"Xia Qi's rip-off BAR" bar is closed at night.

The proprietress Xia Qi was wiping the wine glass, looking as calm as usual.

However, if anyone pays attention, they will find that Xia Qi will pay attention to the location of the back door with his peripheral vision from time to time.

The major incident of Straw Hat Luffy's attack on the Celestial Dragons has spread throughout the Shampoo Islands.

The rich merchants and nobles who were looking for excitement had already successfully escaped through their own means. Most of the remaining pirate supernovas were easily dealt with by the general Kizaru who arrived.

As for Pluto Rayleigh, who was also at the scene, although Xia Qi knew that he could fish in troubled waters and run away by pretending to be a slave.

But for some reason, Xia Qi always had an unknown premonition in her heart.

Especially when the spies sent out failed to bring any details about the auction.


There was a faint sound from the back door. Xia Qi put down the cup, quickly got up and walked towards the back.

After seeing Lei Li, Xia Qi's pupils shrank.

"Are you injured? Lie down quickly and I'll find a medical kit to bandage you!"

Lei Li's face was pale, with a lot of blood on his body, and he walked a little shaky.

But Lei Li pulled Xia Qi, and Xia Qi turned around in confusion.

"Come on, pack your things, we are leaving the Shampoo Islands."

Reilly pushed himself forward to the front desk.

He knew where the medical kit was and it was enough to bandage it himself.

The navy has long known that he was hiding in the Chambord Islands, but due to various reasons, it has never chosen to dig out the ground to dig him out.

But today, he took the initiative to show up for Straw Hat Boy.

It would be fine if he wins or draws, but the Navy will not pursue him to death.

But now that Rayleigh is seriously injured, as long as the Navy is a little ambitious, they will think of pursuing victory and keeping him in the Shampoo Islands.

Therefore, if we don't leave, it will be too late.

"Rayleigh, what happened? More than one general came to the navy?"

Xia Qi first helped Lei Li to the bar, rummaged through the medical kit, and then started to pack things.

Xia Qi asked as she dragged out the dusty suitcase.

Rayleigh smiled bitterly.

"Meet a monster new guy in the Navy."

Riley smeared the purple and black lumps on his abdomen with alcohol, grinning in pain, and then wrapped bandages around his arms one by one.

During the process, Reilly's hands were shaking.

The battle in the afternoon was really beyond the tolerance of an old man in his seventies.

"New to the Navy?"

Xia Qi paused and didn't ask any more questions. She just packed her luggage faster.

As a well-known intelligence dealer in the underground world, Xia Qi knows many things that she shouldn't know.

As long as Rayleigh mentioned such a sentence, as an old partner, she would have a rough outline in her mind, and she could roughly guess who it was.

But now is not the time for such idle talk.

If it was really the young man she expected, if they delayed for a while, more than one general Kizaru would come to the Shampoo Islands.

"Where are we going?"

"Twin Capes, where Crocas lives in seclusion."

Reilly treated the injury carefully.

Kurokas was the ship's doctor of the Roger Pirates back then, and he was the only one who could relieve the pain caused by Roger's terminal illness.

Xia Qi frowned.

Is Reilly's injury that serious?

"Where is Shanks' phone bug? I have something to ask him about."

Reilly asked next.

I must talk to Shanks about Luffy.

During their trip with Roger, they learned the secrets that the World Government wanted to hide, and they also knew that "Joyboy" was the key to everything.

Now, Shanks bets that Luffy's life or death is unknown, and the crew members have all been captured by the navy.

They did not wait for the next opportunity of twenty, this was already their last hope!

Rayleigh had a complicated expression.

Roger was right, they came too early.

When Xia Qi heard this, she was about to go to the back hall. She remembered that the phone bug left by Shanks was placed in the basement.

Suddenly, Rayleigh's hair stood on end.

"Xia Qi, get down!"

He whipped out a sharp knife from under the bar.

The sword was slashed out, and although the body was seriously injured, it still maintained its full strength.

But unfortunately, what he faced was Luke who was truly in his prime!

"Fist bone·impact!"

The tavern was destroyed in an instant, the island trembled, dust flew everywhere, and the impacted rubble rushed into the sky like a cannonball.

With one punch, all living beings were lost.


Rayleigh couldn't stop coughing, wiped the blood with his hand, and half-knelt on the ground.

"Xia Qi!"

He summoned his strength and shouted.

But the surrounding area was vast, and except for the occasional sound of houses collapsing, there seemed to be no signs of life.

Xia Qi's bar is located on Island 13, in a lawless zone, and Luke is not worried that his punch will accidentally injure innocent civilians.

Island No. 1-29 is a lawless zone for pirates, bounty hunters, and human auction houses.

The guy who can stay here, even if he has a few lives on his hands, is just a low-end little Karami.

Rayleigh closed his eyes in pain.

Although Rayleigh didn't want to admit it, the reality was that his partner, Xia Qi, died under Luke's punch.

"I got you, Rayleigh!"

Luke's desire to fight was as strong as Rayleigh's hatred for him at this moment.

"Navy boy, I'm going to kill you!"

Rayleigh drew his sword brazenly, like a lion king in anger, with his white hair standing up!

Luke laughed loudly.

The two crazy figures kept fighting at a speed beyond the human eye's ability to discern, and every knife and every punch was full of primitive beauty.

Wild, violent, fearless of death!

"Hack me to death!"

"Rayleigh, if you can't kill me, you'll die here!"

Luke's laughter swept across the entire island. If he wanted, he could make a terrifying sound wave attack with just the sound.

And Rayleigh's answer was a slash that was more fierce and sharp than the last!

This battle can only end with death!

Kizaru smacked his lips.

Father, just fight!

The opponent is the deputy of the Pirate King. In terms of strength alone, Kizaru doesn't have enough confidence to take down this old man.

You, a small "Commodore of the Navy Headquarters", fought harder than him, the admiral.

Young people nowadays are really scary!

This time it's not Kizaru who is playing the hermaphrodite.

Witness the monster below whose size has exploded several times, whose abdomen has been slashed with huge wounds, and whose internal organs can even be seen wriggling inside, but which can recover in an instant.

Although it's not the first time I've seen it, can this junior named Luke really be regarded as a human being?

"Damn it."

Kizaru's mouth twitched.

And with Luke's fierce fighting style, Pluto Rayleigh, a vice-captain of One Piece, will be killed by Luke.

After all, Pluto Rayleigh may be able to seriously injure Luke countless times.

But as long as Rayleigh makes a mistake, he will follow his captain.

The instructor ignored me. He has checked for plagiarism, but he still hasn't given a definite answer.

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