Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 176 Cancerous Universe, Desperate Spiritual Pollution

"Batman, I don't do anything illegal anymore."

The newcomer opened his eyes helplessly.

It seemed that he had gotten used to being kidnapped to a secluded place.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the newcomer saw a group of demons and monsters surrounding him, with malicious expressions.

But he was not scared.

"A slight amount of fear gas, this is not Batman's style."

The newcomer was calm and composed.

Then, he was slapped on the head.

The newcomer felt pain and covered his head, without waiting to question what these lunatics in Gotham wanted to do.

A large amount of memories and abilities poured into his mind.

The newcomer's eyes were scattered, immersed in the tide of memories.

The psychiatrist had a blank expression.

We are all Luke, you are acting like a villain behind the scenes, you really forgot your true nature, right?

You can lie to your brothers, but don't lie to yourself.

The next moment.

The psychiatrist felt a weight on his shoulders.

Turning his head, he saw Luke and others put their hands on his shoulders.

Come on, kid, it's time to share memories.

The Lukes' eyes revealed their impatience.

"Wow, doctor, you have a patient."

After receiving the memory, the student Luke said without hesitation.

"I think you need treatment first."

The psychiatrist sneered.

The student has been a little bit arrogant recently. I don't know who he learned this little lousy colloquialism from.

"No, I think I'm normal."

"And I think he really needs treatment."

The student pointed to a Gotham BOSS.

The big man Luke from Gotham answered calmly.

"In Gotham, I'm already a normal person."

"At least, I treat the bottom employees with two days off a week, paid vacation, and support medical insurance."

Hearing this, the Lukes couldn't help but take a breath.

Let alone Gotham, this treatment is in the previous life

Hiss! This kid is so scary!

"Oh no, now I really can't tell who is the people's entrepreneur."

The student slapped his thigh.

Gotham Luke smiled but didn't say anything.

His experience is not complicated.

Landed in an alley to get the first pot of gold in life.

Then, according to the stock market turmoil caused by the death of the Wayne couple, borrowed chickens to lay eggs, so as to quickly expand his capital.

Later, Big Boss Luke was worried that he might attract the attention of Owl if he took the right path.

Targeting the dark side of Gotham, he took down several second- and third-tier super villains while the timeline was still early, and plunged into the underground world.

With his keen business sense and the courage of his subordinates.

Big Boss Luke quickly occupied a place in the underground world of Gotham.

Now, Big Boss Luke, who has guns and money, is on the road to transformation.

How can a super villain in Gotham really go all the way to the dark.

Half black and half white, integrating into the ecology of this city is the right way to survive in Gotham.

He is also an ordinary black boss without any superpowers, and he can do the best.

Thinking of the future Iron Man, Demigod, and Yuan Hua, Big Boss Luke is very headache.

But now, feel the power filled in the body.

The smile on Big Boss Luke's face is more obvious.

It looked even more evil.

The student poked the psychiatrist, are you sure you don't need to treat Big Boss Luke's brain?

The psychiatrist rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention.

The figure gradually turned into mist and dissipated in the misty space.

If the newcomer has anything to say, just talk to others.

He has reached a critical moment, and whether he can get out of the cancerous universe depends on this step.

The misty space is rolling, deep and mysterious, and a light rustling sound can be heard faintly.

It's Luke and others communicating.

Cancer Universe, that is, Earth-10011.

New York City, once a prosperous city known as the world's financial core.

Now it is dilapidated.

The streets are narrow and muddy, with garbage everywhere and a disgusting smell.

The buildings are old and rotten, and the walls are peeling, revealing mottled bricks and stones.

It's hard to believe that there are still living people surviving in this place.

However, although there are not many living people.

But non-human ones can be seen everywhere.

Tentacle monsters with mouthparts, crawling swollen meat worms, corrosive creatures with sharp teeth and claws, greedily occupy the remaining civilization of human beings.

In the depths of the dark universe, indescribable horror quietly spreads, and twisted shadows crawl like living things, gradually engulfing the entire universe.

This is a crazy world.

There are no superheroes, no super villains, only a group of crazy things eroded by the power of the multi-cornered.

And the multi-cornered are the old masters officially recorded by Marvel.

Not long ago, this universe was still normal.

The Avengers, the Marvel Four, and the X-Men are active all over the world, doing what they should do.

This world can even be regarded as a mirror world of the main Marvel universe 616 universe.

But until that day comes.

Everything has changed!

That day, the first generation of Marvel Captain Marvel suffered from cancer and lay on the bed with his life coming to an end.

Before his death, the "trauma" caused by the transference caused by countless people mourning and regretting him was so huge that it attracted the multi-cornered to look back.

Marvel, who failed to resist the temptation of eternal life, was successfully corrupted and parasitized by the Polyhedron.

He held his comrades' hands in front of the bed, smiled, and "shared" the blessings of the ancient gods with them.

Since then, the 10011 universe has fallen into the abyss of chaos.

The Avengers became the Vendetta Alliance, the Fantastic Four became the Sweet Four, and Galactus's head was transformed into the Galactus Engine.

Up to now, Marvell has sacrificed the death incarnation of this universe by holding an "autopsy" ceremony some time ago.

If Luke had not been blessed by the mist space, I'm afraid he would have been infected by the polyhedron and become indescribable.

Titan Base.

Luke stood up and put on a white coat.

He is indeed a psychiatrist, but after the invasion of the polyhedron, he was forced to change his subject.

The current main direction is mechanics.

Dong, Dong, Dong.

The doorbell rang.

"Mr. Luke, are you awake?"

A cordial greeting came from the access control system.

"Jocasta, who is injured again?"

Luke's pupils unlocked and the door slowly opened.

Standing in front of the door is a plump female robot.

She is Ultron's "wife" created by the Wasp's brain waves.

However, Jocasta, who inherited the Wasp's sense of justice, betrayed her "husband" and joined the Avengers after working for Ultron for only a few days.

The mental pollution of the polyhedron has no effect on robots.

In the entire 10011 universe, there are only robots like them and Luke, a human, who are still resisting underground.

Jocasta shook his head.

"Your prophecy has come true. They are here."

Luke was stunned.

Are they finally here?

He nodded.

"Take me to see them."

Jocasta readily agreed.

Luke has a special status in the machine resistance organization. He is the only surviving human in the 10011 universe, a prophet with precognitive abilities, and a crazy psychiatrist (crossed out)

But no matter what, the robots in the Titan base trust him as much as Vision, the leader of the machine resistance organization.

Base control room.

The overall synaptic anti-anion computer is telling visitors from another universe about the disaster that happened in the 10011 universe.

The green machine face is projected on the screen, and the purple potato head sitting on the control bar seat is printed with a green light.

"You mean, he needs to kill an immortal universe?"

Star-Lord asked.

The overall synaptic anti-anion computer nodded.

Purple potato head sat on the chair and stared at the green mechanical face.

Before Star-Lord answered, Drax on the side rushed to curse.

"You are an idiot, Quill, you don't even know what he is doing!"

"He is an expert in this area, Drax, let him do it."

Star-Lord shrugged.

"Quill, let me do it, this is what I am destined to do, otherwise it will be too late!"

Unlike the silly Drax in the movie universe, Drax in the comic universe has a much more irritable temper.

Moreover, Drax in this universe personally killed Thanos by piercing his chest and digging out his heart.

Star-Lord stopped him from disturbing Thanos, and the two of them kept cursing.

Purple Potato Head sitting on the chair ignored Drax's rude remarks.

Thanos, who had gone through countless hardships and dangers, had now become a passionate mad dog who loved death.

Nothing could attract his attention except death or things related to death.

"What did you find?"

Gamora asked.

"An unexpected symmetry, Gamora."

Thanos had a blank expression.

Since arriving in this world, his state and mood have been quite bad.

The death of this universe was killed.

As the messenger of death, he entered the cancerous universe where the order of life and death was broken, and naturally felt indescribable discomfort.

Vomiting, nausea, weakness

Layers of negative BUFFs were added to the body. If it weren't for Thanos' strong physique, he would have endured such things.

If it were a second- or third-tier superhero, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to walk.

At this time, Star-Lord and Drax, who were arguing more and more fiercely, also attracted Thanos' attention.

Although it was true that the two sides had some hatred before.

However, facing the great crisis of the survival of the universe,

Even though he killed Drax's family before, Drax killed him again later.

The two of them owed nothing to each other, so why would Drax want to fight him so much now?

Thinking of a possibility, Thanos' eyes flickered.

"Thanos, you inhumane demon! I will never agree to let you"

Drax's tone was very excited.

Star-Lord held Drax helplessly, and Vision and other robots remained silent.

Vision was actually quite familiar with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

When Mr. Stark was still there, the two sides had reached a relevant agreement on cooperation.

But that was an agreement between the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers of this universe.

Star-Lord, Drax, and Thanos in front of him now.

Although they were familiar people to Vision, they were not friends they knew after all.

Just when the two sides were about to clash, the hatch opened.

The movements of several people froze.


Still alive? !

Drax subconsciously stopped.

He could feel that the person in front of him was indeed a life in this universe.

And it is life in the true sense!

There is birth, old age, illness and death, one’s own personality and wisdom, and an unpolluted soul.

But, it shouldn’t be!

According to revelation, all organic life in this universe has been transformed into polyhedral dependents!


Vision coughed.

Awakening everyone from their sluggish state.


Star-Lord subconsciously raised his gun and took aim.

Rocket Raccoon and his good brother Quill were almost in sync, aiming their guns together.

The difference is that Quill is holding his own small pistol.

Rocket Raccoon, on the other hand, is carrying an Excellence-class machine gun that is larger than his own body!

Meanwhile, Mantis and Cosmo are ready to use their psychic powers.

"No, no, guests, please put your guns down."

Vision hurried forward and blocked Luke with his body.

At the same time, the soul gem on his forehead shone with a different kind of light.

Star-Lord and Thanos looked at each other, and Thanos pressed down with his empty hand.

He signaled not to do anything yet.

"Okay, Vision, I think you should give us a reasonable explanation."

"After all, in this universe, you understand what I mean."

Star-Lord put his gun away.

Rocket Raccoon hesitated, then just lowered the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at the floor.

His gun is huge.

It's a bit troublesome to take it out from behind and then take it back, so it's better to hold it in your hand first.

What if the two sides really want to fight?

He and Quill have cooperated in the universe for so many years, and it is common for cooperation to have changes.

Everyone is used to it.

Vision nodded.

"This was my mistake and I sincerely apologize to you."

"Mr. Luke is the only survivor we saved in New York, Earth."

Guardians of the Galaxy cannot be denied.

"At the same time, he is also the only organic life form in this universe that currently survives and remains sane."

Upon hearing this, Thanos frowned.

Although others may not be able to tell whether he is frowning or not.

If others don't know how powerful the polyhedron's mental pollution is, how can he, who has experienced it personally, not know it?

Star-Lord clicked his tongue.

I don't know whether to express surprise or ridicule.

"Although I also know how unbelievable this thing is, it is a fact."

"Star-Lord, it is because of Mr. Luke's existence that we can gather at Titan Base to form a machine resistance organization."

Vision continued to explain.

"Wait a minute, how are you sure he's not pretending to be one of those tainted guys?"

Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but ask.

It's not like they haven't seen contaminated superheroes before.

When they first landed, the Avengers they dealt with were now the Vendetta Alliance, although their appearance was slightly distorted.

But it can be seen that these guys still have brains.

It’s just that my brain doesn’t work as well as it used to.

Could the Luke in front of him be some kind of contaminated life form that had deformed its appearance and disguised itself as a normal person to sneak in?

Rocket Raccoon is skeptical.

After all, a lunatic of Thanos's level could barely resist the mental pollution of the polyhedron if it weren't for the help of death.

And how could an ordinary-looking human doctor in front of him be able to do this? !

"I can use my life as a guarantee that Dr. Luke is the only human being in the world who can avoid mental pollution!"

Vision said firmly.

Seeing that this "strange" old friend was so sure, the Guardians of the Galaxy looked at each other.

Star-Lord: Do you want to believe it?

Drax: I believe it!

Rocket Raccoon: To be investigated

Mantis: My psychic energy tells me that everything he said is true!

"Yes, everything Vision said is true."

That's it, Mantis, you told yourself earlier


Mantis pointed innocently at her mouth, indicating that she had not made any sound.

Several people turned their heads and saw a certain doctor smiling, which looked quite scary.

"Can you read minds?"

Star-Lord doesn't mince words.

Luke nodded first, then shook his head.

"I can achieve an effect similar to mind reading, but only if the other party doesn't resist."

"Then why."

"It's just that your thoughts are too guessing."

Luke explained.

But Star-Lord didn't believe it even more.

Before I even finished speaking, you continued to answer. Did you trick me into thinking I was Drax?

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