of the auction hall.

The navy is shouting.

"Hurry up and release the Tianlong people!"

"Newcomers, the Admiral will be here soon!"

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

It must be said that the person who persuaded him to surrender was very self-conscious.

I simply don’t expect myself to be able to persuade them.

At this time, three figures appeared and strolled towards the navy.

Standing at the door were Luffy, Law and Kid!

Among this generation of supernovas, the three strongest pirate captains!

The marines looked at the three men warily, gripped their guns, and took aim with their mortars.

The lieutenant colonel glanced at Luke, who seemed to have no intention of attacking at all.

Such a good opportunity, are we going to give up?

The lieutenant colonel gritted his teeth, he couldn't let them go, the Celestial Dragons were inside, and every second of delay would increase the chance of the Celestial Dragons being hurt.

"Everyone, fire!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shells were fired, and the bullets kept firing.

Luffy took a deep breath, and instantly swelled into a huge ball, and bounced the shells out.

Many soldiers hurriedly dodged and lost their position.

Kidd raised his hand and used magnetism to easily reflect the shells back, and the power was doubled.

And they were all aiming at the mortars on the opposite side, one shot at a turret.

Mortar: Laodi, what's going on? You're bringing your own cannon to fight your own cannon, right?

Luo is simple, a slaughterhouse move can be called a weapon to clear the soldiers.

He weighed the lively heads of the navy in his hand, with a teasing expression.

Seeing that the supernovas were almost playing around and killing many soldiers, the lieutenant colonel was a little anxious.

"Don't run around, keep the formation, we will win!"

The lieutenant colonel shouted.

The soldiers were still running away.

Will we win?

We will definitely lose!

The soldiers were beaten by the three men and ran away.

If it were normal days, they could still teach the new supernovas a lesson with their equipment and garrisoned officers.

But now, the main force is tired, and the substitute (T Peng En) is slacking off.

The three people on the opposite side are the most powerful newcomers among this generation of supernovas.

They are the ones who should be taught a lesson.

But fortunately, everything is controlled within a reasonable range, and there are no casualties at present.

Luke saw this mess.

He couldn't help but sigh.

Although it has long been known that the situation, composition and personnel of this place are complicated, no officers in the navy are willing to take over this hot potato.

So that the quality of the navy here is somewhat uneven.

But today, after seeing it.

To be honest, it made him smell the flavor of his hometown.

Ah~ the free North Sea!

"Everyone stop, withdraw from the battlefield immediately!"

Luke pressed his fist and prepared to warm up.

The Pluto Rayleigh is still waiting behind.

The next chapter will be tomorrow at noon. I have to think about how to write this battle more exciting. Today, I resisted the sleepiness and held on for a whole day. I will take a nap and I should be able to adjust my work and rest schedule.

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