Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 155 Pluto Rayleigh is defeated and flees, Luke pursues him!

The pain of the chest tearing came, but there was no pain on Luke's face.

Pain is just a fuel for the desire to fight!

A straight punch hit the abdomen, feeling the impact like a train on the sea, Rayleigh felt that his organs must have been broken.

He couldn't fall down even with the knife raised horizontally.

Luke's punch speed was far beyond Rayleigh's imagination. This kind of force was like facing the old acquaintance of the year?

The navy hero who chased a ship of people alone, Garp!

"Fist bone·Impact!"

Luke didn't pause at all, and a punch fell, all beings are equal!

Under the golden light, the sword blade wrapped in black domineering squeaked, and it was faintly visible that it began to bend and tremble.

The explosive gas explosion swept across the entire island, Rayleigh tightened his horse stance, the ground collapsed, and the deep pits overlapped like a spider web.


Rayleigh's eyes widened, but the white light had occupied his sight, and the whole world seemed to be penetrated by the fierce fist bone shock wave.

Yellow Monkey photonized and appeared in the sky in an instant.

Looking at the violently shaking island below, Yellow Monkey opened his mouth wide.

"How terrible~"

Are all young people nowadays so strong?

The entire island was crumbling, and a deep pit of hundreds of meters was left on the dark brown land in the track located in the center of the fist bone.

The green weeds were shattered into powder, and many houses on the island were knocked down by the shock wave. The pirates were scared and fell to the ground.

But there was no corpse in the deep pit, only some rags.

Luke smacked his lips unhappily.


He spat out a mouthful of blood. The attack beyond the limit not only seriously injured Rayleigh, but also put a lot of pressure on Luke himself.

He was not fighting Doflamingo, the traitor, but the deputy of Pirate King Gol D. Roger, Pluto Rayleigh!

"Come again!"

Luke clenched his fist.

Rayleigh's face turned pale and his hands kept shaking.

It is worth noting that there were already tiny cracks on the blade in his hand.

If he fought a few more times, this old friend who had been with him for decades might be buried here.

Rayleigh looked around with his peripheral vision. The Straw Hat Boy was slapped away by the Big Bear and disappeared.

The remaining crew members were also tied up and tied to one place by the navy who rushed over.

There was also an admiral, Kizaru, staring at him in the sky.

Sorry, Shanks, I can only do this much.

It is enough to make sure Nika is still alive.

Rayleigh was ready to retreat.

Raleigh raised his sword, his eyes sharp.

"Navy boy, watch out, my sword!"

Hearing this, Luke grinned, his blood vessels bulged, his muscles swelled again, and he opened his hands.

"Come on, Pluto Rayleigh, let me see the strength of the Pirate King's deputy!"

The rampant appearance combined with the muscular monster body was as terrifying as the legendary giant demon.

Kizaru's mouth twitched.

What on earth did this guy eat to grow up?

It feels that his physique is similar to the two undead monsters in the New World.

At this time, red lightning overlapped and a black knife appeared.

Can Pluto Rayleigh's domineering color reach the level of dominance?

The answer is,


Step, raise the knife, and cut down!

"God avoidance!"

Is this Roger's move?

Such a thought flashed through Luke's mind.

When the lightning flashed, Pluto Rayleigh held the knife with both hands, and the black knife slashed down fiercely with unmatched momentum!

Wind pressure, sword energy raging.


Luke's body continued to swell, and one muscle after another swelled like twisted steel, and the ghost face on his back laughed.

This is power!

This is a fucking battle!

His whole body was red, his blood vessels burst, and his heart beat like a giant elephant landing.

Luke's body was constantly heating up, and the blood in his limbs was constantly accelerating the circulation at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people.

The blazing blood was like a steelmaking furnace, burning all the impurities in the body, just to bloom all the potential in his body!

Luke experienced the swordsmanship of the Pirate King and the swordsmanship of Pluto Rayleigh!

He only caught the blade with his hands, but his Armament Haki obviously could not block such a divine dodge.

The blade had already cut into the bones of his palm, but the muscle fibers were repairing and growing again and again, becoming harder, trying to block Rayleigh's knife.

The whole island, with Luke as the center, shook violently again, and it was shaky like a building block toy being played with.

As long as an outsider pushed it, it would completely collapse and fall apart.

Is this the serious Pluto Rayleigh?

He is worthy of being the second in command of the Pirate King, and he did not disappoint him!

Luke's smile became more and more reckless.

But, just relying on these.

You! Think! You! Can! Kill! Me! ! ?

The strong spirit was almost materialized, and vaguely, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

Rayleigh's eyes were a little incredible.

Wait, is this...


It was like a heavy hammer falling, and the substantial pressure swept across the entire island.

Well, now no one can escape.

Kizaru stood high in the sky and scratched his chin.

Conqueror Haki?

This is quite rare.

Everyone in the navy who has Conqueror Haki is not a stable person.

Of course, this is not surprising. After all, as long as you are a king, you have the possibility of awakening Conqueror Haki in theory.

Is that right, the deserter king Coby?

The battlefield below was shrouded in smoke, and the situation could not be seen clearly for a while.

Kizaru landed, ready to join forces with Luke to send away the low-health Rayleigh.

Originally, he did not want to fight to this extent, but Luke had already worked hard to kill Rayleigh.

His intervention was also considered to leave some dignity for the Pirate King's deputy to leave in the end.

Landing, the dust gradually dissipated.

Luke's figure gradually appeared, he stood straight in place, like an unshakable flag.

At the same time, he was holding a blade in his hand, and blood dripped from time to time.

Kizaru was startled.

Something was wrong.

Where is Rayleigh?

"Cowardly behavior! Rayleigh! You can't run away!"


Luke laughed, and the sound waves swept over and spread throughout the silent island.

Rayleigh escaped!

Yes, he, the vice captain of the Pirate King, the legendary pirate, Pluto Rayleigh, escaped!

Facing a young navy, Rayleigh slashed with a knife and quickly fled the scene.

He even didn't want his own knife!

Is this Pluto Rayleigh?

Luke's laughter was full of sarcasm. This guy is old after all!

"Hey, the man ran away. Do you need me to catch him~"

Kizaru walked over with a sloppy pace and asked.

Luke stopped laughing, but there was still a man-eating devilish smile on his face.

He glanced at Admiral Kizaru, who had been slacking off since he joined the battlefield.

If Kizaru wanted to catch him, he would have blocked Rayleigh with his speed.

Asking this kind of question now is nothing more than wanting to let it go.

But will Luke agree?

Of course not!

Unlike Sakaski, Luke has long been prepared for his teammates to slack off.

"No, we'll go together. I know where he is!"

"Admiral Kizaru, Vice Admiral Zhan Taomaru and my subordinates have been waiting there for a long time!"

Luke smiled grimly.

For a moment, Admiral Kizaru had a toothache.

There is one more chapter. I have been urged to submit my graduation thesis these days. There is nothing I can do.

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