Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 177 616 The savior of the universe, Thanos, dies? !

"What's more, your target shouldn't be me."

With that said, Luke patted Vision on the shoulder.

Man, stop being so nervous and take it easy.

"Thanos, are you willing to allow polyhedrons who have been driven out of the physical world by death to defy death's decision?"

Luke opened his eyes and told lies.

It’s true that Thanos is the ultimate sucker for death.

But perhaps due to mental pollution, his love for death has been unknowingly twisted into a deformed love.

However, what Thanos wants to do has nothing to do with him.

Luke's only purpose is to escape from this shitty 10011 universe.


Thanos, who has experienced several major events, immediately noticed the smell of fate in Luke.

"Thanos, do you want to know the origin of the mutation in this world?"

Thanos remained silent.

He stood up, his huge body filled with surging strength, staring at the seemingly thin man.

The man's hair was messy, and his white coat was stained with oil stains.

He looks like a mechanic obsessed with fixing things, not the "psychiatrist" on his badge.

The Guardians of the Galaxy cheered up. Could it be that this overlord of the universe who cultivates his moral character wants to take action here?

Drax clenched the gun in his hand, ready to blast Thanos away with one shot at any time.

do not know why.

Ever since Drax came to this universe, his murderous intention towards Thanos has been increasing day by day.

But to Drax's disappointment, after pondering for a moment, Thanos spoke.

"Can you tell me about it? I'm very interested."

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's fine if there's no fight.

The environment in this universe is too dangerous. If you go out now, you may encounter infected people who stay in this universe.

By then, Thanos may not die, but their Silver Guardians may not.

"The origin of everything comes from the first generation of Captain Marvel, Marvel"

Luke talked about the origin of the mutation, and Vision also projected the video record of the time.

Marvel's deathbed rebellion pulled the entire world's superheroes and supervillains into the abyss of corruption.

They join forces to sacrifice this embodiment of cosmic death.

From now on, life is eternal.

Marvel becomes the mortal agent of the Polyhedron, the embodiment of life on Earth 10011.

But this eternity of life actually has limits.

Once you leave Earth 10011, life eternity will lose its due effect.

Marvel, who has realized the mystery of immortality, is naturally unwilling to accept this result.

He learned from the ancient gods that all he had to do was sacrifice the death incarnation of the 616 main universe to the Polygon.

At that time, even the life court's personal visit will not be able to hurt him in the slightest!

Of course, the above is purely nonsense about polyhedrons.

Not to mention the court of life, it is just a single death.

If her true form comes, with a big bag, she can fan the polyhedral body from east to west, north, south, and center.

This time, they only bully "village people" like Marvell who have never seen the world.

Of course, Luke wouldn't tell Thanos this.

He was also counting on Thanos and Marvel falling in love to stall for time.

“‘Autopsy’ must be turned upside down!”

Thanos put his hands on the table and glanced back and forth at the display screen.

Vision collected a lot of secret information and made a very detailed analysis of the polygons.

Even in a desperate situation, as a superhero, he is still looking for opportunities to make a comeback.

"This is also the common conclusion of the Machine Resistance Group."

Luke crossed his arms over his chest.

"However, according to our calculations, this unimaginable feat is only possible for you."

"Does it have to be him? I don't think I'd be worse than a demon!"

Drax was still nitpicking.

"Of course, it has to be the same as what was originally used."

Luke answered.

The ritual sacrifice is the personification of death.

Therefore, only the incarnation of death, or death himself, can reverse the autopsy.

"Luckily I'm here."

Thanos muttered.

"Transporting you to the location of the autopsy will also be a challenge. Rest assured, we have a way to retrieve you."

Luke spread his hands.

As long as Thanos reverses the sacrificial ritual and restores the order of life and death in the cancerous universe, the eternal life granted by the polyhedron will naturally become ineffective.

Once the cancerous monster loses its eternal aura and is left with only a decayed and broken body, Rocket Raccoon can carry a big gun and kill an Avenger with one shot.

When the time comes, Thanos will be able to fight from the bridge of the airship to the stern alone and force his way out.

These Thanos also understand in their hearts.

But what if the plan fails.

Thanos let go of the control panel, and the dim control room made it difficult to see his face clearly.

"No, I think we can definitely come up with a better way!"

"We can't stay here, Quill."

"Drax, if this is meant to be, we have no choice."

Star-Lord tried to calm Drax, though with little success.

"Quil, you are an idiot. Have you forgotten what he did to us?!"

Drax opened his mouth wide and cursed unceremoniously.

"He'll ruin it all!"

Seeing Drax still cursing here, Thanos was also a little annoyed.

"Listen, Drax!"

"We don't have a few hours left. If you can come up with a better solution, just say it!"

"If not, idiot, shut up! Don't waste time here!"

Thanos's anger was provoked.

Drax was furious when he heard this.

He raised his gun and pressed it against Thanos' chest.

"Do you want to fight me, Drax?"

Thanos asked.

"Of course, demon!"

The answer to Thanos was a bomb from Drax!

Thanos got what he wanted and was blown away by Drax's cannon, knocking down the wall and shattering the circuit equipment.

The Guardians of the Galaxy and the Machine Resistance were stunned on the spot.

The two moved so fast that Drax had already fired a cannon before they could react.

"Stop, Drax!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Thanos, are you okay?"

Vision was anxious.

He had been sleeping on straw and eating bitter food for so long, and was even willing to let his wife Wanda lurk in the polyhedron, just to find a chance to save the world one day.

Mantis and Cozmo immediately prepared to use their psychic powers to calm the two.

Gamora also drew out the big sword behind her and prepared to step forward to help.

I just don't know whether she will choose to chop her teammates or her adoptive father.

But at this moment, Drax stepped forward and took out the antimatter bomb from his arms.

With a snap, he slapped Thanos on the chest!

Thanos was half-kneeling on the ground with one hand covering his head and one hand supporting the wall.

Who would have thought that Drax would be so unambiguous that he would kill him as soon as he met him.

"Ahhhh, take this little thing away from me!"

A beam of light like lightning gathered in his chest, and destructive power continued to flow into Thanos' body.

Endless pain made Thanos couldn't help but cry out in pain.

But facing Thanos' "begging for mercy", Drax completely ignored it.

"Humph, you are the one wasting time, idiot!"

"Close your eyes, the explosion is coming."

Drax turned around and ran back.

Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone,

The incarnation of death in the 616 universe, the savior of Earth 10011, was reduced to ashes.

Oh, no, he was left with a huge skeleton.

It seems that the Titans are really strong enough.

Cosmo came forward and poked Thanos's skeleton with his claws.

Thanos, dead?

"Drax, idiot, look at what you did?!"

Star-Lord couldn't hold it anymore.

He had always wanted to appease Drax, maintain order within the team, and work together to save the world.

But now, the idiot has ruined everything!

This time, the 10011 universe can't be saved.

Their own universe is also involved!

"I did what I had to do, Quill, I destroyed him."

Drax's tone sounded a little complacent.

This idiot!

"Drax, only Thanos can fix this terrible universe!"

"Now, Drax, tell me, what should we do next?!"

"Do you have a plan?"

"You don't have a plan!"

Star-Lord was like an angry lion, his face flushed purple, his teeth clattering.

He was on the verge of losing control.

If Drax wasn't his comrade-in-arms, his teammate.

Star-Lord would definitely let him taste the feeling of a blaster piercing his brain from behind his ass!

"Oh, Quill, I have a plan!"

"I always have a plan, believe me, I've done this before!"

Drax was bragging.

For him, the feeling after killing Thanos.

It was no different from the refreshing feeling of drinking a glass of cold beer after a big battle.

The whole person's soul felt purified very thoroughly.

"My existence is to protect the universe, killing Thanos is my mission, Quill, you need to understand me."

Draco seemed very calm.

It might also be too happy, and he entered the sage mode in advance.

"Understand? I won't understand even if I die! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Thanos is our only trump card, and your biological orders will only destroy the future of everyone in our reality!"

Star-Lord grabbed Drax's collar, his chest heaving violently, as if it was about to explode.

He led the Guardians of the Galaxy and experienced many cosmic disasters, big and small.

But today was the only mission that Star-Lord could not accept the most.

Before the mission even started, he "died" at the hands of his teammates.

No, everyone, all the lives in the 616 universe.

All "died" at the hands of his good teammate Drax!

Back then, he sent away half of the universe with a slap, and now you are going to send away the entire universe with a bomb, right? !

"Quill! Quill! Calm down."

"I don't think Drax has much say in this!"

Mantis advised.

She learned the real reason why Drax was eager to kill Thanos through telepathy.

"I am in his mind now. He has been the embodiment of life since he was born."

Mantis put her hand on Star-Lord's shoulder, and her stable mental energy quickly calmed Star-Lord's irritable mood.

She waited until Star-Lord calmed down before continuing.

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