Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 172: The Battle of Marineford (VI)

"Whitebeard, stop whining."

"After I finish fighting in the navy, I'll give you Blackbeard's head!"

Everyone's eyes shifted, and after seeing who was coming clearly, their eyes showed surprise.

The speaker was a criminal standing on Blackbeard's ship.

Aren't they in the same group?

Douglas is gearing up.

If it weren't for Roger's sake, he wouldn't care about all this mess and just start fighting!

Let the scene be more noisy!

Douglas was once Roger's "crew" and a challenger who wanted to surpass Roger.

Although he is cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, it depends on how well the Roger Pirates took care of him back then.

Saving Rayleigh was an easy matter.

When Blackbeard heard this, his face froze.

No, man.

Do you remember who rescued you?

Is this how you repay your benefactor?

Oh, right.

You are a pirate and so am I.

That's okay.

"You kid who doesn't know how high the sky is, this is my family matter and no outsiders need to interfere!"

Hearing this, Xia Qi thought that the matter was going to fall apart today.

But then, he saw Whitebeard dragging his naginata forward.

Cong Yunqie drew a deep mark on the ground.

"Tikki, Ace saved you!"

Whitebeard said so.

Tikki forced a smile.

"Navy's magma brat, come again!"

Raising his hand, he slashed with the knife, and the house was cut into a smooth plane.

The pirates on the ship jumped off.

They either smiled ferociously, were delighted, or stared at the navy with hatred.

If you can escape from a ghost place like Impel Down City, after you come out, of course you have to thank these "righteous navy"!

The Whitebeard Pirates, the Red-Haired Pirates, the former Roger Pirates, and the big pirates on the sixth floor of Impel Down

This is a tough battle!

"Big Buddha Impact!"

Warring States jumped, and the nearly 100-meter-high Buddha statue hit the ground like a meteorite falling from the sky.

His target was the group of big pirates in Impel Down City.

Redfield put his hands on the handle of his umbrella sword. He didn't pay attention to the oncoming giant Buddha at all. He stood proudly, his broken red cloak fluttering in the wind.

Douglas looked up, his expression excited.

Yes, that’s it!

He kicked off his legs hard and collided head-on with the 100-meter Giant Buddha of the Warring States Period.

Make a fist, pump a fist!

The flowing armed domineering energy envelopes the fist, and the fierce and domineering iron fist is enough to sink the island.

In the original future, Douglas' armed haki once knocked Luffy's fourth-level snake man back to its original form with one punch.

After that, he pressed the Empress, Luo, Crocodile, Sabo and other fierce people and beat them violently.

This guy is not weaker than the four emperors on the sea in terms of strength.

If you use the fruit's ability, Douglas will be even more difficult to deal with than the Yonko!


The two fists collided, and countless air currents burst out. The atmosphere seemed to be broken due to this, golden light and white light intertwined, and the explosive power was vented wantonly.

"This is fighting!"

Douglas said enthusiastically.

There was a fistfight, the golden light of the Buddha shone, and the two giants, one big and one small, kept confronting each other.

the other side.

Whitebeard's punches became more and more fierce, tearing apart space as easily as drinking alcohol.

The power of vibration continued to expand, and Sakaski's magma fist continued to explode.

This old guy really doesn't want his life!

Whitebeard was already suffering from diseases, and medical treatment no longer worked for him.

Only rest can extend his life.

But like today, he looks like a crazy demon, beats a mad dragon with his fists, and beats Akainu under pressure.

He was just gambling with his life.

After today's fight, even if Ace was rescued, he probably wouldn't be alive for a few more days.

There is a word to say, look back and shine again!

This is the most suitable explanation for Whitebeard's power over the general.

Suddenly, a sword energy shot straight into the sky, tearing the sky apart.

Kizaru's face was pale, he suffered a stab wound on his abdomen, and the light particles dissipated.

He had obviously escaped quickly enough.

But the enemy's sword is faster than light!

Redfield, who was already showing his age, raised his umbrella sword. The old man chuckled and moved gracefully.

"You're running pretty fast, boy. Where's the Garp?"

Kizaru's forehead was sweating.

The sense of danger this old guy brought to him was like a needle pricking his brain, making his scalp numb.

Is this the enemy the Warring States Marshal and Mr. Garp once faced?

So scary~

The hawk's eyes are intense.

The great swordsman he had never seen before made the black sword behind him feel ready to move.

But Hawkeye didn't choose to help.

The agreement reached between the Shichibukai and the Navy.

When a third party other than Whitebeard appears, the Shichibukai will automatically give up the mission and withdraw from the battlefield.

This was the agreement reached at the beginning.

Moreover, the pirate situation is very good now.

As long as he keeps fighting, Shanks can save the people he wants to save.

Bear with me, Black Knife.

There are still many opportunities in the future!

Hawkeye didn't know if he was comforting his weapon or himself.

On the ice, the situation became even more intense.

Cold air came out of Qing Pheasant's hands.

But this time it was not to heal himself, but to freeze the wounds on his body.

This extreme behavior will definitely leave frostbite after the war.

However, it can guarantee his fighting level at this time.

The ice was freezing, and the numbing coldness stimulated Qingzhi's spirit, allowing him to keep a calm mind.

Jabba takes advantage of the victory and pursues it.

As the number three member of the Roger Pirates, and with the cooperation of several veteran crew members, he can easily deal with a naval admiral!

"Where's the support? Where's our support!"

"No more! Everyone is here!"

A lieutenant general shouted back.

He felt that his sword was about to cut into the curling edge, but this battle still did not end!

It's like a big meat grinder, people are dying all the time.

Life has become the most worthless bargain on the battlefield.

"Kerby, are you okay? Stand up quickly!"

"Careful, Kirby!"

Ancestor Oda, a certain pink-haired dwarf fell to his knees, holding his hands on the ground, sweating profusely.

He "saw" and felt the death of people and the desperate struggle of navy and pirates.

Endless fear surged into his heart, and Kebi's heart was occupied by negative emotions.

He is afraid!

This shouldn't be like this, they shouldn't be like this!

We cannot fight.

Because this battle is completely meaningless!

Kebi kept repeating this meaningless thought in his heart, seeming to comfort himself and strengthen his inner thoughts.

But this is a battlefield!

Time waits for no one, and pirates will not wait for a navy to have a chance to resist!

A pirate raised his machete high and stabbed Kirby's back vertically, trying to penetrate his heart directly.

He didn't wait for Kebi to react.



Kirby was startled.

He was pushed to the ground.

Kebi subconsciously pushed the person on him away, and Kebi was shocked to find that it was his commander.

An ordinary Marine corporal.

The corporal's face was sallow, blood was gurgling from his abdomen, and he still held a flintlock gun tightly in his hand.

On the other side, lying on the ground was the body of the pirate who wanted to attack Kebi.

Is he going to die?

Yes, he is going to die.

In order to save his subordinates, the corporal jumped over regardless of the danger.

Then he blocked a fatal knife for his dazed subordinate.


Kirby was in a panic.

The corporal seemed to want to speak, but the wound on his abdomen was too large, and his internal organs and intestines were writhing and exposed to the air.

The blood kept flowing, and the corporal felt that his brain was a little dizzy, and the scene in front of him was a little blurry.

He is an ordinary Marine corporal.

I am over forty years old, and my strength has not improved much. I have accumulated it through time and a little bit of luck.

Logically speaking, he might be transferred to the branch and return to his hometown when he is old enough.

Become a branch commander and devote your last efforts to training the next generation of the Navy.

But now, for the sake of the younger generation of the Navy.

His residual heat was unleashed in advance

"Sir, are you...are you okay? Wait, I'm going to find a doctor!"

"I'm going to find a doctor to save you!"

Kirby was at a loss.

The corporal's pupils were dilated.

He raised his hand slightly, not knowing where he was looking.

"For. Justice."

Word by word.

Every word is bloody.

The corporal's hand dropped.

Kebi hugged the officer blankly.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this.

Nothing should be like this!

Kirby's heart was roaring.

But from the outside, he just knelt there blankly.

Motionless, like a corpse.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came.

Is it a pirate?

Kirby's ears twitched.

No, I don’t want to fight!

Stop fighting!

Can everyone please stop?

Yes, this guy, after the chief died.

The first thing was not to avenge his commander, but to stop everyone from fighting.

This is the "Justice Navy", the successor of the naval hero in the original timeline.

The great deserter king, Kebi!

The tall figure stood behind Kebi.

"Get out of my way, kid."

The man's voice seemed very rude.

Kebi's body shook subconsciously.

But he did not make way for the man as he said.

The man bowed his head.

Staring at the pink-haired dwarf.

He didn't say anything more. With a tap of his finger, green light spots fell into the corporal's body.

Then, an incredible scene occurred.

The corporal's pierced abdomen seemed to go back in time. The blood flowed back, the internal organs recovered, and his face gradually turned rosy.

Horse Talisman is such an unreasonable existence.

The level of the twelve talismans seems to be very high.

In this world except for the physical body and Devil Fruit, the power of these animal friends seems to be recognized by the world as the devil's will inhabiting the fruit.

The corporal coughed violently.

Kirby didn't react at first.

But when the corporal suddenly grabbed his hand, Kerby was startled as if he had woken up from a dream.

"Sir, are you still alive?!"

The corporal was also confused.

He remembered that he had already passed out just now, so how could he wake up again without any injuries on his body?

"Well done. After this battle is over, come to my Beihai report!"

The man ordered.

The corporal was stunned and looked up. The muscular man grinned at him.

"Sir, I."

The corporal also wanted to ask how he was saved.

"Hide somewhere, I will put an end to this."

The man waved his hand, turned around, and walked to the center of the battlefield.

The broad back, the tense body, the surging fighting spirit.

With every step, the ground seemed to collapse a little, and the space seemed to be thicker.

The corporal recognized who he was.

The genius of the branch who has recently caused a storm on the sea, the North Sea monster who destroyed the supernova and arrested Pluto Rayleigh, the navy Luke!

At this time, it seems that he realized that the man in front of him is a big shot.

Coby suddenly shouted:

"Sir! Can you help me?"

Luke stopped.

This deserter king, what do you want to do with him?

Now the battle situation is so intense that the navy and the pirates are almost beaten out of their brains. This guy can't still think about peace talks between the two sides, right?

After seeing Luke stop, Coby hesitated.

Then, the first awakening of the observation Haki once again transmitted the cruel scenes on the battlefield into his brain.

That's right, we can't fight anymore!

They can't fight anymore!

Coby covered his head.

"Sir, we can't fight anymore, this battle is meaningless!"

"Stop, everyone, stop it!"

Maybe Coby had a brain seizure, or maybe it was destined by fate.

Coby shouted this sentence loudly despite a headache.

The deserter king may be late, but he will never be absent.

After saying this, Coby gasped heavily, with snot and tears.

If you don't know, you would think he did something big!

The corporal sitting on the ground was stunned.

Then, anger suddenly rushed to his heart, and his face was flushed.

"Asshole! What are you talking about?!"

The corporal was furious.

The complex emotions in his heart are hard to describe. The new generation of the navy that he saved at the risk of his life is this kind of beast? !

No, he doesn't deserve to be called the navy!

Shake the morale of the army and persuade the superior to surrender

No matter when it is placed, such a rebellious act should be punished by death!

"Sir, we can't fight anymore, really, we can't fight anymore."

Facing the corporal's anger, Coby didn't understand why, but he continued to persuade him.

But before he finished speaking, Luke's figure flashed.

The corporal's eyes blurred.

Then, the turbulent air rushed straight to the sky, and the flying sand blocked his sight.

When he opened his eyes again, Coby had disappeared.

Luke pulled the corporal up with a big hand, and the bright red blood stuck to his body.

The corporal stood up.

There were fingerprints made of blood on his cuffs.

Witnessing the bloodstains, the corporal was ashamed.

This was the soldier he brought out, but he did something that any navy would be ashamed of.

"For justice, corporal."

Luke's voice was dull, but it was like thunder hitting a drum, hitting the corporal's heart heavily.

When the corporal looked up again, Luke's figure had disappeared.

Picking up the flintlock, Coby's hat fell with the wind.


A gunshot.

The hat was pierced.

On the battlefield, many people noticed Luke's behavior.

But they didn't care too much.

It was just dealing with a traitor, what was there to care about?

At most, it was just a joke.

The Navy was a bunch of spineless people, and they were already on the battlefield, but there was still such a weird deserter.

Buddha's light, domineering, ice, magma, laser, became weaker and weaker.

The battle was fierce, and the Navy couldn't hold on.

"Navy boy, the sky is not the place for you!"

Phoenix Marco flapped his wings.

The Navy boy in front of him didn't go to the battle, but chose to use the moon step to step high in the sky to watch the show.

Marco dived, the blue flame burned, and the flame wings accelerated.

Then, bang!

With a heavy blow, the Phoenix fell.


"Are you okay, Captain?!"

"Go catch him!"

Luke had a blank expression.

Raise your hand, this is the final curtain!

The war on the top, let it end here!

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