Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 169: The Battle of Marineford (Part 3)


Whitebeard drew his sword across the horse and stood up, as if he were fighting against a hundred thousand soldiers alone!

"Kids, don't be so arrogant!"


The sword slashed out, and the strong sword energy seemed to be able to cut through the sky. Qing Zhi's face darkened.

What a strong force!

I saw Aoki's hands releasing a large amount of cold air that condensed into ice. He exerted force on his lower body and raised his hand to block the knife.

He originally wanted to give Whitebeard a try with the elemental attack.

But I didn't expect this old guy's reaction speed to be astonishingly fast.

Is this the strongest man in the world?

Even if he is injured at the moment, it is still quite a troublesome existence.

Qingzhi noticed that the stab wound that penetrated Baibeard's abdomen had stopped bleeding and formed scars.

The Warring States Marshal's alienation plan was successful, and Sakaski completed the task perfectly.

But unfortunately, the person he picked was not very good.

The Great Vortex Spider Skuard only managed to sneak attack Whitebeard once, and was infected by Whitebeard's charisma and returned to his banner.

Although Whitebeard was stabbed in vain, the morale of the pirates greatly increased as a result.

Therefore, they have to fight quickly!


Sakaski's voice sounds very cold, but the blazing heat is enough to melt icebergs!

The giant fist made of lava quickly hit Whitebeard, trying to kill him with one blow!

At this time, Kizaru in the sky also calmly stretched out his hand.

Now is not the time to paddle!

Countless rays of light condensed and emitted, like thousands of shooting stars, brilliant and dazzling.

Faced with the attacks from the three generals, Whitebeard was not afraid of danger.

Shout angrily!

Cutting off the frozen ice of the Aoki from Yunqie, his strength was not reduced, and he struck at the Aoki with all his strength.

Qing Pheasant immediately turned into elements and evacuated.

However, the vibration in the surrounding space made Qingzhi's expression change.


Got sucked in!

Qingzhi didn't have time to think too much. The air-conditioning enveloped him and he glided back a few steps.

Stopping, there was a tear in the clothes on his body.

Whitebeard's Cong Yunqie was attached with armed domineering energy, which activated the ability to shake the fruit, making his evasion slow down a beat.

However, even though Whitebeard is powerful, Aokiji is still a naval admiral at his peak.

If it's a little slower, it will just let the white beard rub against the sleeve.

However, facing the attack of Akainu and Kizaru.

How will Whitebeard deal with it?

Turning around, the power of shock burst out from his hand, the space was crushed, and thin and dense spider webs appeared out of thin air.

Air shock!

Still empty shock!

The devastating shocking fist collided head-on with Sakaski's Hades!

When the two collided, the entire island seemed to be shaking, and the sea once again set off huge waves.

"It's so scary~"

Frivolous voice, provocative expression.

But Kizaru, who was the fastest to strike, seemed to be sighing.

Accompanied by it, there are endless beams of light all over the sky, like a lit aurora, penetrating the blue sea!

"Dad, be careful!"

Seeing that their father was about to be attacked, the white-bearded children immediately shouted a warning.

However, the speed of light is too fast to be detected by the naked eye!

Whitebeard was still sparring with Sakaski, and the rain of light in the sky was already falling.


Just when the beam was about to fall, the sharp and piercing sound of birdsong echoed across the battlefield, and cyan fireworks flashed past.

Then, a large amount of vaporized smoke was instantly generated, blocking everyone's view.

what happened?

"Phoenix Marco, long time no see~"

The smoke dissipated, and the green flames burned blazingly, spreading their huge wings to protect the sky above Whitebeard.

Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates 1st Division, is a user of the animal type, bird fruit, phantom species, and phoenix form.

Now that Whitebeard is suffering from illness and is gradually aging, the Whitebeard Pirates are still ruling the New World at the height of their power.

As the royal deputy, Marco's strength that cannot be underestimated accounts for a large part of the reason.

Marco flapped his wings, and the wings composed of green flames scattered on Whitebeard's body.

Visible to the naked eye, Baibeard's complexion has improved a lot.

His flame is called "the flame of regeneration".

Not only can it heal all injuries to itself in an instant, but it can also have a certain effect on others. It can increase the healing speed and has a therapeutic effect on viruses and diseases.

Of course, there are limits to this thing.

Diseases like Whitebeard's are naturally caused by old age, organ failure, and the hidden injuries accumulated in early years that gradually break out.

Marco's regenerative flames cannot save him.

His fruit is just a phoenix fruit, not a surgical fruit, and it has no ability to forcibly extend people's lives.

Then, Marco rose into the air.

"General Kizaru, I can't let you team up to deal with dad!"

The blue flames were burning, and Marco's expression was relaxed.

The Whitebeard Pirates cheered and encouraged their cadres for their timely rescue.

Kizaru squinted his eyes and muttered.

"Phoenix, it's so scary~"

I don't know why, but as long as Kizaru says such a sentence, it only makes people feel unbearably angry.


When he finished saying such a sentence with that monkey face, friends and foes alike could not help but clench their fists.

Just like now, the magma is flowing, Sakaski has a stinky face and attacks Whitebeard again.

Today, no matter what, we must take down Whitebeard's head.

The navy summoned 200,000 troops and various civilian and official masters, all for the purpose of taking down one of the Four Emperors and opening up the situation in the new world.

So, Ace of the Fire Fist must die! Whitebeard must die too!

The dark red magma gushed out in the rolling black smoke, and the huge rumbling sound pressed down layer by layer around. The burning red rocks were pushed to the sky and then rushed down, leaving thousands of fiery red scratches in the air in the smoke.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Sakaski shouted loudly.

Kizaru smacked his lips.

Sakaski, are you so desperate?

For the sake of his colleagues, Kizaru is ready to put in a little more effort today.

One hand held the Ame-no-Kume sword horizontally to block Marco's sharp bird claws.

The other hand shot out several rays of light, which directly penetrated Marco's body.

But the flame of regeneration was burning fiercely, and the blue flames of the holes in his body quickly accumulated, the wound closed, and Marco was intact.

Kizaru raised his eyebrows.

The Phoenix, it really lived up to its reputation.

But facing Marco, who was still in decline, Kizaru didn't care too much.

On the contrary, he was happy to fight with such an enemy.

This kind of regeneration power, even the Four Emperors would have a headache about how to deal with it.

But this is just right, satisfying Kizaru's real idea.

It's good to be invincible, it's great to be invincible!

Isn't it good for everyone to play a few moves together and brag to each other?

Of course, this is just Kizaru's idea.

Sakaski below is fighting Whitebeard to the death.

You hit me with a punch, I cut you with a knife, every punch breaks bones, every knife bleeds.

The surging fist power and the sword energy intertwined, and the leaked residual power could sweep out a battlefield.

Both sides are powerful and destructive, and in their battles, ordinary people are often injured.

Aokiji was also blocked by Joz, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Third Division.

For a moment, the battlefield seemed to be deadlocked.

But is it really so?

Luke punched away the pirates in the entire area.

He looked up.

Sengoku stood on the high platform, looking solemnly into the distance.

He was waiting for something.

Whitebeard's current physical condition is completely insufficient to support long-term combat.

As long as the navy fights more steadily, it is likely that Whitebeard will be defeated.

However, Pluto Rayleigh has remained silent so far.

Red Hair, will you come?

Sengoku's eyes were sharp and his body was tense.

Luke retracted his gaze.

The pirates around him subconsciously stepped back.

Luke's mouth curled up.

"What, don't you want to continue?"

"You retreat, leave it to me next!"

Tap tap tap.

The sound of wooden clogs tapping on the ground came, and the pirates automatically made way.

Luke looked up.

Is it a woman?

The visitor was wearing a pink kimono with a small black robe on the outside. She had a slender figure and long flowing hair.

But "she" was bare-chested.



This is a man!

"A samurai from Wano Country?"

Luke noticed that the pattern on the kimono looked familiar.

He asked.

The samurai who looked like a woman but was actually a man was a little surprised.

Wano Country has been closed for many years and is still the territory of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors. There is basically no news about Wano Country in the sea.

Unexpectedly, on this battlefield, the navy on the opposite side actually recognized his identity.

"Yes, I am Izo, the flower and willow herald of Wano Country!"

Izo held two guns and spoke solemnly.

He followed Kozuki Oden on Whitebeard's ship.

Later, Kozuki Oden ran to Roger's ship. He liked the atmosphere of Whitebeard's pirate ship more and chose to stay.

This stay lasted for nearly 30 years.

If Luke hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten Wano Country.

However, since the person on the other side recognized his identity, as a samurai of Wano Country, he should naturally show the demeanor of a samurai.

After hearing Izo's confirmation, Luke smiled.

Wano Country

A country that he physically hates!

"Sir, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Izo's pupils shrank.

A huge figure appeared in front of him in an instant, and a big hand directly grabbed his neck.

Bang bang bang!

Two flintlock rifles fired in succession, and the bullets injected with domineering were enough to kill sea kings.

But after hitting Luke, it couldn't even break the skin!

How is it possible? !

Izo's breathing became more and more rapid, and Luke kept exerting force on his hands.

After a face-to-face encounter, Izo lost the power to resist.

"Captain! We are here to save you!"

The pirates were about to rush up.

But when they were within a few dozen meters of Luke, they suddenly lost control of their bodies.

Their eyes were dull, their mouths drooling, and they collapsed to the ground one after another.

Is it the domineering domineering?

But he didn't feel the almost tangible pressure.

Luke exerted force with one hand.

Izo struggled, veins bulging on his forehead.

One second, two seconds, three seconds

Izo's struggle became weaker and weaker, until it was almost unnoticeable.

Is he going to die?


Another gunshot!

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