Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 171: The Battle of Marineford (V)

So Ace is Garp's grandson. Ah! ?

Rayleigh suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Ace: My father is Whitebeard!

Sengoku: Bullshit, your father is Roger!

Garp: Bastard grandson!

Ah this

At this moment, Rayleigh felt that his brain was pressed to the ground and raped, and his three views were shattered.

"Ace, you bastard, why don't you live the way I said!"

"What should I do?"

Garp's shoulders were shaking, and his voice was shaking.

Ace looked up at Garp in disbelief.

Iron Fist Garp, the legendary navy, shed tears on the execution platform.

Can he do anything?

No, he can't do anything!

Garp can only stay here, watching his old friend fight the Four Emperors, watching his grandson die, watching his apprentice fight the pirates to death

No matter which side, he can't make a choice.

"Old man."

Ace was silent.

Garp choked.

He didn't understand. He just wanted his two grandsons to get on the right track. Why was it so difficult?

It was like this back then with Dragon, and it is the same with Ace and Luffy now!

Why can't you just listen to me! ?

On the battlefield, the joining of the Red Hair Pirates has increased the pressure on the Navy.

As the Red Hair Pirates, which is an elite group.

Although they don't have tens of thousands of crew members like Big Mom and Whitebeard, and they don't form a large pirate fleet.

But every member on the ship is a strong man picked out of a million.

It can be clearly seen that the Navy is in decline at this moment, and the defense line is constantly retreating.

Even from time to time, strong men from the pirates will break through the front line and rush into the execution platform.

If it weren't for Kizaru to save the situation in time, they might have been stolen by these guys.

"Luke, right!"

Jesus Bu took the lead in finding his enemy.

Luke tilted his head and didn't answer.

This guy looks familiar.

"It seems so, hum!"

Jesus Bu snorted coldly and raised his hand to shoot.

The speed of the bullet was not fast.

Not to mention Luke, even Luffy who had just gone out to sea could easily dodge it.

Luke slightly turned sideways.

Logically speaking, at this angle, he could directly avoid the bullet.

However, Jesus is the world's top sniper.

Is his bullet only this far?

Of course not!

He turned sideways, and the bullet passed through, then rotated and cut in in a weird way, and the black bullet hit Luke's shoulder at a tricky angle.

Bullets that can turn?

The bones creaked, the muscles tightened, and the bullet was forcibly squeezed out and fell to the ground.

Luke's body was intact.

Jesus was stunned.

But he did not stop shooting, bang, bang, bang!

He kept shooting and reloading, and the speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to observe with the naked eye.

He had followed Shanks in the New World for so many years, and he had seen all kinds of scenes.

It's just the recovery ability comparable to the awakened animal-type devil fruit ability user, which is not as good as the monster in the new world who is addicted to suicide.

Luke stopped and turned his palm into a knife.

This time the bullet is much faster!



The bullet was split in half from the head, the gunpowder exploded, and sparks mixed with shrapnel flew everywhere.

Luke cut the knife and put his hands together, exhaling.

He looked like a master.

At this time, there was a clanging sound on the ground.

This was the sound of the bullet being squeezed out of the perfect body and falling to the ground.

It sounded crisp and pleasant.

The expression of Jesus Bu on the opposite side was indescribable.

Good news: Luke caught the bullet with his bare hands.

Bad news: He only caught one.

But these are harmless.

Luke, who has animal friends, is invincible!

"Is this all you have?"

Luke responded to Jesus Bu for the first time.

It was just a mockery.

Jesus Bu's face turned black, this bastard.

Raise your hand and load the bullet.

Another spiral bullet hits, and Luke doesn't even try to dodge.

If he can only do this, Jesus Bu will die before the next shot hits!


As soon as the voice started, the bullet suddenly set off a violent explosion when it hit Luke.

The blazing flames carried thick black smoke, and Jesus Bu smiled.

The explosive rock projectile was a little gadget he developed.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Luke's voice was clearly audible in the blazing flames.

"Sure enough, anyone can play with fire."

What fire or not?

Jesus Bu just had this thought in his mind.

The next moment, the burning flame figure opened his hands.

Then, slapped hard!

The surging airflow was accompanied by rolling heat waves, and flying sand and rocks rushed towards him.

Jesus Bu couldn't help but raise his hand to protect his eyes to protect his vision from being affected.

The steam was surging, and the amazing heat seemed to catch up with the magma of Sakaski.

Jesus looked up subconsciously.

The tall figure blocked his view.

The man was unharmed.

The muscle fibers on his body overlapped layer by layer, as if there were living snakes wriggling, with clear lines, and the domineering aura from within made Jesus stop subconsciously.

Jesus had only seen this kind of body trained to the extreme in one person.

That person was the Four Emperors of the New World.


Still only one word.

Last time, it was because Jesus thought he had a chance to win and ignored Luke.

And this time, it’s because,

Before the next shot hits, Jesus Bu will die!

Luke put his hands together, and a dull impact sounded.

Holding up Jesus' clothed head, he was foaming at the mouth, his ears were deaf and bleeding.

After just a moment, the guy fainted.

"Jesus Bu, are you okay?"

"Go and save him!"

Beckman dodged the laser and rushed over without hesitation.

His bad feeling earlier came true, there was indeed something wrong with this guy!

But, it was too late.

A stream of light appeared, and the photons slowly condensed on Kizaru's body, blocking Beckman's direction.

"I can't let you pass, Beckman~"

There is nothing wrong with the use of the Shining Fruit to support interception, and it is even more useful than Van Oka's teleportation fruit.

He can escape from the battlefield anytime and anywhere, and can appear in the most suitable place anytime and anywhere.

Beckman gritted his teeth.

The barrel of the gun blocked Kizaru's Tiancongyun Sword, and he punched Kizaru in the abdomen.

But Kizaru dodged and avoided it.

This guy is simply a slippery mud monkey!

"Jesus cloth!"

Hearing the sound, Beckman turned his head and looked over.

Kizaru immediately retreated after his first attack failed, changing opponents and constantly saving the situation.

His purpose has been achieved.

Just dragging out this period of time is enough.

Jesus' headless body fell to the ground.

Luke's face was expressionless.

The shattered brain stopped within a short distance of touching Luke's body, and was rebounded by an invisible force.

At this time, the substantive Overlord color appeared on the battlefield again.

"Navy, you have gone too far!"

Shanks was filled with rage, and the Griffin in his hand was wrapped with black lightning, making a tearing sound.

The death of his partner was something Shanks never expected.

This battle on the top seemed to be very fierce.

Countless navy soldiers and low-level pirates were killed on the spot, and their limbs and bones were everywhere.

But in fact, except for little Oz, who was desperate at the beginning, and Brody, who was targeted by Luke.

At present, the top-level combat power of both sides is not dead at all.

Immortality on the battlefield sounds like a joke.

But both sides are actually quite helpless.

If the strong men in the pirate world are equal in strength, it would be normal for them to fight for days and nights to determine the winner.

Each of them is a monster with full physical strength.

If you really want to fight to the death, even if this war at the top is fought in darkness, there may not be a winner.

This is also the real reason why the Navy only targets Whitebeard and Fire Fist Ace.

It's not that the others don't want to fight, but that it takes too long, which is detrimental to the navy.

Don’t forget that this battle is currently being broadcast live to the whole world.

Sengoku drove the giant Buddha and raised his hand to block Shanks' slash.

The sound of the handover of gold and silver, the Buddha is as alive as the Immovable King.

"In the name of justice, destroying pirates is what the navy should do!"

Warring States scolded loudly.

Luke did a great job, and the morale of the navy has improved!

Take advantage of now, work hard to take down these bastards, and give a satisfactory answer to the civilians all over the world!

The Warring States Period had beautiful ideas, but the reality was often contrary to it.

Shanks witnessed Jesus Bu being brutally killed by the navy, and his anger soared, and the Griffin in his hand chopped more and more fiercely.

The swords and swords were wrapped around each other fiercely, and the Buddha was killed in anger.

Warring States could not bear it for a while.

"God avoids!"

The Pirate King's sword move appeared again, red lightning tore through the space, air flow splashed, and the sky seemed to be torn apart.

Rayleigh's eyes widened.

The interns back then have now become the four emperors of a separate faction.

Sengoku's teeth were almost shattered. The Buddha clasped his hands together and raised them with all his strength, trying to catch the blow.

The ground that his feet stepped on continued to collapse, collapsing deeper.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

But if you can’t stand it, you have to stand it!

If this sword were to be struck down, Malinfando would be gone!

Cap, you bastard!

Seeing that he could no longer bear it, Zeng Guo secretly cursed his old friend.

The three generals must be hopeless at this moment.

Kizaru was busy going around to save the situation, and he didn't have a moment to spare.

Qingzhi was entangled by the white-bearded captain and the red-haired crew member. The cooperation between the two made Qingzhi suffer a lot, and he had already lost his fortune.

Akainu was even worse.

Ever since the red hair appeared on the scene, Whitebeard has been like a drug, living a second life on the spot, suppressing Akainu and beating him fiercely.

Between the wide openings and closings, the heyday of that year can be vaguely seen.

Other navies are also struggling due to the addition of the red-haired pirates.

Peach Rabbit faced off against "Ice Witch" Huidibe and Rakuyo, Kaji faced off against Kuriel and Roaring Gabu, and T. Penn faced off against Ermi.

Smoker vs. Smoker. Oh, Smoker is still getting beaten.

He had bad luck and bumped into Atmos, the captain of the 13th division of the Whitebeard Pirates, who was being pushed to the ground and beaten.

There is no way, who has made this guy neglect his domineering training in recent years.

When he met a ruthless person in the new world, Smoker had already taken advantage of the natural devil fruit before he died on the battlefield.

As for the Shichibukai, after the red hair came on the scene, he chose to stop and avoid the battle.

Therefore, now the Great Buddha of the Warring States Period can only carry this sword god.

"Zhan Guo, I'm here to lend you a hand!"

The old man with pointed white hair jumped up.

It was the marshal of the whole army, Kong!

The armed color domineering gathered, and the shock wave hit Shanks from behind.

Shanks had no choice.

He had to put away his sword and escape.

What a pity.

Zhan Guo got out of the Buddha state, and Marshal Kong stood beside him and nodded slightly.

Next, it was a righteous two-on-one!

However, before Zhan Guo and Kong could fight.

The secretary hurriedly ran up to the high platform, looked left and right, but did not see the figure of Marshal Zhan Guo.

"Zhan Guo has joined the battlefield, just tell me if you have anything."

Garp stood up.

The secretary stopped at this time, and he spoke quickly.

"Vice Admiral, Impel Down was attacked by the current Shichibukai Marshall Teach, and the warden Shiryu rebelled!"

"Afterwards, it is suspected that the former members of One Piece invaded Impel Down again, and Warden Magellan was seriously injured."

"Not only that, a large number of criminals in Impel Down were also released. Currently, under the leadership of the former members of One Piece and Blackbeard, they are about to arrive at the headquarters!"


Garp was stunned.

Rayleigh heard this, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He knew that his old friends would definitely choose to come back and make a big fuss.

"Vice Admiral Garp, we want..."

The secretary hadn't finished speaking.

A cannonball that covered the sky and the sun rushed straight towards them.

"Fist bone·Impact!"

Without thinking much, Garp punched out, and the cannonball exploded on the spot. The strong shock wave caused the execution platform to shake violently.

Who threw the cannonball? !

Falling from the sky, Garp's clothes were inevitably stained with some charred marks.

The secretary's voice was trembling.

"They are coming."

Not far away, two ships slowly approached.

Sha Qi stood at the bow.

Behind her were the old members of the Pirate King.

Scrubba Jabba, Sambel, Spencer, Bulmaline

They may be much older, but no one would doubt that this old pirate group that completed the Grand Line voyage would burst out with amazing strength.

Looking at this group of old guys, Rayleigh smiled.

But no one could understand the complex emotions contained in his eyes.

In fact, it was good for him to die here and not have to face the final outcome.

On another ship, Blackbeard laughed strangely.

Dad, I'm here!

Different from the original work, the news of Rayleigh's public execution was known to the pirates on the sixth floor of the Undersea Prison.

Some people who shouldn't have come followed Sha Qi and came together.

"Devil's Heir" Douglas Barrett, "Lone Red" Barrorick Redfield

Each of them was a headache for them back then.

Damn it!

Which bastard persuaded them to come? !

On the battlefield, many people noticed the two damaged pirate ships attacking from a distance.

The high-level officers stopped fighting, and the ordinary pirates and navy also stopped their actions and observed the enemy vigilantly.

Xia Qi put her hands on her hips and looked down.

Sengoku's face was gloomy.

Kong's expression was not much better.

During the period when these legendary pirates were active, Kong was only the admiral of the navy.

"Sengoku, you stop them, I will ask them to take action!"

Marshal Kong made a prompt decision.

The current situation is no longer something the navy can deal with.

As for the "them" mentioned by Marshal Kong, they are naturally the three guards of the Celestial Dragons.

If Sengoku goes to ask, these three guys will most likely ignore it.

Maybe they will run away with the Celestial Dragons.

After all, in their eyes, these inferior creatures are not as important as the lives of their own people.

Even if these people are dogs working for them!

Sengoku nodded in agreement.

Marshal Kong jumped back to the platform and passed by Garp.

"Go help Sengoku!"

Garp paused.

Marshal Sora didn't even look back and continued to walk towards the three Celestial Dragons.

Ace and Rayleigh looked at Garp.

Garp clenched his fist.

"Sengoku, hand over Rayleigh and we'll leave Marinford!"

Xia Qi said bluntly.

"Justice cannot be trampled on, pirates!"

Sengoku was unwavering.

He couldn't admit defeat.

The navy must not lose either!

Hearing this, Xia Qi sneered twice.

But before she could say anything, a blade of energy slashed across another ship, and Blackbeard's face changed slightly.

Suddenly, countless bundles of white threads wrapped around the ship, and the blade energy cut through several layers of white thread shields, just a little bit short of hitting the ship.

Doflamingo laughed strangely and retracted the thread.

It seemed that he easily caught Whitebeard's angry attack.

But in fact, if he hadn't chosen to awaken the fruit at the first time, with his level, he wouldn't even know how he died.


Whitebeard's roar followed.

"Hey, hey, hey, old man, don't be so angry, okay?"

Blackbeard grinned at the surprised eyes of his new subordinates.

He couldn't let these guys know his real purpose.

However, the navy is a bunch of trash.

Even the old father, after such a long time, still can't be taken down?

Blackbeard muttered in his heart.

He was ready to wait for an opportunity. In the past, for the Dark-Dark Fruit, he could lurk in the Whitebeard Pirates for decades.

Now for the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, why not lie dormant for a while?

But Tichi obviously underestimated Whitebeard's emphasis on his family.

"Teach, you are not qualified to call me father, I will not admit that you are my son!"

Whitebeard scolded.

Hearing this, Teach's face darkened a little.

But he did not choose to refute, and kept a sinister smile on his face.

"Dad, if you kill me now, Ace will not be saved!"

Blackbeard pointed out the core of the problem.

If they kill each other, it will only benefit the navy in vain.

At that time, even if Dad kills him, not only will Ace not be saved, but he may also be involved.

"Whitebeard, saving people is important!"

"After the person is rescued, you can do whatever you want to him!"

Shaqi advised.

"That's right, Whitebeard, stop first and give me face."

The purpose of Shanks's coming is to save his former vice-captain.

He naturally stands on Shaqi's side.

Whitebeard did not speak.

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