Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 154: Taking down the Straw Hat Pirates: A bloody battle with Pluto Rayleigh (Part 2)

The Straw Hat Pirates, musician Brook, and swordsman Zoro are out!

Sanji's eyes were filled with tears.

At this moment, how much he hated the navy in front of him, and how strong his desire to stand up was.

But unfortunately, he has no chance.

The pacifist grabbed him with one hand and concentrated the laser cannon in the palm of the other.

A heavy blow!

Sanji was sent flying and fell to the ground helplessly.

But it's not over yet, there are only a few of the Straw Hat Pirates left.

On the other side, Nico Robin and Chopper were stopped by pacifists.

One of them is a historian and the other is a doctor.

Under normal circumstances, he is no match for a pacifist.

It makes sense that I haven't run into pacifists.

Chopper stared at the pacifist with fear.

It swallowed three blue balls in one gulp, and its size skyrocketed, its muscles bulged, and it turned into a giant elk monster and pounced on it.

The pacifist used his arms to wrestle with the monster in front of him.

"Sixteen rounds of flowers!"

Sixteen arms suddenly sprouted from the ground, trying to trap the pacifists.

"Nico Robin, right?"

Luke's voice was behind her, and Nico Robin's expression changed greatly.

She opened her hands, and countless arms were about to appear from behind, but they were surrounded by Luke's arms.

The power of Optimus Prime is astonishing, and there is no way to resist it.

Her face turned pale and her breathing became increasingly difficult.

"Get some sleep, don't worry, I won't hand you over to the World Government."

Luke whispered.

Then, with the force of her arms, Nico Robin fainted.

Historian Nicole Robin, out.

Luke slowly put Nico Robin down.

He dares to ask for talents that the world government dares not ask for.

Moreover, how can there be a lack of historians beside a changer of the times?

The key is,

I, Beihai, am in need of these cultural people!

Luke geared up.

Facing the roaring elk monster, he raised his fist and faced it.

Chopper, if it’s fifty beli, don’t start a fight with hundreds of millions!

The punches were as heavy as cannonballs, and they hit Chopper's chest, abdomen, and back.

After a while, the huge elk monster whimpered and lay on the ground twitching.

Doctor Chopper, out.

Luke stretched out. After poor Naomi-san escaped from Sanji, she was caught by the pacifist and knocked unconscious with a slap.

At this point, the Straw Hat Pirates were all eliminated.

"Let me go, bastard!"

"I must beat him away!"

Luffy yelled.

After he was shot away, he met the prototype of the pacifist, Bartholomew Big Bear, one of the Shichibukai.

His current identity is Dr. Bergabank's experimental subject, and he obeys the orders of the World Government.

In fact, he is a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, a poor man who agreed to human experiments by Saint Satan because of his daughter Bonnie's disease.

In this mission to capture the criminals who attacked the Celestial Dragons, he, an almost half-transformed experimental subject, was also sent out.

Big Bear remained silent, knowing that the man in front of him was the dragon's child.

This time we took action together to take good care of this child.

Luffy was still struggling, twisting his body and punching and kicking the bear.

"Big Bear, give him to me."

Luke came over.

The big bear remained calm.

Bubbles formed on the palm of his hand, quickly wrapped around Luffy, and then patted him gently.

Bounce Luffy away as quickly as possible.

Turn around.

"Pirates should die at sea."

Luke said nothing, walked over and looked into the distance.

The shells exploded, the civilians wailed, and the pirates laughed, organized into a desperate song called an execution song.

"Big Bear, don't you regret it?"

The big bear was silent.

"Vegapunk's transformation is not complete yet, and it's not too late to turn back now."

Luke continued.

The eyes under the big bear glasses have a bit of splendor.

This navy seems to know him very well?

"We need sacrifices, but we don't need sacrifices that don't matter."

Luke stared at the big bear.

He seemed to have not heard what Luke said at all, and turned around silently.

After sending Luffy away, with Luke here and the rest of the Straw Hats, he had no choice but to give up. After all, Big Bear himself couldn't protect himself.

I hope Luffy can seize the opportunity to save his friends.

"Bonnie is also on the island today."

Luke just said this calmly, and the big bear stopped.

"Take Bonnie and leave here, go to a place where even the world government can't find her."

"He will welcome you back and Ivankov will tell you the truth."

After saying these words, Luke crossed the big bear and walked towards Hades Rayleigh.

Big Bear stood there, stunned, not knowing what he was thinking.

That's all Luke said.

He is a marine, not the Celestial Dragon's dog, nor the Big Bear's father.

Luke's advice was for the sake of protecting the revolutionary army's combat effectiveness.

"Hey, hey, if you are distracted while fighting me, are you looking down on me a little too much?"

Kizaru's lightsaber came over. Rayleigh grunted and blocked it with his sword.

The two kept fighting with each other, and each blow was powerful and heavy, but for some reason, it seemed like they were stalling for time.

Suddenly, Rayleigh's domineering warning sounded like a crazy warning, and he subconsciously ducked to the side.

Accompanied by an air explosion, Luke's figure suddenly disappeared.

Rayleigh held his sword horizontally, constantly using the blade to block the fierce punches.

Luke's fighting spirit became more and more vigorous, almost overflowing!

For him, enjoying fighting is ten thousand times more fun than doing that thing!

Pure muscle strength shows the purest charm, just like a mad lion with a strong desire to hunt, greedily demanding every bit of life from the enemy.

Rayleigh responded hastily.

He had consumed a lot of his physical strength just now fighting with Kizaru, and now he has to deal with this wolf-like young man.

Save physical strength, seize the opportunity, and rich combat experience allow Rayleigh to adjust the countermeasures in the first time.

His breathing slowed down, and the amplitude of his body kept decreasing, trying to use the least effort to achieve the greatest defensive effect.

But for Luke, physical strength is the most useless repeated consumption, and his fists never slow down a bit because of physical fatigue!

What's more, his endurance is endless!

Punch, punch, and keep punching!

There is no defense, only offensive attacks, this is the fighting style of a madman.

Rayleigh figured out Luke's boxing style, and he calmed down.

For him, this kind of desperate fighting style is what he has experienced the most, and it is also the easiest to deal with.

When the fist and sword met, Rayleigh seized the opportunity and a cold light cut through the space.

He drew his sword!

It was also a sword full of murderous intent!

In this sword, there was no thought of saving physical strength and power. Rayleigh tried his best and stabbed Luke's heart.

Puff! ! !

The sharp blade was wrapped in the armed color domineering, making it easier to penetrate Luke's skin. Then it wanted to go one step further and directly penetrate the enemy's heart!

Kizaru's face changed slightly.

This kid, is he going to flip over?

A lot of blood poured out, Rayleigh's expression was calm, and he pulled the blade out of Luke's body.

Blood dripped, turned around.

"I changed the position of the last sword strike. It's still too late to send him for rescue, Kizaru."

Rayleigh slightly deviated the direction of the sword tip to ensure that the sword would not pierce Luke's heart and cause him to die suddenly.

After all, he has been in seclusion for many years and does not want to fight the navy to the death for the time being.

However, based on Rayleigh's many years of combat experience, this kid is almost half-wasted after being hit by such a sword.

If he can be rescued in time, he will probably have to lie down for several months.

At this time, Kizaru's expression was subtle, and he didn't seem to worry about Luke's injury.

Rayleigh realized something was wrong.

"You are so cool when you chop!!!"

An extremely excited voice came from behind, and the fiery fighting spirit was enough to make anyone feel dry mouth.

There is still one chapter, don't worry~

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