Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 170: The Battle of Marineford (IV)


Izo fell to the ground, breathing heavily and coughing hard.

He temporarily saved a small life.

Luke's wrist was pierced by a bullet, broken bones mixed with broken flesh flew everywhere, and blood dripped to the ground.

But when he raised his hand again, the originally bloody palm had returned to its original shape without any scars.

Although the ones he ate were not animal-type Devil Fruits, several of Luke's animal friends were very considerate.


Luke muttered.

Looking up, in the distant sea, a faint black spot appeared at the end.

That's a ship.

A pirate ship!

Beckman blew away the smoke produced by the friction of gunpowder and handed the sniper rifle to Jesus.

The snipers in the pirate world are pretty outrageous.

In this strange world, most snipers hold gunpowder-loaded flintlock rifles.

They may not even be holding guns!

Manipulating the artillery on the ship is what these snipers should really do.

But apart from this large number of gunners who read as snipers and wrote as artillerymen, there are the remaining guys who are at the top of their profession.

He is the real sniper!

With their backward firearms, the damage they can cause far exceeds that of various cutting-edge sniper rifles in the real world.

Beckman and Jesus Bu of the red-haired pirates are such top-notch snipers.

"Beckman, are you so eager to fight with someone?"

The smiling man patted Beckman on the shoulder carelessly.

"After all, the vice-captain is practicing seriously every day, and he must show his strength."

"Captain, if one day you are no longer a match for Beckman, I will let you be the vice-captain!"

Jesus proposed.

"Hahahaha, I agree."

"Vice Captain Shanks, this is a pretty easy name, hahaha!"

The crew burst out laughing.

It is clear that they are about to land on the world's cruelest super battlefield, but at this moment, this group of people is still out of shape.

It's as if they are not going to fight with others, but are preparing to drink and have a warm-up party.

"No, Beckman, don't do this, okay?"

The man cooperated and begged Beckman with tears in his eyes not to do this.

He doesn't have the airs of a pirate captain at all.

Likewise, there is no air of Yonko at all!

Beckman was speechless and choked.

He has long understood his captain's unpredictable character. As long as he ignores Shanks, Shanks will soon return to normal.

He took out a flintlock rifle from his arms and silently wiped the barrel to perform final maintenance on the firearm.

Sure enough, Beckman ignored him.

The man automatically skipped the topic.

He suppressed his smile, the Gate of Justice was blasted in front by Whitebeard, they just needed to enter directly.

But after entering, if you want to get out, it will be difficult!

On the ice, someone soon noticed an incoming pirate ship.

"Look, someone is coming!"

"Pirate ship! Another pirate ship is coming!"

"Is it reinforcements?"

The pirates screamed and heaved.

At this time, Whitebeard fought back Sakaski with a knife, but it seemed that the old injury had recurred and he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

But he didn't pay too much attention to it and wiped away the blood stains. He had already noticed what was going on in the distance.

Whitebeard's sword stopped, and a shaking sound swept over him.

"Warring States, why don't you come down?!"

The domineering aura that covered the sky and the sun came out from the body, and the world seemed a little darker.

In an instant, tens of thousands of people were knocked unconscious.

Sengoku had a sullen face.

A strong overlord-like domineering energy burst out, resisting the power of Whitebeard.

As a naval marshal, the justice he pursues is "the justice that rules the world"!

The two overlords clashed hard, the ice surface trembled faintly, and the air seemed a little thicker.

At the same time, I felt the collision of domineering colors from both sides on the island.

The man on the pirate ship grinned.

The turbulent weather was approaching, and the substantial pressure was enough to stop even the generals.

The third wave of domineering domineering!

This level of overlord color, could it be said that

Kizaru opened his eyes, and he could already feel this majestic aura. Only that man could possess this level of domineering color!

One of the four emperors, red-haired Shanks!

Is it finally here?

Kizaru stopped, and Marco also stopped fighting for the time being.

It can be clearly seen that after feeling this domineering look, Marco's expression became much more relaxed.

Although I really don't want to admit this fact, it is probably impossible to rescue Ace just by relying on the Whitebeard Pirates.

The navy has too many troops.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, it seems quite anxious. In fact, the Whitebeard Pirates are actually facing a one-sided situation.

The navy's encirclement is shrinking, and their number is decreasing every moment.

However, the navy was able to continuously accumulate strength and morale by relying on its numerical advantage, and cannibalize the entire Whitebeard Pirates step by step.

As for high-end combat power?

One lieutenant general can't defeat the captain, but what about four or five?

One general can't defeat Dad, what about the three?

Not to mention that the older masters such as Sengoku Garp have not yet taken action.

If they take action, the Whitebeard Pirates will be defeated even faster!

So, it’s time to show up, redhead!

The collision of three domineering colors is enough to change the color of the world.

The range of Marshal Sengoku's aura was gradually reduced and squeezed down.

The two people on the opposite side worked together and were constantly using domineering colors to impact his will.

Sengoku's domineering color was not very high. According to the official data, it was probably at the intermediate stage of being able to control the enemy.

The reason is that Marshal Sengoku is just a law-abiding navy, not the four emperors who dominate one side.

Under the rule of the World Government, how much can Sengoku's domineering color improve?

Not to mention that the man on the opposite side is the red-haired Shanks who can be called the strongest domineering color domineering!

Shanks entered the field with domineering color domineering.

Marshal Sengoku frowned. If this continues, the battle of momentum will undoubtedly be the first to lose the navy.

Suddenly, invisible momentum gushed out!

Come again? !

Both the navy and the pirates were shocked.

Will this battle be fought today?

Otherwise, you high-level fighters can just fight for fun. After all, you can sleep anywhere. They will not feel at ease sleeping in Marinford.

With the help of the "new friend", Marshal Sengoku, who was originally retreating step by step, slowly rebounded.

The two sides returned to a state of equal strength.

So, who is this person?

Red Hair stood at the bow and looked at it.

Luke smiled brightly, but there was a hint of cruelty like Yasha Shura.

A newcomer to the navy?

Shanks did not recognize Luke.

As one of the Four Emperors of the New World, he rarely paid attention to things outside the New World. Most of his time was spent on drinking and holding banquets, and looking for wine to hold banquets.

He didn't know a monster like Luke who was dormant in the North Sea.

Luke was not Luffy. The Red Hair Pirates were not going to use the money for buying wine to buy newspapers. That would be a waste.

"Huh? It's him?"

Beckman was surprised.

"Beckman, do you know that navy?"

Shanks was calm.

He still looks at ease after releasing the Conqueror's Haki with all his strength, and he even has time to chat with Beckman.

"The Marine I hit just now was him."


Beckman stared at Luke's wrist.

He was sure that he hit the enemy, but why was this guy not hurt at all?

Shanks didn't understand.

Beckman didn't continue talking, he felt something was wrong for some reason.

Hopefully, this was just his illusion.

"Captain, do you want me to get rid of that guy?"

Jesus Bu asked.

He recognized that the Marine boy who released the Conqueror's Haki had put his son Usopp in jail.

Luke is a young man of the new generation of the Navy.

And being young means there is still a lot of room for growth and endless potential to be tapped.

It also means that he is not strong enough now!

Although Luke did not kill his son, putting Usopp in the underwater prison is more terrible than killing him.

The revenge for killing his son must be avenged!

He didn't notice why Beckman suddenly used a sniper rifle to attack.

Now, Jesus Bu felt it was such a pity.

It was a pity that Beckman didn't shoot the bastard to death!

"No, wait a little longer."

Shanks refused directly after hearing this.

His purpose of coming here was not to make a deadly feud with the navy.

On the contrary, Shanks came for peace.

Yes, peace!

It was already ironic enough to say the word "peace" from a pirate's mouth.

What's more ironic is that this pirate is also one of the sources of cholera, the Four Emperors of the New World, Red-haired Shanks.

The most ironic thing is that as one of the Four Emperors of the Pirates, he is going to say in front of the navy that he came for peace.

There is nothing better than a close-up attack!

After fighting for a while with the Conqueror's Haki, the two sides were deadlocked.

Considering their own manpower, they tacitly chose to stop.

The "wave" of the Conqueror's Haki slowly faded, and Red-haired Shanks jumped off the bow.

The other crew members also put away their giggling expressions, looked solemn, and followed their captain.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Red Hair walked to the center of the battlefield amidst the fearful or hateful gazes of the crowd.

White Beard stood beside him, the hilt of his sword resting on the ice, hot steam coming out of his body.

"White Beard, are you tired?"

"Hmph, kid, we're just warming up!"

"Aren't those guys coming?"

White Beard asked in a deep voice.

The old man is old but not old at heart.

Even if he is really old and weak, he will never show his weakness in front of any outsider.

In this sea where people are eaten without spitting out bones, as long as you show your weakness, a bunch of mad dogs will bite you and tear a piece of meat off you!

Hearing this, Shanks smiled.

On the tense and exciting battlefield of tens of thousands of people, the two Four Emperors chatted as if nothing happened.


Before Shanks finished speaking, he was interrupted by Sengoku.

"Red Hair, do you want to get involved too?!"

Sengoku asked on the platform.

Red Hair looked up.

He looked at the serious-looking Marshal Sengoku.

Sengoku and Garp, two monsters of the navy back then.

When he was still on Captain Roger's ship, these two had caused them a lot of trouble.

"Long time no see, Sengoku."

Shanks greeted him.

Sengoku stared at Shanks, as if he would take action if he disagreed.

Everyone present held their breath, they couldn't imagine it.

If the red hair also joins the battle, will the balance of victory quickly tip to the other side?

Facing everyone's gaze, Shanks' expression remained unchanged and he said confidently:

"Sengoku, give me some face and let Vice Captain Rayleigh and Ace go. Let's cease the war!"


The whole place was silent.

Shanks waited for a long time, but still no one responded. He scratched his head in confusion.

What's wrong?

Why is everyone silent?

But before he could continue speaking, someone responded.

"Father, is there something wrong with his head?"

Shanks was stunned.

Looking up, Saint Charlos was pointing at him and asking his father.

Saint Roswald nodded with deep approval.

"Son, you are right. If he is like this, the whole family is probably mentally retarded. Let's stay away from him."

Saint Roswader warned his son.

Charros' brain was not very good to begin with, not even as good as his stupid daughter Lulia Palace.

If he gets infected any closer, Saint Roswader will have to consider whether he should have another child.

However, this group of inferior creatures did not even have fully developed brains.

Nothing compared to their noble Celestial Dragons.

The scene became quiet again.

Whether they are pirates or marines, their expressions are a bit strange.

It seemed like he was forcing himself to endure something.

As for the red-haired pirates, they couldn't hold back and laughed out loud, mocking their captain mercilessly.

"Captain, you were scolded by the Tianlong people!"

"The Tianlong people also said that you are mentally retarded hahahaha!"

Chef Lachie Lu chewed the big bone meat, but his voice was clear.

"Captain, do you want me to find you a friend to fix your head?"

The ship's doctor Hongo couldn't help but smile.

Shanks had a dark face.

These guys!

But Saint Roswader was right when he said that Shanks and his entire family were indeed mentally retarded.

"Meteor volcano!"

The sky was full of lava and meteors falling, and there was a lot of blood on Sakaski's body.

Not long after the fight started, Sakaski was already seriously injured.

Now that the new Yonko is on the scene, Sakaski rushes forward with determination, not caring that the red-haired pirates on the opposite side are at full strength.

All I can say is that he deserves to be Sakaski.

Just looking at your efforts, Sakaski, if you don’t get a raise or promotion, who will get a raise or promotion?

Luke muttered in his mind.

Looking at the oncoming meteor volcano, Shanks said "Yeah, yeah, yeah" twice, and then.

Draw the knife and cut it out with one strike!

The rain of magma and meteorites all over the sky was wiped out by the overbearing sword energy. The sword energy shot straight into the sky, like an unscrupulous dragon!

This sword cut off the sky!

Hawkeye narrowed his eyes.

Ever since the red-haired man lost his left arm, he had rarely fought with Shanks.

Unexpectedly, after losing his left arm, this guy's strength not only did not decline, but actually showed a slight upward trend.

He had never wielded a knife so neatly before.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Shanks sounded a little disappointed.

"Kid, do you think this is playing house?"

Whitebeard taunted.

Shanks didn't answer and held Griffin tightly.

Marshal of the Warring States Period is over!

The huge Buddha statue shone with golden light, and when he punched it, the shock wave it carried was enough to knock down mountains.

Buddha's Warring States, please join!

The battlefield begins again, and this time it will be even more cruel!

Cap sits on the execution platform.

He watched the marines in the audience fight with his old friends to death.

He clenched his fists, his nails dug deep into his palms, and blood dripped out from them.

"Garp, aren't you going down?"

Reilly asked.

Since the war began, Garp has been sitting on this execution platform.

"Are you anxious to die?"

After hearing Rayleigh's question, Capu loosened his fist and replied.

Reilly choked.

What does it mean that I am anxious to die?

Do you think I want to die after living anonymously in the Chambord Islands for so many years?

"Aren't you worried about whether Zhan Zhan will be injured?"

"Facing the two Yonko Regiments, the Navy probably won't be able to hold on for too long."

Reilly continued.

Garp is as immovable as a mountain.

But there seemed to be fluorescent flashes in his eyes.

Are they tears?

Does he want to join the war and destroy the navy?

Of course!


"Ace, you idiot!"

Garp yelled.

Fire Fist Ace was startled.

Reilly was puzzled.

What's going on with Ace in this?

You two also know each other?


Before Rayleigh could finish speaking, he heard Ace's weak voice.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry."

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