How can I describe this chapter?

I was exhausted from writing it.

I was stuck in the middle of writing and I wondered if I had lost the ability to write a book.

The advice from the boss, the direction of the story, and the extremely chaotic schedule.

I don’t know what to say anymore.

A few days ago, I couldn’t even reply to the messages from my good brothers.

But all this is gone.

This chapter started high and ended low.

It’s a skill that I learned recently and sold it. It’s a typical case of a fool pretending to be smart, but being smart is outsmarted.

I’m a fool, how can I learn it just by listening.

In summary, the ending was too hasty.

I analyzed two reasons.

First, it’s because I can’t grasp the writing of the group portrait. In the war at the top, the other people were separated from the protagonist.

It also led to the seemingly fierce fighting, but in fact, the protagonist had nothing to do at all.

Second, the length of the chapter was not well grasped. The writing of One Piece was too dragged out, almost catching up with Under One Person, with nearly 60 chapters.

In the final war on the top, others finished it in three chapters.

I finished it in six chapters.

It was still a hasty ending, and the boss was speechless.

However, the boss still loved me and told me at the end.

Let me write two short volumes to condense the plot, short! Concise! Detailed!

Finally, thank all the readers for their support!

Thank you very much!!! ○| ̄|_

Luke's journey is not over yet, and what comes to us next is.

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